Add the F4U-1C Corsair

P-47 is bomber escort while a F4U-1C is a fighter-bomber

Because p-47 is attacker. Corsair is fighter. Meaning, if someone steals your attacker slot, you can still at least play corsair.

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Very logical thank you

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Well go tell that to the game dev then.

Btw with the Normandy landing and the advent of P-51 as the main US long range fighter, P-47 did perform a lot of CAS mission over Europe.

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I’ll tell you right now: they made the P-47 the top plane in the game because it was designed by a Russian-American. lol

That was designed by Kartveli at Seversky/Republic.

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Alright. I guess there’s nothing to see here. I should have looked a bit more carefully at the tech tree.

no it’s because of it’s payload

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it’s already in the editor

( wait, isn’t it the br v / iv in the tech tree? )

(First: Whether the Corsair is 5 and the Jug is 4 or vice versa is ultimately moot because they’re both in the top bracket.)

The superiority of an aircraft can’t be determined only by its payload like infantry weapons can. If they’ve modeled these right, the Jug should be able to absorb a lot of punishment and keep on flying, but since the skies are so sparse in this game, the durability would be ultimately moot. An enemy fighter doesn’t have anything else to do except for engage THE ONE ENEMY PLANE IN THE SKY and the Thunderbolt would suffer in these conditions.

On the subject of aircraft (since the suggestion is obviously not needed anymore)

Does the game have any modeling of performance for the different wing loadings? I’ve noticed that the P-51C with 100lb bombs can turn tighter than the P-51D with its 500lb bombs.

If they both drop their bombs, how will they perform in flight after?

Planes indeed get worse performance dependent on which loadout they use, but after you drop their pay load your performance (speed, turn time, climb rate, etc…) should improve.

“Should” or “does?”

I can’t confirm it 100% on every loadout like gun pods or rockets (I have no idea how well they’re modeled in), but it certainly does on bombs…

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Gentlemen, with all due respect, I would rather have my napalm on my Corsair before anything.

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I would be all for napalm bombs, but I think there would be “fairness” gripes

Expand on that.

Those fire bombs on Hellcat/Zero are useless, what the point of adding them to any other planes ?


Unironically, Napalm is weak for no reason. Can’t it be just one shot or something?

Because it is not Napalm, it’s just fuel that somehow artificially caught fire when the fuel tank hit the ground.

Do you really think that ignitors are not placed on them?