Japanese sniper rifles

while the type 97 sniper rifle has the 2.5 scope ,
type 99 sniper rifle has the 4x scope model but the magnification is the same as type 97

look at this coment

I disagree, i think we have the last one but with the same magnification as
the first one. :sweat_smile:

any reason ? :face_with_monocle:

I add this image


This is semi related to something I’ve been thinking about. Country specific scopes and reticles. A Soviet and German scope both have the same texture in game same for US and same for Japs. This is wrong. Hell just going from a Kar98 scope to a Gewehr 43 one you’ll see differences. Same for a Springfield scope vs an M1 Garand scope.

We should be able to upgrade them both physically and cosmetically

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that would be cool
reminds me Heroes n Generals

we should be able to chose different historical scopes for our rifles.
i dont want to see same rifle with different scope as a new weapon.

and yea historical reticles but we must admit that the japanese historical reticle is an awful one. :sweat_smile:

imagine now seeing through the tube with these marks.


Funny enough this is the same reticle style I was trained on and I have no idea where that short bastard of a QM found it at. I made the mistake of pissing off the head honcho and they dug deep for my “training” gear.

There used to be a joke I don’t remember the whole thing but something about giving an IJA guy a scope is like giving a a book to the blind. It wasn’t a racist one or anything just a combat effectiveness joke about their bonzai doctrine.

Jokes aside though we could also get sniper specific abilities like tree climbing or a camo sheet for building a nest to better make use of said scope enhancements. Remember the old Medal of Honor game where the Japs hid in the trees and in holes in the ground covered with leaves?

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yesssssssssss climbable trees.
that would be GREAT

And a first for any FPS honestly. I can’t recall one that’s had this as a set feature. Sure I’ve parkoured my way to more than a fair share of them but it’s not the same as just being able to scramble up Assassins Creed style

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imagine being able to jump off a tree with a katana in hand screaming banzai
dishonored style assasination

That one fever dream I had where we get climbing ropes and… why don’t we have a ranger/mountaineer/scout class to replace snipers in some parts of the TT?

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nah sniper is enough
rope is not necesary with the jump perk :smile: :rofl:

I was spoiled by Tenchus 3D level design as a kid lol how did that idea slip out

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cmon everybody
I KNOW IM RIGHT, dont let this thread die