Activating the ability to tow .šŸŽ°

around houses, near craters ( not to deeps ), hays, forests, hills, and even trenches ( as long are wide enough to hide vehicles inside )

you really lack of spirit of improvvisation / adaptation.

depends how close you are from the fire fight. if your job is to deal with tanks, you will ovviously not start to dwindling around the enemy infantry. and if you do, well, act fast before they do, or die trying.

which like every thing in this game, youā€™ll get it.

otherwise you let the others do and avoid it completely.

itā€™s really that simple.

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itā€™s like using planes.

iā€™ll admit that iā€™m not very good with those.

so i either make practice in the practice field, or avoid it completely and let others capable pilots do their things.

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If you want to hide there, it means you still need to move the gun by hands to get line of sight of enemy.

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depends on the scenario.

but it still requires less manouvering that what we have now. since we canā€™t tow them.

and technically no.

you detach the gun in the rough position, or angle it already towards the direction of the upcoming tank and then hide the truck. get out, and jump on the gun ( or you can even just place a soldier inside the anti tank gun and switch to him after you parked the truck to even be faster. without to having to park the truck, stop, get out, and get on the gun )

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Doing it these means you have to expose enemy fire for certain amount of time. In order to make the gun pointing towards enemy, you need to reach the position and make a u turn.

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not if you get there first.

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So this tactic depends on luck?

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a tactic nevertheless.

does it need luck?
depends on the scenario. mosty evolves around planning and i guess a bit of luck.

like pretty much everything else.

is that hard to understand or something?

which to conclude, as you think itā€™s better to just ditch that one and build another one, others thinks differently.

hence, why a feature would be neat.

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You tactic is based on if you get there first, so it need luck.

Your tactic works on some cases, but need extra tactic and planning. So that is why I say it is easier to use other tactic.

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if you know locations and stuff, you can safely get there ( unless itā€™s the first capture point. there it requires luck )

and use it.

just as much as you can place it.

and so place the gun in a spot and wait for it to be completed.

works in some scenario, and not in others.


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Your tactic only works when there is no enemy tank at the point.

So what scenario it will not work?

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and how would be your any different?

you seems to lack understanding that you have to build the gun, get on top, and turn the gun around.

yours as well when getting shot at.

except you lose more as potentially you lose your enginner and your whole gun if that was the last enginneer when you are trying to build it.

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Why do you need to turn the gun? You can rotate it while building it.
If there is cover, my tactic can build the gun while hiding behind cover, but your tactic need to expose yourself.

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except. no?

you donā€™t need to expose your self?

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kinda useless for this gameā€¦ maps too small and vehicle unfriendly. also did they fix AT gun shaking?

i would rather they fix at gun so you can move it on slightly uneven terrain. and that you can build AT gun on slight downhillā€¦

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because tanks usually move

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Nope, most tank literally camp at one place and rarely moves. And how your tactic will counter it while tank moves?

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i wonder which game you play

you truly lack imagination.

well, let me spell it out for you,

you simple move the gun around, listen for either noises that tanks emmits ( either engine sound or machinegun or main gun. you know ? tanks? yes? ) and roughly find the location of the tank. or through friendly marker., you act accordingly position your self towards a general area which he will be or you can have a clear view shot. hide the truck, and wait for him to either come, or engage it when heā€™s looking in another direction.

literally that simple.

do i also have to tell you the whole process on how to get on that point, and what to do after?

maybe i have to. idk.

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which by the way, you can also use the anti tank gun on infantry. hence much easier to move around and be used on bunkers and what not of usually static. or prevent tanks from over running the position.

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Arenā€™t you talking about the tank that already arrive?

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