Add M3A1 Grease gun chambered in .30 carbine as a gold order weapon

p47 has usable AA capabilities. does it outperform fighters? no. but it doesnt have to cause most of the fights end up with who spots enemy first and who gets on their tail first. not to mention it is rather tanky and can kill enemies head on.

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I also play Germans. That’s why I know that the Germans are an easy win. Americans sweat sweat and more sweat. The Japs have a 500 kg (1,100 lb) bomb against the Jumbo. The Americans had a 500 lb (227 kg) bomb until the M26 came along.

Yes, you can shoot down a weak player in BF109 with it. You have no chance against an experienced pilot.

not true. i have taken down all kind of german CAS planes and fighter planes piloted by newbies and by veterans.

when 2 experienced players go against each other, first one who spots the other and can get behind others tail has overwhelming advantage. if you both spot each other at the same time and go head on against each other then it is a gamble.

If the BF 109 pilot is experienced, he knows that he is more agile. BF 109 is not a CAS but a fighter.

and that will help him exactly how when i am on his tail? bf109 and p47 have almost same turn times (second difference or ~5-10% in total)

Imagine making a suggestion for a nice and interesting gold order weapon just to be polluted by mains arguing over which faction suffers the most even though the only factor that determines the balance of this game is the player base shift.

As for the weapon, it seems an interesting BR2-3 Gold order SMG. The Thompson .30 cal has better Rof than the M3 30. cal but the later has 50% more ammo (at least according to the link if I am not mistaken). Imo it would be a interesting gun that is not locked behind an event like the Thompson


well that is forum in a nutshell. when making a suggestion you have to give to all factions so mains arent insulted.


If you get on his tail, he’s a bad pilot. It will help him by extending the battle flaps, he will start turning faster than you. If you turn around with him, he will eventually get on your tail.

I wrote back to you that it wouldn’t happen because the German players would start to complain. Look at what one bird writes when the Germans don’t have a 100 cartridge belt machine gun. In the past, there have been complaints of Jumbo and HVAR from German players. Can you imagine what they would start writing if the Americans got a better automatic weapon than they have? The forum would explode…

Interesting point of view because I did not see any german main complaining in this thread…

Sure the allies are struggling in high BR since the update, but I would like to remind that for the two month preceding the said update, playing top BR western allies was extremly easy, just like it was to play the germans when the merge dropped. That’s because equipment balance is mostly ok. Sure weapon X might be better than weapon Y and so on. But the main point is :

And once again, a gold order weapon suggestion (especially for a grease gun that would be at best BR 3) is not the place to complain about such things all the time.


Please, return talk about the m3a1 Grease gun chambered in .30, and stop go off topic

Cheer :+1:


Max speed is at optimal altitudes. At sea level, the F4U-1C does 578 and the D4Y1 does 518. Also you’re using MPH for the F4U and kph for the D4Y1, so of course the D4Y1 will sound faster.

I do like to give my pilots random special weapons; the .30 grease gun could be a good choice for a downed pilot. The improved velocity and range would give a lone soldier more versatility

The Allies won only because they had a faster point capture and cost less tickets to deploy them, so technically they had more tickets. People wrote on it that it was unfair, so they removed it. Today I played 20 games as an ally, won 2. I played 15 games as a German, won 14. I give up. I won’t play allies until they get better weapons.

Allies don’t need the fifteenth 3.0 weapon when the ones in the game are no longer being played.

It was for a time. But that was shattered by fixing the zoom on the sights on their weapons. America is S tier now.


Therefore, if I want to win for the Americans, it’s just sweat, right? And for Germans, it’s almost boring.

problem is not in weapons but in playerbase. when people stop grinding japanese like crazy, you will see allies coming back to play allies.

Players go where there are good weapons. The Japanese and Germans have good weapons, but not the Americans. The Americans need the T20E1 or similar weapon in the tech tree. No one will return to the 5.0 Americans unless they have similarly powerful weapons as the Germans.

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If the Americans get their toys you can say hello to German air superiority and more toys for Germany and when I mean air superiority I’m saying the same amount of rocket spam the allies do.