Activating the ability to tow .šŸŽ°

first of all, not everyone uses the forum.

second of all, just because they do not engage, doesnā€™t mean they donā€™t exist soā€¦

yeah. iā€™d say itā€™s somewhat of a 50/50.

thatā€™s good enough as usually itā€™s just what it takes.

yes. i never had an issue taking cover in a house, prone in trenches, get underwanter with my bots or deal with the bombers them selves to reduce their area of impact.

not even in the slightest.

sure, we could improve that as well. but i donā€™t really see how this has much to do with the ability of towing beside the object it self.

which will get fixed eventually. as mr :fox_face: ( at least said ) he is aware.

the same used to be applied to rally point although that one has been fixed recently.

soā€¦ again. what does this have to do?

because, you can still pretty much build it and tow it away.
heck, would be even a better as sometimes you cannot built it anywhere.

weird way to agree. but okey.

i find it funny that you actually managed to somehow missrepresnt what i said, but you do you.

or maybe volountary overlooked this important part:

around houses, near craters ( not to deeps ), hays, forests, hills, and even trenches ( as long are wide enough to hide vehicles inside )

so yeah, i guess you should really consider of reading what the others say, and not create your own narrative dragging this conversation more long than needed.

which itā€™s really that simple. i donā€™t really need to convince you because i couldnā€™t care less.

we could use the ability to tow.

regardless of many circumstances.


( and itā€™s that simple really. let those who wants to use it, use it. you can live just fine not using that feature your self )

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cause you need a check to see if position is viable for deploying AT gun. easiest way to check is to see engineer AT gun check. and with game in first person, it will be nightmare to find actual deployable position. you would need to drive to position where you want to deploy the gun, exit truck, check if the AT gun is deployable, enter truck again and move around a bit if it is not etc.
just cause you can tow AT gun to a position, doesnt mean that it is deployable in that position.

i asked for even terrain stealthy positions where you can deploy AT gun. you put barn, hills, trenches and ditchesā€¦

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Do not forget this suggestion.

The same Devs that struggle making a working bipod system: bruh