Add the Me 262 to the game

Before the merge, Normandy was literally balanced on the concept that one side could be better on one of those things while the other would be better in the other, so long as both had options in either that were capable of killing the others thing. With the Ju 188 and the M4A1 76, it was balanced. So no, your statement is simply just wrong.


You just contradicted yourself in the same sentence…
My guy, Germany has a Tiger 2, which is literally invincible to incoming fire, can sit in a greyzone and spam HE without repercussions.


No, that was rethorical, unless you unironically want a Post war Tank fight a tiger II H like in WT? Since you guys claim the Superpershing is not enough?

Yes lets do this, bring the MAUS, IS3, O-I and T28/95 and lets see how WWII you want in this game

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No one claimed super pershing is not enough. In the current state of the game, adding it and the M20 would be sufficient for bringing the US on par with the other tier 5 trees.


Not to mention maybe you dont see the other plane until very late or you are engaged with multiples, requiring you to manuever.

This…there are those among us that will (and do) gladly trade some ordnance or fire power for performance

But anyway, Im for adding any and every ww 2 plane. Those of us that see a reason to fly something will, the rest can stick to their P-47s and “meta”

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I don’t trust any of the low level equipment and I only trust end game equipment and the Germans Didn’t even ask for the king tiger we’ve been asking for a belt fed MG but no they wanna keep adding more power creep to the game so they can justify adding more stupid things.

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I am a German main who was using the Lebel 1886 in Berlin and maxxed out that campaign with that squad being my only premium squad in Berlin. German gear is fully capable of doing well anywhere in their current state.

I’m fairly certain I could find some threads requesting the late variant of the Tiger 2 after the early version was released.

Germany doesn’t need one if they already have two 75 drum-mag LMGs with SMG-levels of recoil.

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You and I already have been through this song and dance and we both know our stances are not changing so there’s no point in continuing this conversation.

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Anyway here is a recap someone said that R4HL with 21 cm warhead which historically ME 262 carried would be better the other guy said No its not in warthunder then somebody else said OK lets stick with R4Ms the other guy said NO air to air wont do anything while 21 cm German rocket in game is air to air and in warthunder R4M act as HE rocket 600 gram of TNT 12 of those and you have 7200 kilogram of TNT but No its air to air so OK what about PB-2 on FW 190 F-8 well guess the answer NO those are heat rounds well as shown above heat rounds when shot toward hard cover and non-pennable surface will have splash damage and act like HE so there should be no reason why not add this a fighter with 14 rockets but no bombs still P47 will be better but PB-2 can both be anti tank and anti infantry and they have more than 1 kg of TNT which would cause a decent amount of splash damage when hitting hardcover

and that when this conversion would have ended but like greyparrots said

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The PB-2 doesn’t have more than 1kg of explosive mass. That was the argument of why it shouldn’t be added, because it wouldn’t be able to do any of the things you think it can, and thus people will go back to whining for German rockets in a few weeks, making this thing moot. It’s better that the devs simply not add something if it’s not going to be useful.

They so have more than 1 kg of explosive filler though, try looking the screenshot the guy above posted

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Explosive mass: 0.89 kg

Are you sure you have properly looked at the screenshot?

man really everything in the game we compare is in TNT brother stop this nonsense maybe you are the one who can’t read? TNT equivalent is more than 1 kilo


Also reminding you some basic physics Mass is, in physics, quantitative measure of inertia, a fundamental property of all matter . that means everything has mass that doese not mean how much explosion its gonna make

No, it’s explosive mass for splash damage, not TNT equivilant. TNT equivilant is what you would use when you want to blast through something, which is rendered moot by the HEAT warhead.

Damn brother you are as stubborn as it comes arent you Heat round in impact with hardcover do make splash damage and act like HE try any heat luncher if what you said is true

this shouldn’t happen


This is how it works in WT, and from what I understand these stats are identical in game save for the explosive mass stat, which is toned down on all of the rockets so that it’s not absolute hell for everyone. Explosive mass governs splash damage, while TNT equivalent governs overpressure.

Brother this is the stupidest sh*t I’ve ever heard TNT equivalent is how much explosion it’s gonna make based on TNT that means an explosion from 890g of PB-2s warhead mass is equal to 1 kilogram of TNT haha man this is so stupid god maybe you should stop playing US for a while and play Germany for once then maybe you wouldn’t be this brain rot though all of us are brain rot from playing enlisted but some more than other


What something means IRL means jack shit for game mechanics. There is a reason WT lists both of those numbers, and they each have a different function within the game. Explosive mass governs splash damage, TNT equivalent governs overpressure. If you have an issue with that, take it up with how WT is coded.

Also my last half dozen games have been Japan, so try again.

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