Add bipod to MG39

I can guess dp27 don’t have the bipod because otherwise it would make the DPM irrelevant… A bit like mp38 or mp40 or M3 and M3A1 ecc…

except the dp27 does have a bipod.

it’s not a visual one though.

just like this mg39

( i despise H&G with all my hearth. but at least they had functional " dynamic" bipods… and funny cars with mgs or bicycles )

Be kind for the dead man. He had his moments.

And yes, bipod animation was AAAA game grade.

never :crossed_swords:

nothing but pure agony and misery

despite Enlisted flaws, enlisted is far better in almost all aspects.
call me shill. i will not back down from such claim.

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At least it had bikes unlike enisted :bike:

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well, in enlisted defenses, i don’t think anyone would find pleasure riding bikes with this phys engine.

like, good luck getting out of a trench at 2kmh per hour.

you’d probably flip over the first ( or any ) objects that you come across in the map. ( because of the clutter. personally, as a professional rider specialist, i wouldn’t complain too much. but the speeds are different that in the bike you would just fly or roll over. with the bikes you would roll over and quite possibly, get stucked )

and probably die.


Sniper rifle it’s not just rifle with optic…

Just forgot your idea about bipods for MG 39 it’s not really needed.

The reason is pretty clear, I think. They are unlikely to give an straight answer.

Well as and other event squad, I used them just for few battles to test them… This idea with giving squads for event have no good ending. At least when we have such dumb limitations of squads(3 infantry for F2P…).

Big thanks to them, they at least allow Tommy make and post this masterpiece.

Tunisia only I guess.
Even Berlin devided in two difference maps (One with Reichstag(well area around) and one with reichcanccelary)
Normandy have I guess at least 2 big maps.
Ardennes will be pretty big.

Yea most detailed and big - Tunisia and Moscow.

And they worked pretty well… but they added them in last years of development… I guess it’s was last new mechanic.

You just never played it ?

Or good luck in your colonisation of Mars because you tried pass this little bump.

And LMG is not just SMG with bigger bullets

Just like reload animation isn’t needed. Make player wait 5s instead of watching some stupid animation.

i guess so

yeah, event squads are kinda far from being ideal.


you are allowed to post it, but you are not going to get much support.

and you can bet each update something breaks.

yeah, tunisia and moscow are the only ones.
but tunisia is mostly open and not so fun for moscow.

because moscow has trees, villages and what not.

tunisia it’s kinda a fallout wasteland lol.

the others are not big as you think those are.

ardennes and rzhev are just the same seize as normandy countryside.

then you have berlin maps, normandy fortified, factory plant, stalingrad and others being relatively small compared to the rest.

but i digress.


unfortunately i did:


yeah… pretty much :joy:

anyway. we’re kinda entering the derailing topic. so i’ll end it here.

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Bicycle not bikes, enlisted has bikes rider squad? anyone?

bikes can be used as a term for bicycles as well.

you do know that right?

Edit :point_right:


Yes but we need use the English + :tea:

nuh uh


italian are well known for their bicycle tho (or at least i remember them with one i forgot where tho)

MG it’s auto rifle in first place.
It’s so in german(Machine Gewehr - Machine rifle or I guess it’s could translate as auto rifle). It’s so in russian(well in russian it’s “пулемёт”(Bullet spreader or something like that) thing which big amount of ammo and good rof). Idk where you see here BIPODS.

I don’t have purpose offend you. But stop your stupid dumbness.
You compare model of one event mg to whole animation for every gun in game, are you serious?
(still no offends, it’s just emotions)

Well, it’s still bigger than nothing.
Don’t expect much from those who haven’t been able to add chat to the main menu for 4 years (if not more). (Oh yea, Tommy even added chat for both teams…)

Still pretty beauty map. I love these open spaces. But yes, it’s unlikely to play well.

Well about Rzhev I even don’t talk (I lost any interest to check this maps in editor…).
Ardennes was pretty big but yea just empty.(Still I guess it’s bigger than Normandy small maps)

Well, at least few funny moments I guess this game give you(still remember how used successfully used panzerfaust against enemy plane)… but there is wasn’t any editor so… yeah game sucks xD

The end.

And where do you see “scope” in sniper rifle?
If you like deffinitions I have one:

MGs need bipod/mount for the proper use. They can be used without them but then you are putting yourself at a big disadvantage. There is a reason why majority of LMGs have bipods.

Then remove reload animation from one gun.

Sniper rifle don’t rifle with scope…
It’s accurate rifle in first place.

So… it’s definition don’t related to topic. It’s still some murican classification for modern mgs.

Argh. That’s what’s I mean by supportive accessuar.
It’s good addition. But it’s not main part.
Are you got it?

Then remove you xD
In your case it’s should be written in such way “Then don’t add reload animation for new event gun”.

I feel like I’m talking to a wall.

German MGs were used like US/UK LMGs. So for all intents and purposes, MG39 is LMG because it serves the same role.

Car is a car, no matter how different nations call it.

Ah, ok. Now I get it.
But I’d say in case of MG39 it’s more than just attachment. As in current form it simply can’t really be hold by a soldier. At least not for long as hot barrel shroud will burn his hand. That’s why I also proposed a protective glove or a grip as alternatives.


more simple turn it into A 100 ROUNDS BELT FED MG >: (

It’s prototype…

No, serious. Stop it, ostanovis.
In your case your should choose something like truck. Because cars it’s a big group of different things like in this case weapons are.

Blah blah. You keeping saying same words, but still don’t get that’s there I don’t argue with you.
This is the purpose of bipods/optics - to increase efficiency in sense of main purpose. Nothing is just invented and put into mass production. But in this case, we are talking about a prototype that most likely did not have a bipod mount, so you can use your bot’s shoulder instead (no, not in this game). In addition, as mentioned above, MG 39 has the advantages of bipods. What are you dissatisfied with? Or do you want either to have bipods and a bonus, or both wasn’t?

Did I really need to explain and this one?