A solution to grayzone tanking

This suggestion sounds terrible to me. It will just feel annoying on the tank side and will probably require all greyzones on each map to be reevalued.

The just hop in a plane suggestions here kinda work, but also not really, cause unless you have premium there’s no guarantee you actually have a plane, as you might have chosen a tank instead. And allies might have taken the plane slot up already and are not bombing the tank. There needs to be a solution that can be done purely by using infantry, since that is something you always have access to.

I’d rather see the grayzone be removed as long as an enemy tank is in it for more than a few seconds. This would mean infantry could push up to the tank. And yes that infantry could also spawncamp, but only till the tank is destroyed and the tank can target the spawncamping infantry. And there’s spawn protection on top of that anyways + no rallies on the attacker team in that area.

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Another weak player with a weak idea. There are so many ways to disable such a tank. Don’t destroy it, just take it out of the fight. It can be blinded, damaged, forced to change position. But there will always be someone who doesn’t like the fact that each site has its own area of operation.

Learn to play, and don’t come up with ideas straight from BF or CoD. The tank is not intended for combat from 50 meters, but for firing from medium and long distances.

And the combat areas are large enough that there will always be a safe path.

You just need to think for yourself, and not the usual stereotypes that a team only has SMG and fragmentation grenades.

And the best thing is that the best and least appreciated department are engineers. Engineers can destroy planes, tanks, they can have as much ammunition as they want, but no. The players came with the common belief that assaulters are the best.

Ok so since this is about greyzone tanking some maps are worse than others. So for example lets look at the open areas of Quarry. As infantry you have somewhat limited options here. Most infantry anti tank weapons aren’t able to reliably hit tanks over that range and as soon as you try you will get an HE shell. So those options are prolly limited to anti tank rifles and over those distances mostly on tracks. Which doesn’t really stop the tank from destroying your team.

Blinding: This is also a little more difficult since you can’t get close, but mortar and radio operator squady can throw smokes. Which kinda work, but the problem is that the map is farely open and the tank can still get plenty of kills if they remember where to aim to hit certain spots. So while it does weaken them it doesn’t remove the threat. It’s also temporary.

The best option is probably anti tank squads and pioneer squads building anti tank cannons. You just need to manage to do so without being spotted at all, which can be a challenge on that open map. And in the worst case you have to take out 2 tanks before being spotted. But this is definetly the best and most reliable option infantry has as long, as you have one of those 2 squads off cooldown.

The thing is that all of those options are rather unreliable and rely on the enemy team not paying enough attention. While yes this is a worst case scenario for a map that is really vehicle dominant, I don’t think the complaints are usually about the maps, where infantry has solutions and the ability to avoid tanks. Does this mean this is a map problem, rather than mechanics? Maybe, but seeing it as such would mean having to redesign maps to be less open, reducing map variety.

The problem with your idea is map design. Imagine being unable to fire until you’re just outside the objective. It would be unplayable

I still believe the best solution to gray zone tanks is a giant battle. Completely open map, multiple objectives, freedom to move, vehicle combat would be more fluid and dynamic

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OMG, tanks in greyzone are not immortal :sweat_smile:

war thunder

Twice in my career I encountered a situation where players in the enemy team kicked a passage and their team lost 500 points, but they reached the point, even put the radio there and scored a point.

Another thing is that players often follow the beaten path, most often they try to take the shortest one, and all they need to do is change directions and not die in the same place all the time.

I must add here that the quarry map has very large areas of operation and most players choose the center, and you can beautifully surround the enemy on this map.

I once made the simplest guide on how to use smoke.

Engineer troops are the least appreciated and at the same time the best troops in the game. You can use them to neutralize planes, critically damage tanks, block roads, and the shovel is a super useful item.

Maps allow you to choose a roundabout route, but players most often choose the straightest path and the shortest route to the destination because they are in a hurry, and they are in a hurry because they have habits from other games.

And I would forget. The enemy tank does not need to be destroyed, it can be excluded from combat by damaging it.

For this one problem is that it’s not always possible, hence greyzone tanking. You can’t surround, where the tank is, as the tank is in the greyzone. For example the river objective is clearly visible to the tank and you need to go through open field to reach it, no way around it. You have different open areas to choose from, but each of them is visible by a well placed tank. This means you need to push into infantry while being shelled by he shells. Which yes can work out if the enemy tank is distracted and the enemy infantry is bad, but not against an equally good team imo.
Most of the areas in the flank you can apply pressure from are also visible to the same tank in the same spot.

That is nice and all, but it doesn’t effect what I was saying: The tank can memorise, where to aim through the smoke to hit the spots infantry has to move in from. Kill markers then confirm enemies are pushing there and you can keep shooting. And this is even worse if the team of the tanker actually marks targets. It can be an opportunity to build an anti tank gun tho, but you need to coordinate with two players as you need two different squads to get the smoke to the enemy and to build the gun.

Damaging it would mean disabling either it’s gun traversal or the gun itself. Which basically means you have an opportunity to kill it anyways. Disabling the tracks often won’t do anything in many quarry spots, as the tank doesn’t need to actually move.

And here is the cognitive error. Because players are obsessed with destroying the enemy tank, and then they need to choose a different path so that its attacks do not affect the team. Often, such a change in path forces the enemy vehicle to change its position and even leave the gray zone.

And here is another mistake often made by players. you put up smoke and jump away, change direction, and first of all, set the respawn point in a different place and remember, bot teams always gather in points that are closest to the strategic goal, regardless of the direction of attack.

Sometimes it happens that no one in your team has anything that could penetrate the frontal armor of the enemy tank. In such a situation, you either try not to focus on it and find another way to the goal, or you build the cannon in a safe place and roll it to the right place. even if the enemy tank is in the gray zone, the maps are large enough to allow you to shoot at it from a different angle. You can also try to defeat him with an anti-tank weapon.

The obvious solution is airplanes. If you want, you can get as close as possible with mortars and try to either blind it or damage the engine.

there is also a method with the motorbike because the motorbike will go deep into the gray zone before you start taking damage.

you can build Czech hedgehogs because they are very durable, more than sandbags.

the possibilities are limited by two things 1. the units you choose 2. the equipment you choose.

Ok I think we’re talking past each other a little here. I am talking about maps, where there are hardly any paths that you can take if there is a well positioned greyzone tank. And if you avoid them you’ll have to funnel the entire team through small areas, which means youre are easily defended against unless the enemy is sleeping.
Here’s for example the map I was talking about. If the point is here, where the ping is it is basically impossible to get there without being seen by a tank on the ledge in the background. That tank is outside of effective infantry weapon ranges and you can’t move close enough to it, due to it being in the greyzone.

I’ve drawn in a few paths I think are usually taken. The ones through the water or directly around it being very risky imo. The ones on the flank however don’t have continious cover to the objective either and the one on the left can even be seen partly while moving over that ledge there.

This leaves infantry with few choices: Smoke mortars and hoping that the enemy doesn’t blind fire (you have to move to the objective, so you are limited in jumping away or changing direction, as an he shell covers most of the area you’ll advance from. Or anti tank guns and hoping that the enemy doesn’t notice you’re building it or moving it in. And finally just running in, hoping that 1 or 2 guys will get through to the objective and manage to fight the entire enemy infantry team.

when you have to reach this point, there is still a central path on the other side. the enemy is coming from the right. Because the point hasn’t moved yet, as I can see on the minimap, and as a defender or attacker, you have almost the entire mountain at your disposal.

Can you draw that path into the image. I am not sure which one you mean.

blue arrows are alternative places where you can build a rallypoint, cannon, hmg and at the same time alternative roads to which you can move around. these two orange ones are very cheeky places at rallypoint.

and I know you’re defending, but I know what it’s like to attack.

Defenders’ vehicles are respawning in this red square, there is a good place to build cannons if you want to destroy attackers’ tanks standing on the cliffs.

the blue arrows are from the perspective of the attacker, i.e. your enemies according to the screenshot.

I’ll check those spots out tomorrow, but I am pretty sure that you can’t push that far behind the objective as the attacker team. But maybe I am mistaken.

if you are under fire
My suggestion is to use smoke bombardment from the Signal Regiment
In this kind of map, it can block the enemy’s sight very well.
Many players fail to understand the value of smoke bombardment
It’s very useful for both offense and defense.
But most of the time monkeys and parasites just want to use artillery fire to attack areas where there are no enemies at all.

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I don’t think anyone said the grey zone tanks were immortal, I have blown them up by ignoring the “Soldier you must return to the battlefield” BS and had a few seconds to take a shot. What I was saying is that in “real war” there are no grey zones, so “IF” the game is trying to be somewhat realistic, you shouldn’t have grey zones in the game. :wink: I was in the USAF not infantry, but to the best of my knowledge it’s the infantry that is supposed to protect the tank while the tank is offering infantry support. IMOP the game has tried to somewhat eliminate that by giving the tank a “safe space” so to speak.

The function of the gray zone is to ensure that the disadvantaged party will not be beaten into a honeycomb just after resurrecting.

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I know why it’s there, but my point is if there isn’t a grey zone in real life, why should they have it in the game? Just look at the tank destruction going on in Ukraine and tell me about grey zones. :rofl: I’m sure the Iraqis would have also loved a grey zone as Abrams tanks laid waste to their T72’s in great numbers in Desert Storm, but the simple fact of war is tanks get destroyed if they are not used or deployed properly. You don’t need a grey zone to protect them, that is the job of the Infantry. Do we want a realistic game or allow handicaps? Maybe I am in the minority as far as grey zones go. In any case, I doubt we see it change anyway, so it’s a moot point and I’ve added my 2 cents worth, for the 1 cent it was worth. :blush:

But the tank’s respawn point is behind the infantry
If the gray zone space is reduced, the infantry will still be attacked from multiple directions at the respawn point.
We have to protect those poor sandbags to maintain our population base
Instead of making it a game where you will die within 10 seconds after leaving the house
This kind of game won’t last long

This is just a game not reality
They have to strike a balance to a certain extent
Avoid slow suicide like those unpopular masterpieces with a small population base


you also dont get to respawn in real life if you want some more of genious irl comparisons.

Probably because its a game, supposed to be fun ?

Aight, go play br 4-5 with a tank, record some of that infantry covering your tank action.
Clearly everyone else has missed something.

90% of “players” are bots acting like mentally challenged chipmunks and you really want to bring “realism” as argument to table ?

pretty sure yes.

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its implamented for balancing reason, the greyzone was added so that it would be another layer of spawn protection for your teams and the enemies, tanks abuse that though, thus they cant be harmed by infantry and tanks because the tank vs tank battle is unfair because the greyzoner tank has their front facing be againt a tank, which is the most armored part that CANNOT be penetrated. i made a better solution on greyzone tanking: A balanced solution to greyzone camping

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