Add M3A1 Grease gun chambered in .30 carbine as a gold order weapon

I dont think we have JU288 maybe as bomber but not as a playable thing

I was mixing it up with another plane, He meant the JU 188

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  1. AP-1 is a bomber that has a maximum speed of 450 km/h. D4A1 has a maximum speed of 600 km/h
  2. Of course. Weapon accuracy is a skill.
  3. It’s still not balanced.
  4. I will not buy slots for a million planes. If I need two planes to play, it’s still not balanced.

Sure, I’ll get advice from an “experienced player” who will advise me to take the slow AP-1 bomber (450 km/h) for the fast D4Y1 bomber (601 km/h)

1: I can tell you flat out have never used the D4A1. Let me tell you what you see as the max speed, It will never hit that unless you dive, And fly very very low afterwards. It will often be around 350-450

2: It is when you fail to aim and use your weapon proper.

3: It flat out is. you will one day even get the Super Pershing but, I have a feeling you will still say it’s still not balanced.

4: You don’t need two planes, Just one. I’m pointing out that the P-38 is good at low B.R
P-47 is great at high b.r has a bomb and rockets with 8 50 cals.
AP-1C is good too due to those 20mm, Plus the rockets.

And just to let you know, I am a Japanese main, I use the D4Y1 and I can tell you and even prove it that the D4Y1 isn’t going “600” often.


Here’s a video showing an (air spawn) D4Y1, Take note how much speed it bleeds in a turn.

  1. It still has a 500kg bomb which is better than rockets.
  2. I can aim. I hit 50 percent of the shots because of the gun’s accuracy. Damage 7.2. The FG-42 has a damage of 12. Even if the weapons were identically accurate, it’s still not balanced. Do you know the difference between 7.3 and 12?
  3. I might get it in the future. I don’t have it now. So you’re arguing that the Americans actually don’t have bad tanks, because maybe they’ll get a good tank in the future?
    4.P47 can be shot down by any fighter. AP-4 cannot destroy any tank.

Japanese main. I also play Japanese, Americans, and Germans.

this is not correct the max speed is 552 and it reaches that speed at 4.75 KM above sea level where you never fly that high in enlisted most likely the fastest speed you gonna get with D4Y1 before you get F’ed up by anything lit. is 300

F4F will get at 5.8 KM, 518 max speed which again you never fly that high in enlisted most likely the speed you gonna see is 350/400 F4F is smaller which makes me think its also lighter but that’s just me thinking but you will never reach MAX speed of any plane in Enlisted


1: I have no words for this. Hvars are better then a single 500 kg bomb my dude.

2: Sureeeeee yet your saying the m2 carbine is bad, Or even complaining that the Garand isn’t going to cut it.

3: No, I’m saying what you have now is perfectly suited to fights, It’s not like your fighting the god damn maus my dude. you can kill a tiger 2 h, Just use what is in your skull.

I play all the factions, I have every faction to B.R 5, I played moscow, Tunsisa, Berlin, Norm, Pacific, And Stalingrad. But I main the Japanese as of now due to silver rewards are terrible.

I maxed Stalingrad, Tunsisa, Berlin.
I got half way up in norm and pacific.

Simply put: All you are screaming is that you do not understand your gear, Which is why I’m suggesting you go back and keep learning in B.R 2.
You clearly aren’t ready for B.R 5 due to you don’t understand weak points or even the fact you have to be careful with your shots. Or even proper aim, The best ranges of your weapon, And the feel of your tanks and their effectiveness.

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  1. no they are not. 500 Kg bomb is more universal. HVAR cannot destroy a tank.
  2. 7.2 vs 12 damage
    3.yes, I can kill Tiger 2 by targeting a weak spot. Tiger 2 will kill me anywhere. This is not balanced.

In 90 percent of the games, I’m in the first three places in the table. I’m a marshal and I have a 75 percent winrate that I gave solo. You played different factions. Maybe before the nerfs. I’m playing now. Just because I can beat a weaker player doesn’t mean the game is balanced. When I play Americans, it’s just sweat to win. It’s an easy win for the Germans.

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actually it can. you just need to hit tank cause splash damage does nothing (well think that i killed some tanks with splash before but it got nerfed iirc)

btw here is data about bombs so you can continue to argue.

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It is theoretically possible to destroy a Tiger2 tank with an HVAR missile. It happened to me. But practically it is almost impossible. A bomb is always better, you kill both infantry and tanks. 350 liter Drop Tank is in the game? I only have 150.


well KT is hard to destroy cause top part is 40mm (with few minor parts 10mm) and HVARs have 36mm pen. but every other tank is easily destroyable by HVARs if it directly hits top of the tank.


It can but have to come almost perfect line or have to hit the engine deck if you cant do that bring a plane with bombs if you believe that bombs are superior also p47 has 250 KG bomb and lets not forget P47 with M8 rockets which means you can spam P47 with Hvar and M8+F4U-1C(AP-4) with Hvars but if you think bombs are better bring P51

Fire almost intermediate cartilage had 210 ammo compared to full cartilage FG-42 with 120 ammo (with bags)
Has less recoil than FG-42, starts in full auto, has Bayonote. every gun has its trade-offs its not just bad but it is the best all-rounder battle rifle in-game it doesn’t start in semi like FG-42 it doesn’t have 15 round like AVT and it doesn’t have a fing bolt bloking your vision whenever you shoot a bullet like Hei automatic rifle

And ? Jumbo in pacific was balanced ? just wait superpershing will be added but again that’s not gonna change anything you still have to aim for weakspot just learn to that . god Im glad you are not playing Moscow where until they fixed the ammo and added F2 you had to shoot the turret to get the T34 with any tank brings back bad memories I hated my time in Moscow had to always deal with T34 spam

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Oh, the Japanese have a 330-liter Drop Tank, I’m looking. The American has 150 and 4 HVAR. I already know what I’m flying with today. No one who has researched Tiger 2 will take a weaker tank.

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and that is important how exactly? anyone who has researched p47 will also take it in every battle and p47 has 10 HVARs and 1 500lbs bomb.

btw when i use p47 i use HVAR primarily for anti infantry and that 500lbs bomb for anti tank.


Depends on the player I do in fact run my BR5 Germany with the Hungarian Tiger (Skin) and I love it (I love Hungry) most of the time tiger 2 players are for a lack of a better word blind and oblivious to their surroundings


I’m not saying that the M2 carbine is unusable, just that it’s worse. I’m all about balance. Jumbo was balanced because Tiger killed him through the MG port. And Jumbo Tiger did not threaten.

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That’s why you fly with it, because the Germans let you. If anyone took the fighter, they would shoot you down. You fly with it, know that it is a brick.

It isn’t though the grass on the other side isn’t always greener maybe just take a break from American and start playing other faction mate

Yes but not in Pacific until they added the Ho-ri, Germans always had Panther which could go through Jumbo

Its not about America suffering mate every faction suffers at some point or another but its not about lack of equipment but rather playerbase currently the only category that America lacks is AR which we know its gonna be added at some point since we gonna get AR-engs
Germans lack their 100 round MGs(Belt fed ) and a good plane on par with P47
Soviets lack a tank with good reload and heavy bomber like Ju 188 and
Japan lacks AR