Add China as an own faction

I agree.

Thanks for posting Chinese map suggestions.

I assume you saw my post on theatres?


200w (14)

It’s really gross… thought I admit we also got the Halloween skins who also look ridiculous :thinking:

I don’t really think you understand what I said.
I am talking about Chinese guns won’t break left over authenticity since this was already the case for many guns.

But this is China. Do you want US or USSR spawn in the same Chinese map as them?
If two faction can spawn together even if one faction didn’t involve in the battle, why not just let Japan and Germany fighting US and USSR in Pacific?

They are also other concern like small faction player will decrease the amount of high br player due to being limited to br1-3.

I’m not sure the current Chinese government would approve of a WW2 game wherein you play as members of an army organized by an opposing political party they eventually deposed.

We already have golden c96 in the game from stalingrad twitch drop. Also the golden assault rifles exist in the editor so they could add them in the game

well in WT they solved this by having one nation (China) and operator country for ROC operated vehicles. so US equipment is marked with ROC flag

Not what I meant, you totally misunderstood me.
With such faction split factions shouldn’t be able to be everywhere, but rather, each would have its own roster of possible maps which they could join.
For example Italian faction could fight in Tunisia and Stalingrad but not in Berlin. This would also allow for possible future allied invasion of Italy campaign where they turned against Germans.

As for BR part, I dont see how it would be affected in any way, people choose to play low BR over high BR as they want already


i dont think you understand english
faction means units with their own weapons and uniforms
i think you mean front this means maps/battlefield
burma is a front or battlefield
china would make a great front
axis/germany is a faction
china would make a poor faction

im not chinese so i dont know anything about the chinese enlisted except its completely separated from international enlisted

past a yeah China enlisted even can have one br one room,not 1-3 or 3-5.But recently it changed likes the international enlisted.


So how it is not splitting the player base when the small faction can’t join certain map?

But the people who play small faction can’t choose high br, thus decrease number of high br players.

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Do you have eyesight problem? You are literally answering some unrelated stuff.

I didnt stated that it wouldnt split the playerbase at all, rather I wanted to say that this system would allow for certain things while not implementing changes as drastical as bringing back good old campaigns lets say. Its like a middle ground between the two known “versions” of the game. And yeah, a Chinese faction would increase the playerbase ALOT if anything

You are right but its just impossible to do everything evenly, and I think it might be worth the risk.
Bringing low BR China, early and late war Soviets to fight the Japanese will make that faction 10x as fun and Enlisted will be fleshed out as even more unique among all of those WW2 games that are flooding the gaming industry

Many Chinese players also find this disgusting, believing that the actions of the Chinese version have far exceeded commercial rationality, so many of them choose to join the international version,such as me.


Interesting to hear, thats very off topic but when it comes to “Western” made games that were trying to be appealing to Chinese gamers, something many noticed is that Total War Warhammer III changed its artstyle which was more resembling that of Chinese mobile game market in comparison to grim and dark previous games of same title.
The reason why Im speaking of it is that after a massive success of three Kingdoms they invented a new faction from almost 0, Ancient China fantasy counterpart called Cathay (others had already established lore and rules long before) And by that they were obviously trying to pull Chinese gaming community. Sounds like a stupid conspiracy theory I know, but to me it really looks like there is a weird problem with implementation of changes that are based of supposed expectations of Chinese gaming community. I personally do not see why they may would want golden weapons, anti law of physics kung fu fights, cute faced girls and candy graphics in games when they are flooded with it from all sides already

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Ok read my lips this is WW2 and before
Even including prototypes there are not enough guns, tanks and planes used by the CHINESE to make a faction
stealing prototypes and real life guns to arbitrarily give to the Chinese is a no no

The real life guns used by the Chinese are already in game
Guns that ar not one for one copies are the same gun with different ammo
Or local productions of guns in game with very minor differences
Tanks used by the Chinese I tiny numbers would cap out at br2

There is not a huge vault of prototype Chinese prototype weapons that were creat d before the cold war

Minimum you would need three smgs, mgs, rifle, pistols tanks and planes
Even at that sad level you would have either several of them being copy paste from existing weapons, same gun different ammo

Not to hard on it but you should add at the very least Ital, UK/Commonwealth
France as subtractions before china
Hell china should be tenty on any list of sub factions

The Chinese as a faction were barely in the war
Let me explain like Spain they were in the middle of a civil war
Spain would have nearly as much as right to be a Sub faction as China

China was a minor but important theater of the war

After Russia
The Pacific

And equal only to places like
The Philippines
The middle east

So so China should not be a faction or subfaction

I’m not quite sure why, but personally I don’t like this style. They make almost all games look the same style, Many people are also boycotting together, but this trend has not changed.not all games are suitable for adding golden weapons and cute girls, but they obviously don’t consider these in order to make as much money as possible. But fortunately, some scary things like LGBT won’t appear.

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Well the reason is preference :slight_smile:
If all of the games would be designed to tackle the boxes of stereotypical expectations of one certain group, everything would feel the same and there would be not much of flavors to choose from! That’s why originality in design is important so that everyone may find the thing they really like. To bad many don’t understand this

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It’s WW2 mathematically every group served
Black people, Asian, gay, straight, bi, trans, young, old
Communist, capitalist, Christians, Muslims, bhudist ect
But two important things
The majority were white straight men from 18 to 30
If don’t ask don’t tell was decades away most kept there gender preference and sexuality to themselves
Stop trying to rewrite history to be more like modern times
If you can find a gay pride flag in WW2 or male presenting soldier in combat in a dress
Otherwise what does it change I. Our soldiers stat card we can either choose there sexuality or have it randomly generated, captivating.

One gay people, trans ect exist and are a normal expression of humanity
On the other hand most people are vanilla straight, same gender as born religion of choice or not
You are both right and both wrong
Now let me play WW2 and not WW2 as if it was fought by time travelers or larpers