About desertion penalty

Because the children who play this game have been conditioned to see defeat as TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE

@TheUnclaimedOne your desertion motif is putting in the work these 2 weeks. Crazy that guys like this actually exist, won’t even TRY to finish a match

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There’s truth to what you’re saying but riddle me this: how good do you feel one must get to cover for the entirety of the team completely ignoring the objective for the entirety of the game? Sure, I can build both a rally and have a truck but will me getting good cover for literally no one else building them? Can getting gud as it were negate 4-5 players pancakeing planes or suicide charging with tanks and bleeding most of your tickets?

How about stacks, being saddled with console players, downright filthy uptiers? How about all of the previously mentioned all at once? It’s no exaggeration that you can have games that have all of that even maybe a troll or two that do their best to cover your spawn in wire, push your desperately needed APC in some hole or constantly spam coordinates needed while comfortably sitting at 4-12 kills 20 minutes into the game.

The victory chasing flavor-of-the-month lot are rats, that much I believe we can agree with. But let’s try to heal the disease instead of treating the symptoms.

There’s no adequate tutorial in the game - no wonder people don’t know what’s the optimal range for rallies or how important they are.

Matchmaking has only just started to improve - it’s bad enough that you can face vets with full T20s/AHeis/FG42-2s/whatever when you have BR3 or even BR4 kit and you know what you’re doing. What’s going to stop some poor sap that just got his first garand from leaving when mowed down and especially when he doesn’t understand why he’s facing them in the first place.

Silver and research income for the average player - I had about 4m post merge and most of the equipment and personal I still use were bought for orders and after expanding into several more BRs and one other nation I’m currently at around 20k silver. And I do alright in most of my games; hardly the best player ever but I can usually take 1-3 in every game I play. And I’m still out of luck if I want to say, equip my japan for even one more BR. How about people that don’t do alright? That do far less than alright. Especially if they’re just starting out and barely know how to shoot straight let alone anything more complex. 150% of a pittance is still more than 100% of a pittance.

I’m not gonna lie, I’ve dealt with this. Where it felt like I was the only player pushing objective. I was the sole person on my entire team that could even get inside the circle of objective. The entire enemy team was nothing but front pushers, and my entire team were either people who didn’t know what they were doing or bots. It was painful

No problem with that. I’ll just lead the pack and carry my fellow console players to victory and watch as I stack over 100 kills in <20 minutes

No problem with that either. I’ve owned BR V lobbies with BR III gear and kept up in BR V lobbies with BR II gear. Ups and downs mean nothing to me other than getting into I-III with III is a really laid back match while III-V is sweating my balls off

Those players can…”uninstall the game” we’ll say

This I agree with. Need better tutorial. I found it satisfactory when I went through it, but I guess that’s just me

We as a community, and DF as a dev, should do better to make sure newbies know what’ll happen the second they equip that M1. They should know to stay in BR II where they can slowly grow their skills and expertise as well as slowly develop a full BR III lineup to go into the sweatfest that is III-V, and hopefully have fun doing it because they’ll be prepared

I personally don’t think you should be handed everything on a silver platter after 5 matches. Right now it takes some 30 odd matches to get enough ES to kit out a squad. That is perfectly acceptable to me. Work for and earn your loadouts. And the grind has gotten significantly easier in my opinion. I mean shoot how many matches did it take to get those last couple levels in the Campaigns? Suckers took forever, but it was super rewarding to finally get that M1919A6. That FG 42. That “not an AK.” Even before then hitting your basic milestones of the M1, the MG 34, the PPSh-41. Getting to those things meant something and took so long to get there
Now it’s just select an icon on the line and play some 10-25 matches and move on to the next. Shoot you can even beeline to what you want!
Honestly ES gain isn’t a problem. Some of ya’ll got a min/max and spending problem, but the gain is fine. I got 70k sitting round right now and I plan on building up some more before I do something with it. Be it leveling up some guns in my set ups or making a proper BR III set up for the Sovies

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They don’t have the skill to bring a half decent team to victory so they quit and find a team that can carry their sorry rears. Then blame the perfectly good team for their failures. Sorry, blame the “console peasants” for being bad at video games. It’s pathetic. “I know a lost match when I see one,” yeah these people don’t see jack all because I see matches all the time where first 2 objectives fall at the drop of a hat but the match instantly slows to a hard back and forth grind for 3, 4, and 5. On the flip side I’ve seen 1 and 2 stand for some combined 700-800 tickets and then the defenders got pushed to 4 or 5 and either barely win or just flat out lose. A decided match a quick or long 1-2 objective does not make. These people aren’t here to play the game. They’re there to watch as everyone around them puts in more effort in a single objective than they do in a week of “playing” Enlisted to see the word “Victory” across the screen


Great attitude and great sentiment. But neither you not anyone else can be in five places at the same time. And I don’t know about you but I personally get pissed off when we lose an objective because I had to stop to rebuild the rally or to drive the APC. After the fifteenth game that day that happened I’m simply not inclined to play against a team with 2 year logon decals, likely in a stack, likely downtiered and some of which I recognize after years of seeing the same names with a team that starts with 5 snipers and 4 mortars.

By what average silver income per match? I’m pretty sure it takes a whole lot more than that to outfit even your first assault squad and almost double that if you go for perfect rolls, double weapons, good sidearms etc. And I dare you to explain to me how mere skill will carry you against an equally good if not superior player that has significantly better, and better upgraded tools at his or her disposal. Bonus points if you can manage that while essentially being left out to dry by the rest of your team.

In a way it has, no argument. But you know where it didn’t, where in fact got significantly worse? Buying stuff, vehicles especially you’ll never use. Weapon gacha that allowed for max upgraded weapons at base cost got removed, and there’s no rhyme or reason that certain BR2 and BR3 weapons should cost essentially the same to buy and upgrade as the cutting edge best in slot BR5 gear possibly just added.

Order system for all it’s flaws, certain weapons costing significantly less in one campaign and absurdly high in others for example, allowed for one thing now not possible. Sidegrades and all round progression. Having separate currencies, even earned at a slower rate allowed for you to slowly if reliably upgrade and increase both your personnel and your weapons stockpile simultaneously. Silver forces you to do both at the same time while also being drained for research, respecs, vehicle upgrades and more.

I’m sure Ellon Musk might say the same about the price of bread but his bank is slightly above average. :slightly_smiling_face:

I don’t have any issues with income when playing my soviets or my germans, hell, even my brits are perfectly fine. And why wouldn’t they be? I’ve got literally everything I could want, on soldiers that are set up the way I want. Even non existent income is not an issue if one has no expenditures.

TL:DR: I feel we agree on the problem of victory chasers, rats that instantly leave the game the moment they feel it’s not winnable even though the jury is still out and the like. But the game absolutely needs to be more user, and especially new user friendly if it hopes to survive. I agree it shouldn’t be POP! two games and you’re in a king tiger. But it also shouldn’t require 20 hours of watching youtube guides, reading up on reddit or wherever and it shouldn’t require upwards of 80-100 games for one decent assault squad, especially since it’s going to be extremely painful to use even that one decent automatics squad when almost everyone is spamming 3+ of theirs.

And agree or not but I’d say the fastest way to lose a new player is to have them be repeatedly sealclubbed, mashed into the ground and have them feel absolutely no sense of progression or reward. The gameplay shouldn’t be all stick no carrot for good 80% of the playerbase.


i am not getting any better. had my peak 20 years ago and my mechanical skills are going down. somehow even with my shit form i am somehow better than 95% of playerbase…

this is just delusion. there is only so much you can do when you have team of deadweights in your team vs team of competent people. you will never convince me that roflstomps are “great match”.

you know that most people who desert dont need people to carry them, they just need people who wont be deadweights. btw here is example of one such match.
5vs10 (side with 5 people totally dominated side with 10 people)

this was totally enjoyable game for both sides… not

well i was doing normandy allies in time of german supremacy and had 50% WR (from 80% WR after finishing german normandy grind). every match was extremely exhausting and most of the matches just werent that fun cause you had to go constant tryhard mode for a chance of victory cause teammates were useless and germans had lots of veterans.

it is simply a question on why should you exhaust yourself for shit matches and shit teammates. this is not a job.

i dont care about win and defeat. i care that i have a chance for victory. i care that i dont get steamrolled hard, which is sadly a lot of matches if you try to play underdog faction (e.g. germany BR5 currently).

sadly lots of console players are worse than bots. hopefully M&K support for consoles will fix that issue.

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This. Either camp with a sniper rifle behind doors and wait for someone to enter the room or pancake the plane the moment they get in. Bots at least provide useful distraction on defence and crowd the cap.

Hear, hear. Spending 10-20 minutes either as targetpractice for all flavors of super accurate automatics fire and HE spam, sweeping CAS that instantly wipes me as soon as I spawn or having our default spawn permanently camped by at least one tank and usually two with a side order of AT cannons is even less fun than being a spectator to a friendly stack that cycles paras or some other form of fast attack and basically ends the game themselves.

If the only options are either stomp clueless players with half empty squads or get stomped and enjoy your XYZ penalty if you’d avoid that, I’d rather get (a) good (game) instead.

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I’m still researching, leveling, and kitting out my Sovies for BR III and I have almost no BR II rifles in my Axis BR II loadout and no BR III rifles researched yet for my frankenstien Axis III loadout. Shoot my Allies ain’t even min/maxed on weapon levels yet. Lol. I pretty rarely use any Preemie squads other than my LVT and don’t have Preemie time. I have the BP and that’s it. I’m still building up, and I have no issues with the current gain

Can always cut corners. Cheaper Assaulter, a random SMG from your stockpile, no mine or backpack. You don’t need to drop 100k nor do you need to drop it instantly. You can build bit by bit and go through seasons of saving and splurging


It only becomes a rofl stomp after all you people give up and leave

You know what helps prevent these matches? Staying in the fight and helping your team see it through till the end

Oh I’m sorry your highness does the sight of us peasants hurt your eyes? Man it must irk you to no end when you see a console player wrecking your superior pc team. Whatever will you do with all of us second class gamers around spoiling your fun

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What’s your average gain per game and your average expenditure? I’m between 1100-2000 f2p on average if the game is not a 5 min stomp. Let’s say the snail blesses me and I get perfect games where I do what I usually don’t and spam PzIIIN, the 105 sherman and the like. That’s about 3-4 games for one assaulter that’s now 6500 at the cheapest since assaulters 1 were mysteriously removed. I need four so that’s 12-16 for the soldiers alone. They each need a weapon that’s more than likely 3000. So that’s roughly 12k ie another 12-16 games. 24-32 games for barebones assault squad. Upgrading one weapon is another good 3-9 games, so 12-36 for the lot. So 48-68 games so far. Realistically that would be closer to 80-90 games. And that’s if I cut corners and use already enlisted and equipped engie, riflemen and whatever and they already have bags, nades, axes, whatever waiting for them.

Let’s not balance the game by average performance of EVA or NTR or whatever skill level players that are also stacked with boosters, premium time, premium squads and the like.

Let’s not balance it by someone who has a stockpile of event gear and the experience to use it.

Let’s consider the little timmy that just started playing the game, doesn’t know what’s what and struggles to get 300 silver with premium on.

Sure you can, and that will always come to bite you in the ass, and wallet, down the line.

It does, actually! :rofl:
But seriously it hurts me to see a PzII #69468346 going down the same road for the Nth time only to get blown to smithereens for the Nth time and here I am busting my ass off to capture that point wihout resorting to human wave ticket draining tactics.

What about matches where you join a battle already in progress, the first cap is already lost and while you reach the second, don’t mind trying to build a rally, it’s already swarmed with paras and assaulters of every description? How would you stabilize that situation and lead your team to victory? Serious question.

you are behaving like veterans stacking factions doesnt exist. you are acting like half filled matches dont exist. like absolutely every match has equally skilled players and only reason why roflstomp happens is cause of people deserting. well news flash heavily imbalanced matches exist from start. deserters just desert cause they dont want to suffer being unable to do absolutely anything cause their team is shit or filled with bots and enemy team has loads of skilled players.

pull your head out of the ass and actually see what is happening.

actually yes. most console players are totally shit and they are handicap to any PC team. there are couple of good console players, but they are rarity. certainly there are shit PC players also, but with console player i am almost guaranteed shit player, while with PC player it is gamble.

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I joined a game. I spawned in APC/tank, it got blown up by a vet already spawncamping our vehicles. I spawned an infantry squad, 1st point was lost when I was still running to it. I run to the 2nd point, meet like 1k enemies on my way and die sooner or later (I’m just an average player, not a god). I spawned another squad and finally managed to get to the 2nd objective. I get bomberded like no tommorow by arty, planes, tanks, mortars, grenade launchers (exact proportions varry between matches). If I managed to survive this, I die to an infantry push. 2nd point is lost before I can spawn again. I decide there is no point in being a practice target for enemy players. I desert and try to find a match where I can at least leave the spawn.

My bad. I guess I should have perfectly soloed entire enemy team without dying even once. Just a normal thing for a player with average skills.


nah… team only lost cause you deserted. it totally wasnt roflstomp before you deserted.

source: trust me bro.


So you have an Assaulter Squad max leveled, needs everything filled, and only has 4 Riflemen in it? You need to play matches to level up the squad to get the upgrades to put all the extra stuff in there in the first place. What happens when you play matches to earn this squad XP? You earn Enlisted Silver. Don’t look at it as one massive payment because that’s simply not how it works. You work on it bit by bit. Piece by piece. Especially with some of these squads cause shoot some basic tier II-III squads are old end game squads that take all of the some time and then some just to reach level 2. Seriously DF needs to fix that. Look at where they are in the tree, and apply XP requirements accordingly. Baby’s first squads should be easy to level up, middle of the road should be a bit of a challenge, and end game should be massive undertakings. Not the other way around. So you play some 5-6 games and get enough XP to level up. Congrats, you now have a 25% XP boost to that squad. You play another 6-7 matches, now you have the choice of adding another person and maybe even another Assaulter if that’s the route you take. Guess what? That’s 11-13 matches just to reach the point where you can add an Assaulter to the squad. And that’s an underperforming beginner with the starting squads! What happened during all those matches? Accumulation of wealth. Now you can afford that new Assault and his gun!

Yeah, these exist unfortunately. However, you don’t know what those matches are because you desert the second you see the enemy team might have a chance at winning

Your team should’ve tried to defend objective as you did. This time you weren’t the fault, but the other lackluster players and any who might have left before that point (thus making it even more difficult on you) making the entire match a steamroll. The fault can lie on more than one person. The greedy sniper with 15 kills, the ones who leave and get replaced by near useless bots, the dude hogging up the vehicle slot and doing nothing to help
This thread is simply focusing on one of these

Of course it doesn’t because unless you pony up your credit card or have pre merge bank you’ll NEVER be able to afford such a payment. I mean, in theory you could but most people would end up in an insane asylim or give up before that happens. :rofl:

You’ve completely missed my point so let’s try again. How many games do you suppose it would take an average and or a new player to afford just ONE assault squad? You think I’m out of my depth? Alright. I dare you to start a new account, completely f2p, and try getting a reasonable let’s say BR2 loadout. Something comparable or ideally identical to what you run now, so no all reserve rifles, 3/1/4 riflemen 1 and all other slots empty. I imagine you would get a fresh perspective on just how miserly the economy actually is after charging me with your four basic riflemen while I’m comfortably mowing you down with my optimal metacancer 3 assault or MG squads.

And I’ve tried to tell you there’s more to that. Shitters will be shitters, sealclubbers will be sealclubbers, bullies will be bullies, rats will be rats. That’s for sure.

But extra income is a hard motivation when you’re skint. Not wanting to box when your opponent is Mike Tyson with a family sized bottle of lube and has three equally mean looking friends. Not wanting to constantly exhaust yourself to carry people that just don’t care to spend 5 seconds building a rally let alone have real game impact.

So, what can be done? Ranked or special mode for truly above average vets so they can fight their equals. Most won’t but at least lessen the pressure a bit. Revamped MM with ranks that actually matter for who gets on what team. Revamped MM where BR5 absolutely never sees 3 and vice versa. Revamped MM where BR1 absolutely never sees 3 and vice versa. 20 second tutorial videos in game explaining at least basic tactics, introducing new mechanics and such, so you don’t see people treating this game like Quake. Heavy rebalance of basic gear and soldier cost so people at least have some means to try out different builds, loadouts or BRs. Map bias or Vetos. I personally desert almost every stalingrad tractor factory no questions asked, is that fair? Probably not. But I get a migraine from that map each time I play it. And for the love of God, who figured that a 10-20% boost to play any was comparable to an almost certain 50% boost?

Or how about even a massive boost to join a game already in progress? I’d consider joining those for a guaranteed 50-100% booster on that game.

Dont you lose a point for quitting a match?

oh certainly i am scared of enemy team winning. ffs my best fights were the one where both teams had chance of winning. i like those kind of games. games where both sides have chance of winning are best kind of games.


or these where i have to hard carry

but then again you have these kind of games also that are impossible to win no matter how hard you try. you are just target practice for enemy.



carrying team but you cant carry the deadweights

but hey i am the problem when i desert these kind of matches that i never had any chance for victory. cause i am “scared of enemy winning”. when i get teams full of bots vs double or triple amount of human players what is exactly point of staying in that kind of match? what is the point of staying in a match when i get team that doesnt build any rally point, that doesnt attack/defend cap point, that gets overrun in seconds while i am building rally point? what is the point of staying in game where i am spawn camped by enemy that is posted right on their gray zone killing anyone who dares to show themselves?

ffs i desert 100% wins when i am on defending side if enemy starts to camp and i need to fight with my team to get any kill. but yeah i am scared of enemy team having a chance of victory.

if i was scared of enemy having a chance of victory i wouldnt be playing germany right now, but i would just be stacking US or soviets and would just be roflstomping germans to the ground with teams like these:


only thing that makes playing germans palatable at the moment is option to desert when you have shit team. without that option i would just go victory farming with soviets or US. i guess that is better solution than deserting?


Who even cares about that? :rofl:

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