About desertion penalty

Yeah, these exist unfortunately. However, you don’t know what those matches are because you desert the second you see the enemy team might have a chance at winning

Your team should’ve tried to defend objective as you did. This time you weren’t the fault, but the other lackluster players and any who might have left before that point (thus making it even more difficult on you) making the entire match a steamroll. The fault can lie on more than one person. The greedy sniper with 15 kills, the ones who leave and get replaced by near useless bots, the dude hogging up the vehicle slot and doing nothing to help
This thread is simply focusing on one of these

Of course it doesn’t because unless you pony up your credit card or have pre merge bank you’ll NEVER be able to afford such a payment. I mean, in theory you could but most people would end up in an insane asylim or give up before that happens. :rofl:

You’ve completely missed my point so let’s try again. How many games do you suppose it would take an average and or a new player to afford just ONE assault squad? You think I’m out of my depth? Alright. I dare you to start a new account, completely f2p, and try getting a reasonable let’s say BR2 loadout. Something comparable or ideally identical to what you run now, so no all reserve rifles, 3/1/4 riflemen 1 and all other slots empty. I imagine you would get a fresh perspective on just how miserly the economy actually is after charging me with your four basic riflemen while I’m comfortably mowing you down with my optimal metacancer 3 assault or MG squads.

And I’ve tried to tell you there’s more to that. Shitters will be shitters, sealclubbers will be sealclubbers, bullies will be bullies, rats will be rats. That’s for sure.

But extra income is a hard motivation when you’re skint. Not wanting to box when your opponent is Mike Tyson with a family sized bottle of lube and has three equally mean looking friends. Not wanting to constantly exhaust yourself to carry people that just don’t care to spend 5 seconds building a rally let alone have real game impact.

So, what can be done? Ranked or special mode for truly above average vets so they can fight their equals. Most won’t but at least lessen the pressure a bit. Revamped MM with ranks that actually matter for who gets on what team. Revamped MM where BR5 absolutely never sees 3 and vice versa. Revamped MM where BR1 absolutely never sees 3 and vice versa. 20 second tutorial videos in game explaining at least basic tactics, introducing new mechanics and such, so you don’t see people treating this game like Quake. Heavy rebalance of basic gear and soldier cost so people at least have some means to try out different builds, loadouts or BRs. Map bias or Vetos. I personally desert almost every stalingrad tractor factory no questions asked, is that fair? Probably not. But I get a migraine from that map each time I play it. And for the love of God, who figured that a 10-20% boost to play any was comparable to an almost certain 50% boost?

Or how about even a massive boost to join a game already in progress? I’d consider joining those for a guaranteed 50-100% booster on that game.

Dont you lose a point for quitting a match?

oh certainly i am scared of enemy team winning. ffs my best fights were the one where both teams had chance of winning. i like those kind of games. games where both sides have chance of winning are best kind of games.


or these where i have to hard carry

but then again you have these kind of games also that are impossible to win no matter how hard you try. you are just target practice for enemy.



carrying team but you cant carry the deadweights

but hey i am the problem when i desert these kind of matches that i never had any chance for victory. cause i am “scared of enemy winning”. when i get teams full of bots vs double or triple amount of human players what is exactly point of staying in that kind of match? what is the point of staying in a match when i get team that doesnt build any rally point, that doesnt attack/defend cap point, that gets overrun in seconds while i am building rally point? what is the point of staying in game where i am spawn camped by enemy that is posted right on their gray zone killing anyone who dares to show themselves?

ffs i desert 100% wins when i am on defending side if enemy starts to camp and i need to fight with my team to get any kill. but yeah i am scared of enemy team having a chance of victory.

if i was scared of enemy having a chance of victory i wouldnt be playing germany right now, but i would just be stacking US or soviets and would just be roflstomping germans to the ground with teams like these:


only thing that makes playing germans palatable at the moment is option to desert when you have shit team. without that option i would just go victory farming with soviets or US. i guess that is better solution than deserting?


Who even cares about that? :rofl:

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In most instances
You will find that most of the defeats and massacres are caused by the laziness and lack of skills of the friendly forces.
(Including but not limited to)
Maybe you should think about whether they were walking down the same path full of enemy ambushes and never thought about using smoke or terrain to keep them alive longer.
Maybe you should think about whether those casual players and newcomers with few advanced equipment are helping you share the pressure or attention.
Maybe you should think about what the friendly aircraft, tanks, and functional arms are doing when those so-called aircraft and tanks are killing ground units.

When you are trying to do almost any job
But your teammates include almost all of the negative and toxic behaviors mentioned above and those not yet mentioned
In this kind of environment
Players who work hard will find that everything they do is worthless
Because they are just the legal guardians of bad players
or victims affected by stray animals

In this kind of environment
I don’t see anything wrong with running away or blaming certain groups
Because most people are not willing to lead this kind of teammates to win in this kind of environment.

I’ll admit - that’s one of the few things that will make me quit immediately. I’ve had it happen with trucks that I’m spawning in to create a mobile APC point, and within 5-10 seconds, it’s blown up, which should not even be possible in a normal (e.g. not Enlisted) game.

Here’s the thing - I can see the attraction of doing it myself if I were on other side of this equation (blowing up a busload of infantry and a potential spawn point).

I don’t really expect the other side to stop doing this. Granted, it would MAKE SENSE for them not to do this, b/c ROFLSTOMPING a match is just a waste of time on everyone’s part. I’ve been in those matches and got less than 1000 points total, despite being in the top 3 on the winning side. That’s crap!

But ultimately, this is on Darkflow to protect spawn points. They do MOST of the time. But the times they don’t, it sucks.

Even with all that I’m still for increasing the desertion penalty. I know there are plenty who disagree with me, but I still feel that the overall benefit, even on crappy maps, will be to the betterment of the game and the player experience - at least in the lower battle tiers. I’ve only played BRV stuff about 50 games or so, and can’t speak to that experience except that it’s an explosive/flamethrower/paratrooper fest that I’m far too undergeared to attempt. But, I imagine it’d still benefit players in the upper tiers as well.

What those who prefer the “desert with no penalty” people don’t seem to understand is that desertions by good players only acerbates the “ROFLSTOMP” problem. As some have noted and no doubt all have experienced, there are times when the “quick first cap” doesn’t guarantee a loss and a steamroll of the first 4 or 5, doesn’t mean a win on the last point.

In fact, I’ve found those “come from behind” wins and the “gutsy defense by the other team on the last point meant I lose” to be FAR more rewarding games than the ones where everyone’s deserting.

They are unwilling to address skill imbalances
It’s unfair to veterans and novices alike
No one wants to lead a bunch of monkeys and no one wants to be beaten into a monkey
Under this premise, it is completely unreasonable to increase the punishment for desertion.

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Have I deserted a match? Yes, do I do it a lot? No, however as I have stated prior I live in the Philippines where blackouts and your internet turning to shit are common. That aside. Why do I stick around when my team is getting gang raped? Well, I and everyone are given daily objectives, so, I keep playing even though it is a hopeless cause trying to at the very least accomplish the daily objectives Gaijin gave me to obtain. Does it mean I stopped trying? Yes and no. I mean, if one of my Gaijin objectives was to kill 25 enemy with a bolt action rifle, then I will stand off at a distance and try and cap as many enemy as I can. If I can do that and take the objective set forth in the game, then I will, but usually by that time it is clear which team is going to win.

That being said…I don’t think people should be penalized for deserting…I have said that on multiple occasions. I think it is better to just give them more incentive to stay and keep playing. Giving the losing side more silver, experience points ect. is not going to hurt anyone, and in all honesty, who really cares? It will benefit EVERYONE since EVERYONE at one time or another is on the side getting the mud hole stomped in their asses. It is a free video game, not the world cup. :rofl: So if it will keep more people playing then I am all for it. People won’t stick around for a couple pieces of silver and a half dozen experience points, it’s to easy just to quit and hope for a better match the next game.

As far as the match making goes, I think it has been much better. That does not mean I am not a slaughtered lamb at times, but more times then not now I am realizing that half the unbalanced games are due to bad team mates, not bad match making.

You seem to be speaking for everyone, yet I doubt everyone asked you to speak for them. I imagine some people (example, myself) who don’t mind playing with newbs. Maybe b/c I’ve only got 150 hours played myself.

Yes, there are issues with maps and matchmaking, and skill imbalances etc. I also agree with Luvs2spooge that incentives would be a better way to deal with this.

But here’s something you have to realize: if Darkflow never does anything to change the game, ever again, deserters will still be looked down upon. Even if there are incentives or, conversely, even if Darkflow fixes 90% of the problems.

But here’s an idea:
If DF did NOTHING except put a deserter rating next to everyone’s name in a match, that alone, the shame of it, would stop a ton of it.

And that just proves how scummy it is, when certain players do habitually. (Say, certain BR3 players who’ll only play in the lower tier, for instance.)

Shame is a heckuva motivator.

I dont give a fuck. However if DF stop giving wining bonus and give it to top 10 players of the game instead then I will consider staying in a losing game

For me, there is only one reason to quit:
I don’t want to play this mode/map

He will be my new medal
Because he’ll remind me how many bad players, maps, and modes I’ve left behind
Then it became my new indicator of ridicule and condemnation of official incompetence.

There are some issues that needs to get fixed first:

  • make controller only servers instead of console only where there are people that use mouse/keyboard to get an advantage.
  • put stacking players of 3 and more in seperate servers.
  • give choice of campaigns ( maps) and game modes.
  • defending all the time is frustrating with constant artillery, hvar and mortar spamming. If the enemy is than also already in the next objective while the previous is almost taken it stops being fun. So make the objectives random on every map and reveal it only when the previous one is taken.

Also most peoplehave a real life outside this game. Sometimes people are forcee to quit gaming because something comes up or the internet connection fails.
People shouldnt get punished for this.

Not sure how much of an advantage a PC and mouse is over a controller, particularly if someone is used to a controller. Also, Darkflow is looking into adding mouse/PC support to consoles. Frankly, I’d far rather use a controller for plane flight at the very least.

100% agree that at 3 or more, there should be separate servers or at least queued into their own matches.

It’d be nice to have player choice on maps - and DF would know soon enough which ones would be good selections for getting rid of.

Agree defending all the time sucks. I had a run last night which was obscene and lost most of them - against new players, I might add. The Steam learning curve seems to be short indeed. I like your idea of making the objectives randomized. I was on a few maps last night where I had no flipping clue where they were popping up. So, this seems to be a thing - at least sometime.

The real life - very true. And, I’ve seen connection issues on the maps, which is REALLY annoying, and likely a case of their servers getting hammered with new users. So, yeah, it acerbates every single existing problem - but having a lot of users is a good thing. I hope they add more servers.

But, your real life thing - it’s a valid concern, and if the penalty were say, not being able to play that faction for five minutes or something, then any of the “real life concerns” could be resolved and there’d be no real penalty at all. And for veterans who have multiple factions decked out, it’s still no real penalty to speak of to leave a map.

The funny thing is, these days, my experience has been that it’s the occasional veteran who abandons a map, and not the new flux of Steam players who are used to being penalized for deserting. And it’s only taken a few weeks or less for them to get extremely competitive.

Again, my experience is lower tier, East Coast US, playing at night in my team. Obviously, the experience of BR4/5 is going to be different since at this point, Steam players will only stumble into those matches if they have purchased BR3+ equipment.

Thanks Pieeater - you had some good points. I don’t claim to have the exact answer on dealing with desertions. I just know that the BR3 people who desert high level matches (that I’m not even playing in) are still scummy asshats b/c they are only playing to have a huge advantage on BR1-2 players. :slight_smile:

BR 3 quitting on high lvl matches is an issue indeed. But I feel feel they have no place in BR 1-2 servers anyway imo. BR 3 is where the well armed and armored vehicles appear allong with good MG’s and flamers.

About keyboard versus controller, keyboard/mouse ate faster. On top of that they have more options in planes.
With a controller you can’t turn and look around because we are limited in buttons. We can’t keep a plane in sight when we are close and they turn away.

M&K has overwhelming advantage over controller at least in fps and rts games. certainly there are some people who get really good with controller in fps games, but i would argue that they would be even better with M&K given some time adjustments. simply M&K give you total control over your aim with more precise way to make adjustments to aim.

I will smoke u in any match , I leave because I don’t think my allies are deserving of my effort.

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I think it’s a bit more complicated than that, I know people that quit matches because they don’t like the map, or don’t want to be on defense, and I like to play with my friends, so I quit too because I want to spend time playing with them. But this isn’t something I generally agree with, I think it’s a good idea to press ahead with what you have, unless you’re hideously out tiered (which happens) I’ve had some great matches on Defense I love that mode, you need a different mindset, but you can do things like set traps and funnel the enemy into your killzones. But not everyone shares that ethos.

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