Add the telescopic sights

Type 99

Type 96

Everytime I shoot these two guns, I attempt to aim downsight. But then I remembered, I couldn’t see anything doing that, so I just hip-fire now, which is not fun. Even when I go prone and try to go to work, the sights are still a nuisance. If you don’t intend for the Type 96 and the Type 99 to be like this, please, add the 2.5x telescopic sights that came with the guns. Don’t worry Darkflow, this is not made up or fantasized, see here:


Edit: None of the stats on the guns change with this suggestion, only visibility.


Japan is chilling with the worst MGs and Sniper rifle in the game atm.
Any and all improvements are welcome.


I think the type 99 sniper isn’t all that bad tbh. The type 97 isn’t great but not bad.

Type 97 and 96 aren’t bad by any means of it.

Should would love the Telescopic sights.


Sure, why not? On the topic of telescopic sights, Japs could also get the Type 99 sniper rifle with a 4× scope.
EDIT: Was referring to the Type 99 sniper rifle.

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Tbh, telescopic sights for the Type 96 and 99 are a necessity. But after careful viewing of the Japanese MGs and Snipers compared to the other factions, it isn’t stacking up.

I am not sure that would fit on the Type 99. The Type 92 HMG had 4x sights on it, though.


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Excuse me, I meant the Type 99 sniper rifle. Nagoya produced ~8000 rifles with a 4× power telescopic sight.

Type 99 rifle with a 2.5× power telescopic sight
We have this one in game. Down to the exact variant as it is an early model (notice the monopod).

Type 99 rifle with a 4× power telescopic sight
We don’t have this one in game.


I agree with what you said, but when posting a large number of images, can you set the size to 50% or put in a “Spoiler” block?
This makes it easier for us to find the :heart: button.


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Interesting, hopefully this gets in the game.

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Yeah the Type 96 LMG used to have the scope, however the scope is different from other weapon scope as it is not straight. I made a post asking for at least a 2D overlay scope when the game was at version and they remove the scope mesh from the Type 96 LMG several versions later.


I guess it’s time they add it back correctly. What a great time to do it as well since the update is coming soon.

Have you used te type 96? That thing is crazy good.

Yes, but compared to a BAR A2, DT-29, MG 42 it is pretty lackluster. Great gun, just not as good as the others.

I prefer the 96 over the BAR all day

Over a BAR A2?


To each his own ig.

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