Matchmaking issues

I edited my moaning complaint as I’ve calmed down a bit, but I do feel this does highlight the issue here. I undertand running a game isn’t easy, i was just venting as after a while it gets frustrating, I’m sure you guys will get to it. But I just wanted to point out how bad it gets.

TLDR reason: team skill issue.

here is explanation:
when player spawns into the game and then quits, his bot team continues to play until killed. also player is replaced with another bot team. usually this is not an issue cause enemy team just kills that bot team and it will not spawn anymore.

so basically your team sucked so hard that they didnt manage to kill any of 10 bot teams and 5 remaining players just dominated your team.


5 minutes session time?? Bruh, that’s a sad display about how bad the balancing can get. Sorry you’ve got steamrolled

Dont worry!

They will fix this given punishment for deserters.

Thank you this kind of makes sense, I might have effected more of a change if I hadn’t been in a Tier 3 bomber, but I was very surprised at how fast everything went down, I had about 2 unsucessful bombing runs and it was game over.

Yes we sucked hard, but the skill balance was wayyy off.

I was genuinely surprised how fast it went down, i should have brought my APC and given the enemy a lift. :joy: