Activating the ability to tow .šŸŽ°


do i have to start using bold text to make it even easier for you to understand?

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Then what is this?

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well, if you lack imagination or understanding of the overhall picture, iā€™m aftaid pin pointing parts of the conversation ainā€™t gonna really improve your situation.

as once again, by your tactic, you have to build the gun, jump on it, and then fire.

you can risk to potentially lose both your soldier, the gun it self if the tank sees it, and basically your lives.

what it seems to me what you failed to realise, is that moving the gun around is much more practical to use vehicles rather than manually have to move it around on foot hence be more fast and be able to engage with multiple threats.

or, reposition faster from a sticky situatio if you have to.

plus, you donā€™t need to build the gun again, or jump off from the gun it self as you can simply drive away with the infantry still on the at gun ).

as i have no intention to waste my time any further try to understand at least this,

the game does not evolve around you. whether you are not gonna use this tactic doesnā€™t mean others will not. and doesnā€™t really matter if you find it useful or not, you can just simply avoid using it and do what you think its best.

but the others have all rights to suggest and get what they think itā€™s beneficial for them despite people like you not understand their values.

itā€™s that simple.

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The soldier is hidden in cover before the building is done.
So magically enemy tank wonā€™t see your truck ?

You know the map is really small right? Most of the time a AT gun can cover the whole front without moving.

I said it is a good concept, you are the one who are arguing with me lol.

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People dont understand what FAST PACED GAME means.

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you have too much imagination for this game. maps suck for vehicles. for tanks and trucks.

much easier solution than get truck, connect AT gun for towing, find position for that AT gun, disconnect it and then jump on it and fire. cause you wont be firing the AT gun with it still connected to truck.

in some other game i would agree with you. in this game no. maps are cluttered, small and infantry oriented. and it is rather fast paced so wasting time with moving and positioning AT guns that will see limited use is rather questionable. if you want highly mobile AT gun then just use tank.


they suck so much, that they get included in this infantry oriented game.

crazy, right?

except, this way, if the point gets capped, and if i have to advance/retreat, iā€™d have to leave the gun " behind " or waste so much time trying to move it away.

and you have no idea how many times i have used enemy equipment ( AA / AT ) against them that they didnā€™t destroyed or left on the battlefield.

with the truck instead, it would be much easier as you can simply leave with your gun ( by saving time, and enginner resouches points ).

points that i can use to refill the ammonution.

not really.

as game lasts around 30 mins to 40 ( although itā€™s rare, i must admit ), i wouldnā€™t say fast phased. we are just getting used to.

and in 30 minutes you can do alot.

itā€™s not like 1 min repositiong your self and put your self in a position where you are gonna delay tanks for a good ammount is time " wasted " as you refeer.

beside, can always be an useful mechanic for mods and pve.

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yes they suck for vehicle movement. maps are cluttered with absolute garbage and unmovable objects. not to mention various bugs when you get stuck to some random object. vehicles are great when you are in position, but getting to that position is a chore cause maps are mostly vehicle unfriendly.

this is unrealistic situation. if point gets capped you wont be towing anything. you would need to find truck, drive it unmolested to AT gun, connect AT gun to truck and then get into truck and safely drive away. all while enemy is pouring out of the captured capā€¦ if you managed to tow that AT gun in 1 out of 100 battles i would be impressed.

most of my games are over in under 20 minutes. average game lasts 15-20 minutes and some games are over in 10 minutes. in really rare games i can get 30+ minute battles.

so yeah wasting 1 minute is wasting 5-10% of battle time you could have spent killing enemy. your team in that time is probably loosing 20-30% of its firepower cause your team has bots and console players that cant play for shit. so instead of wasting minute or two by towing AT gun, your time would be better spent retreating fast and building rally point and then trying to kill as many enemies as you can.


you can ran over and destroy majority of the objctecs even with trucks.

outside of rubbles, dead tanks, tank traps, and few others that i could be possibly missing.

unless itā€™s stalingrad/berlin, you always have room to move.

except, if you know you are gonna be on the at cannon, you first find a truck, build the at gun around and then tow it.

once you are in position to engage you do so. then with the truck, face the next point. once the point gets capped, you can proceed with the next one jumping on the truck, tow the weapond and find a new spot. or in the defense case, i quickly jump off from the gun, and tow it instantly with the truck and get away without letting my gun fall into enemy hands.

youā€™re in for surprises.

donā€™t know what to tell you. mine donā€™t.

for how much i can disagree here, and avoid further needless conversation of pint point back, i honestly have no intention to continue with a narrow person.

this mentality will kill the game from within.

people asking for X and Y

" n O c U Z Ma Tc h That, Map ThI S "

being narrow will not help the game in any capacity.
so, yeah. despite what you think, and for how much you can focus or blaim other factors, the ability to tow itā€™s useful and deserve itā€™s place in enlisted.

you may think not, but others do.

youā€™re not the center of the world. as the game gets made by a community. not a singular guy that dislike 80% of suggestions just because he is probably never gonna use them, or lacks imagination for their potential uses.

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i am not being narrow. you are just adding useless stuff to the game for what game isnt. this game isnt tactical fps shooter or military sim. you cant take time to do maneuvers like in arma 3, or hll. this is zerg rush FPS. it is not that i am lacking in imagination, it is just that you have unrealistic imagination.

mobile AT guns already exist in the gameā€¦ and they are called tanks. this was whole purpose for building them. AT guns are mostly situational for when you need to destroy enemy tank. if enemy is capturing the point and you are around your AT gun preparing to tow it, then you are playing the wrong game.


quite frankly, you are being one.

and itā€™s sad you donā€™t realize it.

first and foremost, what is ā€œuselessā€ to you, it might not be for others.

heck i could make you a list of what you finded useless in the past and we still got it.
maybe you should start thinking more rationality than out of somewhere.

and, what the game isnā€™t?

thatā€™s funny.

well, it can be.

so i have no clue what you are talking about.

just because you play a small percentage of the game, doesnā€™t mean you fully represent it. itā€™s that simple .

in some occasions, yes. in others, no.

i have planty of slow games that can be fun and rewarding too.

luckly, weā€™re quite different.

i lay imagination and small foundation for something bigger. which to wrap it up, might not be useful for you, but it is for others. which in the future will come in handy. soon or later, it will come.

as, PVE will be things, and what you deny itā€™s existance ( mods ) are still, and will continue to be a thing.
hence, your little narrative would have worked if only everything was around that ( PVP ).

too bad, it is not.

which quite frankly, you can be closed minded all you want. but i can tell you it will not particularly enrich the game that much.

except, you donā€™t only have tanks?

you also have planes, bombers, tnts, explosive packs, and many others.
i donā€™t see how At guns are any different.
itā€™s an option, and a damn valid one.

but you seems to fail to realize that sometimes an at gun is better as it does not emitt noises, easy to coincil and with the tow addition, even easier to move around.

you know, similar real life(ish).

for how much you like to lecture, iā€™m not sure you are in the position to do that.

beside, i doubt youā€™ll see me towing a cannon all day, but some people might. and have all rights to do so.

as you to simply avoid it.

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yeah disagreeing with you makes me narrow. and for every argument i make you dont even explain how you would use them practically. your every retort is that i lack imagination. this is not valid retort.

only thing that i found useless and we got it was halftrack. so your list would be very longā€¦ and m13 only works cause japanese tanks are shit implemented in this game (without gunner controlled mg) and have low armor that m2 browning can penetrate. also m13 has problem with hitboxes, so you cant snipe crew from some angles. and that conversation was made before pacific, so introducing them into any other campaign would be stupid cause they couldnt penetrate most of the tanks and they would be useless and vulnerable. also cause they were OP against infantry, they nerfed them at start with overheating mechanism and they introduced that overheating to AA that is now shit against aircraft, but still good against infantry. so game is not better with introduction of halftracks.

truck makes noise. also after you fire it first time it is not concealed anymore so this argument is pointless. from game perspective it is easier, faster and more stealthier to build new AT gun than to tow existing one when enemy captures point and are swarming area where your AT guns is positioned. would it be a cool feature. yes. but completely useless for game.

i play for win and objectives, not for RP. if you are RP-ing with AT gun, towing it and not defending cap, then you are bad team player and you are ruining the game. yes players have every right to do so, but they just make the game shit.

as long as i know it PVP is only official way to play the game. if they introduce PVE i will maybe change my mind. as long as there is PVP, i dont see it useful feature even with mods.

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i did, and yet you refuse to comprehend.

iā€™m starting to think that itā€™s not really my problem at this point.

and yes, you lack of imagination because apparently you cant look past your nose.

like shovelsā€¦ like flasksā€¦ like artillery types, and yeah, also halftruck. thanks for reminder.

but, should i continue?

mhhh not so much.

that is your convoluted opinion half true.

which i donā€™t really have time nor the desire to really debate as halftrucks are in itā€™s infancy.
just among their many uses.

and with the correction implementation, ( hint hint, my bio thread ) will only be more usefull.

not really.

a tank can be heard across streets, and the truck you have to be fairly close to hear it ( a bit weird ).

except, with the truck you can relocate faster and better. moving from cover to cover.

you people are really allergic to common sense and using the brainā€¦

oh well.

and here above i dubunked this point. whichā€¦ to begin with, with the suggestion at hand, other people tends to agree.

soā€¦ is it really ?

the answer is still no.

ah yes projections.

keep going. iā€™ll might buy it.

as you avoid completely mods, iā€™m not sure you can see an utility even when you stumble on it.
and i would have expected you to instead complain about how you find it useless ( which you did for the majority which yets remain an opinion of your nevertheless which can, and is wrong after all ) to point more how it would work on mods instead.

which you would be right, and i guess we can agree it would works better in mods as most of them are open and what not.

but you didnā€™t.

so, yeah. are even more useful with mods.

after all, stuff has reasons to exist despite us not using them. crazy concept. right?

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if this was your retort i didnt find it serious. ffs this is not tow truck simulator. i would be against this just to prevent this kind of play. you are more obsessed with keeping that AT gun alive and not falling in the hands of the enemy than actually playing for objective and defending/attacking the cap. AT gun now is situational weapon for ambushing the tanks. not to be quasi 5th vehicle slot that is shittier in every regard to tank.

i never mentioned anything about shovel, flasks or artillery types being useless. think you have confused me with someone else. shovels could be implemented better (so they actually level ground enough for rally points), flasks could be somewhat useful for maps that have longer spaced caps (completely useless for smaller maps) and artillery types can be OP (air strike should be removed and normal artillery should be nerfed somehow).

i am not against halftracks or transports. but i want bigger maps and for them to be more vehicle optimized. in current game/map implementation they are either useless cause maps are either small and cluttered so they are difficult to drive and pointless cause of small distance between caps, or they are visible from half the map and easily killable.

it sounds so beautiful when you say it like that. you dont even mention number of problems with AT gun, like their inability to be placed on uneven ground, shaking etc. you ignore problem of moving in number of campaigns that is cluttered with junk or trenches? or exposing truck when you try to get into firing position? yeah it sounds beautiful in theory, but practicality is 0%.

you didnt debunk the pointā€¦ except for likes in first topic, i dont see anyone particularly agreeing in with suggestion.

ah yes those impressive argumentative retorts.

when there is limited development time, i want it to be used to fix core game problems. not to be adding features for marginal playerbase that use mods.

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youā€™re looking at it wrong.

but, entertaining to the very least.

quite frankly, i donā€™t even use at guns.

but that does not make me stop or have the rights to stop the others from doing it?

because even though it does not affect me, nor slighlty interest me ( although, it its interesting for my mods. so i guess somewhat slighlty interest me ) i see itā€™s useful ness for those who actually needs it, or want.

itā€™s literally that simple. you donā€™t have to be a sack A** to understand it even if you donā€™t use it.

looks like itā€™s a bit harder for you.

and, well, i guess people can just leave their guns or aa againt my enemy because they didnā€™t do anything to save it ( as they technically cant because of the inability of towing ). with the new update i guess weā€™ll see this less. but still.

soā€¦ you have no clue how i play ( despite you can actually attempt your luck to find my matches over the pacific. but for your own sake of time, donā€™t. unless you have nothing better to do. or maybe do it. so youā€™ll avoid those remarks ) nor i really have anything to prove.

but sure, you do you.

maybe i did.

My apologies then.

at least we agree on something it looks like.

notā€¦ so much on this one.

we have been over this, and itā€™s not true.
because that is an opinion of yours. and people can be wrong.

i certainly can as proven. but to simply deny itā€™s usefuless without even thinking critically, iā€™m afraid you are just a bit biased in your own idea.

because those are irrelevant to the topic at hand.

sure, you can complain all you want about other issues but itā€™s stillā€¦ irrelevant.

as we are simply discussing the abiltiy to move at guns.

i am well aware. and that is the challenge for players to either adapt, think instantly, or just like you, avoid it completely.

it cost nothing for you, and it can be detrimental to others.

youā€™re not the full circle of attention. letā€™s make it clear.

mhh no.

i can confidently say that is not the case. you have usually a bit of space and area to operate with vehicles.

which sounds like you would use it in the middle of a firezone.

guess youā€™re not keen to thinking differently.

soā€¦ let those who knoes how to use it, use it.

not particularly helpfull or insuightfull based on assumptions to a point of being " 0% ".

well, as explained in the first point above yeah.

you make assumptions despite not knowing how i personally play.
surely iā€™m not the best player in this game. nor really pretending to be one, or becoming one.

guess iā€™m averange in the shit show that we get by licking the points 24/7 ( time period of matches. not entire days ).

so yeah, just because i speak of trucks, doesnā€™t mean i use them.

guess youā€™ll have to get comfortable as how things goes around here.

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i would like tows for tanks that are flipped or stuck in trenches.


This seems an interesting idea,maybe it would make using the trucks scattered around the map more enticing too. Btw sorry if off-topic but which game is that in the screens ?

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i am looking at it from practicality point. towing is cumbersome mechanic that requires multiple amounts of time to reposition than building a new one. and while it exists ingame it will occupy someones time when he is needed to defend/attack enemy point.

we have been over that in that halftrack threadā€¦ and iirc it was your opinion vs 20 some people claiming differently.

air strikes are OP for open maps (like pacific), shit for urban maps (like stalingrad/berlin). in good team chain arty is OP and can make defending or attacking much easier.

it is relevant. issues with AT guns are not resolved, so it is pointless to add new mechanism that will just exacerbate their problem even worse. ffs i even have shaking with tanks on uneven terrain sometimes. that is why i want core issues to be fixed first and not adding new content.

so you are aware of the problem with maps, but you still want towing option? with all clutter, trenches and uneven terrain? you want to make player lose half an hour to properly position AT gun after they drove it away from original position? just so you can make that option available? pot calling a kettle blackā€¦

there is difference between tanks and towed AT guns. you are behaving like you could put those AT guns on absolutely any position where vehicle can go on the map without any problems. tell me how many even terrain stealthy positions can you find on maps? and to be useful so they can actually fire on enemy tanks and infantry?

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the same could be said about airplanes or tanks.

yet not many people cares or make a fuss about it like you do?

and you know why?

choices. itā€™s up to them not you mr wannabe commander.

with other 20 and more agreeing.

go figure.

" OP "
*canā€™t dodge or wait for the ā€œstormā€ to pass. lol.

i have yet to die from one. iā€™ll be honest.

as i find them ā€¦ ā€œuselessā€ ( more like, i donā€™t particularly use them ) iā€™m okey with the fact that others can use them.

and so should you.

( iā€™m less okey since i canā€™t use smoke barrage in the full 3 mins of that, but thatā€™s another discussion for another time )

no. iā€™m aware that all maps are different and some have more stuff than others.

unlike you, i do not argue about map size. because i can work with what i have. you donā€™t need a play field just to do stuff. thatā€™s on you. and you should aknowledge it.

no for the first part, yes for the second.

options goods.
if that doesnā€™t suit you, then donā€™t use it?
itā€™s that hard?

help me to understand your struggle.

no S sherclock.

thatā€™s the whole point.

well, if you know how to drive, and learn map knowledge, you can be quite effect and prevent most of enemy tanks.

not that hard. you can use a truck and snipe with the at gun on tanks or infantry on bunkers/AA guns etc.

if they did it in real life, i donā€™t see how can be any different in a game.

are youā€¦ done with those straw arguments?.


barns, hills, trenches, ditches ( although not too deeps ) L corners, and those are just on top of my mind. iā€™m sure i can find many.

too bad looks like a challenge for you.

as long you are firing and killing at something ( especially valuable targets to deal with gray zone campers as long you have visual ) i guess thatā€™s fine for me.

still donā€™t get why it is not for you though.

if you mean you argued like there was 20 players agreeingā€¦ you got 15 likes on topic, with maybe 1-2 players actually writing something positive for halftracks inside that topic.

dodge the air strikeā€¦ when it covers half the map and map is totally openā€¦
and sometimes you cant wait. if enemy is on capping and they chain strike entrance to capā€¦ yeah you can survive, but cap is lost. you can use arty strike with numerous strategies (funnel enemy to one side, destroy rally points in back, deny entrance to cap). maybe it depends on campaign you are playing.

this is straw argument. learn map knowledge and you are almightyā€¦ ffs i have problem building at gun on slightly uneven terrain and you are behaving like every surface where truck with towed AT gun can access can deploy AT gun.

lets look at deployment possibilities:
ā€œevenā€ terrain at hills

slight hill slope:


slight ditch with lowest elevation:

so AT guns will magically deploy on all those positions, when you cant even build AT guns on that positions. you will need to spend 5-10 minutes just to find position to unload AT gunā€¦

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