Matchmaking by Theatre

There have been a number of issues with Enlisted discussed these past few months:

  • Lack of player control over maps post-merge
  • BR III Allies constantly queued against BR V Japan
  • Rarity of Tunisia maps in queues
  • Same Pacific maps over and over
  • What new maps to add, what shouldnt be added
  • What maps are available at certain BRs
  • Map voting? (can turn out worse than computer decided maps)
  • Inaccurate weaponry in historical scenarios

I propose that matches be organised by theatre.

TECH TREES WILL REMAIN THE SAME. This NOT a return to pre-merge campaigns.
The current research, silver, unlocking, will all stay.
There will be no separate research for each ‘campaign’.

Each faction would have two or three ‘theatres’, based on real life.

Players will elect a theatre to play. Within each theatre will be a number of locations with associated maps.
The only thing that players will choose is the faction and theatre. Within a theatre maps will be randomised as with the current system.

This would allow players better choice over where and who they fight.
So if youre tired of fighting Japan in Tenaru all the time, you can choose ‘Desert War’ and focus on desert maps (like Tunisia) VS Germans-Italians.
I personally hate Eastern Front maps, so when playing as Germany I could choose Europe or Desert War.

This will also allow better accuracy in reflecting wartime technology and reality with certain maps assigned to certain BRs.

For example Singapore BR I-III, Okinawa BR IV-V.

Theatres would also allow for easier streamlining of uniform and vehicle skin.
Eg. Soviets in the ‘Europe’ theatre would not have any snow uniforms (which stand out)

Some tech could potentially be limited to certain theatres
eg. No more desert Crusader tanks in the Pacific and no LVTs in the battle of the Bulge (both of which are very silly as well as inaccurate)
This is something that can be discussed further.

Please see the example for Allies below. I have added potential future maps.


Battle of the Bulge
Battle for Italy
France 1940
Balkans (Greece, Crete, Yugoslavia)

Desert War
Middle East

Solomon Islands (existing maps)
New Guinea
Dutch East Indies


Battle of the Bulge
Battle for Italy
France 1940
Balkans (Greece, Crete, Yugoslavia)
Poland (?)

Middle East

Eastern Front

Soviet Union:

Poland (?)

Eastern Front


Solomon Islands
New Guinea
Dutch East Indies

China (?) (this could include Burma maps)

I understand Japan and USSR options are somewhat limited.
Firstly, this merely reflects reality.

However I have included China (Sino-Japanese War) as a potential theatre and both Japan and USSR would gain a theatre if Soviet-Japanese war was added.
(Chinese weapons and squads could be added to either Allies or USSR tree, this is a topic for another time)
Depending on whether Sino-Japanese War or Soviet-Japanese War are added, there could be a ‘Asia’ theatre and ‘Pacific’ theatre for Japan.
Asia being Burma, Indochina, Malaya, Singapore, China etc.


preferred map system is in works. idk how it will work or when it will come, so wait for it.

I am aware of that. But I dont know if that will work.
Like everyone putting forth preferences.

Its hard enough getting a bunch of kids to agree on pizza or McDonalds, let alone thousands of players all with different map preferences.

hard rule wont work. soft rule like voting should work.

From my experience soft rule = more deserters. :laughing:

hard rule=bot filled match or extremely long waiting times.

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Even though DF bots suck, most of my team mates on average aren’t much better. To be honest, i would rather play bots then be punked two levels in battle rating. Afterall, most games are one sided anyway and usually 3 to 5 people desert from the losing teams. So, I’ll take the bots as that is who I am either playing with or against in the end. :rofl:

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Lol. I wish

We could’ve had that! It was right in our hands! But you all threw it away. “Give me War Thunder: Infantry Edition” you all cried. Well here’s the bed you made. Lie in it

The only issue about this is the sheer amount of sweatlords in the Jap faction. I swear it’s the sweatest faction in the game. Period. Oh, and the paper. Almost forgot the paper. But still the issue is 100% the players you fight in Jap’s V. You need a very, VERY high tolerance for bull when going anywhere near that

What is this CoD?

As decided by the players choosing BR and DF acting accordingly!

This sounds like a return to Pre Merge with extra steps

I just want to point out how funny this error is

We could’ve had this. Truly, we could’ve

We were this close, but the playerbase threw it all away and gave us this mess instead

Saying the Eastern Front isn’t Europe is just hilarious

Map voting was merely something that’s been discussed, not necessarily something I want.

What you say about the playerbase is true, but please dont put me a part of that. I never wanted WT - Infantry Edition.

Moscow, Stalingrad, Rzhnev are not Europe.

I defined Europe as the following:
Battle of the Bulge
Battle for Italy
France 1940
Balkans (Greece, Crete, Yugoslavia)
Poland (?) (not sure if Poland would work, if it was Allies 1939 Poland it would be Europe)

Then you’re smarter than most

They’re on the European continent

I was going off the definition I established based on theatre. The Eastern Front is a different theatre to ‘Europe’ / ‘the Western front’.

Yes the Eastern Front and Western Front are different. Both are Europe though

Geographically speaking, I hear you. But my post was about theatres.

‘Europe’ (which covers not just the Western Front but Italy, the Balkans and Germany as well)

Eastern Front (Germany VS USSR in the lands of the USSR, noting that currently we dont have any Romanian maps for example)

Desert War (North Africa, Middle East)

Pacific (self explanatory)

Maybe Asia (mainland Asian continent, I included Malaya and Singapore to try and even out the maps, those two are also culturally more ‘Asian’ than Pacific)

I believe these are all reasonable designations to make.