Add China as an own faction

maybe on chinese servers, but not so much on EU/NA servers. also even if playerbase doubles with chinese players, it would make shit experience for EU/NA players cause all those players would have high latency and lags. best thing in that case would be to open SEA servers, but then you would lose advantages of playerbase increase and would further dilute existing playerbase on EU/NA servers.

Adding China would be cool, however, they are going to be faced with same issues as the Japanese, not enough weapons to be competitive at low, middle and high BR levels. Case in point, the Japanese. They have good lower and good level five weapons, but dogshit at level three so most of the Jap players skip that level, which in turn screws the people who want to play level three Allies. Same would be for China. They would only have one enemy, have limited amount of weapons, unless of course they are going to be given lots of Allied and Soviet weapons. Is this going to grow the player base? No, just add one more faction to siphon players from the other four factions.

This is not a problem , you can even play as japanese side in chinese version enlisted just like international one.
NRA soldiers were heroes in WW2, although KMT some times not only order they fight with IJA,
and years later, millions NRA soldiers joined PLA on civil war.

I literally know a few players working for the Chinese government that explicitly stated that they cannot stream playing the Pacific campaign, and especially not play the Japanese or they’d lose their jobs.

me too!!

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public servant also play this game? i thought enlisted was not a well-known game…
From national sentiments, you should not play the aggressor , but if you want , nobody stop you
as public servant ,they are sure to be 100% same as social awareness, Especially when they intend to play this game live.
not like WT ,enlisted was still an unpopular game at there, real be over 100 person watch enlisted streaming? most every one l saw to stream enlisted was Hired by CN enlisted…

Preference is indeed the fundamental reason, but unfortunately they do not consider these factors and will not make any changes. How to attract attention as much as possible and how to make money as much as possible are their top priorities, which is particularly evident in mobile game purchases. The Chinese version of PUBG has become notorious, where you can see anime girls fighting against Japanese Ultraman in dresses and bikinis, and even almost R18+items. Many people don’t want to see this happen, so they come to CODM, to the Arena Breakout, Delta Ops, but many of these games are starting to release some incredible things along with the trend. Many players are very angry about this, but there is no way around it. This strange style is something that some people in our country are willing to pay for. I don’t know how much longer we can tolerate this kind of thing, we may need a spark to completely ignite people’s anger towards this erroneous preference.

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Thank you,you are a wise person, and this is the ture strength of the Chinese camp

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To be honest, weapons and equipment, maps, reviews, etc. are all minor issues. The key issue is that the Chinese team can bring a huge number of Chinese players and a lot of money to DF. If DF cannot recognize this and insists on favoring the Japanese camp, they can only earn money within their knowledge


If Japan is thin in the tech tree, China would be japans Japan what don’t you not get
Japan at least has original weapons China would not. Or almost not with very few exception. This is not war thunder that can draw from all of history, achina faction or even subfaction won’t work.

Look at world of warship that’s what you would get not warthunder.
you would have a faction of copy paste weapons for small arms
Tanks and planes would be more fiction then the ho-ri

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I don’t see the need to force the addition of a weapon that can be applied in all BRs; it would work well as a mini-faction that can only be used in BR1~2.
Including UK, Italy and also other fun factions.
Japan should have been up to BR 3. Now BR5 Japanese army has a lot of weird weapons…Holi is almost fictitious.


then what does it add
new uniforms/ok would work as squads
new Chinese names/would work as squads
new squads/does China have any unique squads

missing new guns/tanks/planes
you can LARP as China/ok why
the only people that want to LARP as China are Chinese as stated server lag

again even if you wanted to the only Reason to add them Before
is to appeal to the Chinese market

just like gold guns add it to the Chinese version of the game all upside and no downside