A balanced solution to greyzone camping

make it so when a tank is in the enemy greyzone, the tanks armor is way weaker, im speaking br 1 tank armor weak, why?, because the tank in the enemy greyzone has a really big advantage, so when a tank sees it, the tank on the greyzone is dead, also, make tanks that are on the enemy greyzone not get score/xp from kills and assists and also killing other tanks.

this change makes greyzone camping balanced, somewhat obv, doesnt matter what tank, but since that tank gets severly weaker armor when entering enemy greyzone area, there should be added a change in the map where it shows the enemy greyzone with a different color than yours, which will be a different color than your greyzone, also, when a tank enters enemy greyzone, it makes them see a popup that will always be there, telling them they are in the enemy greyzone, thus the wont get score/xp from kills and assists and destroying tanks and any vehicle and also their armor is weaker, this popup will be placed exactly like the popup that says you need to repair your vehicle when you get damaged.

devs, this is prob the best solution to greyzone camping, it alerts the enemy/you that they/you are in the enemy greyzone, so they get a popup that says their armor is weaker, no matter what tank and that their kills and assists and destroying vehicles will not be counted

This isn’t a solution. It is a continuation of the problem.

Tanks are grayzone camping for a reason. Because unless they are in a Tiger II ANYTHING can take them out. The answer is in getting rid of all the Anti-Tank weapons. Or rather limiting them. Only Engineers and Airborne Pathfinders should have TnT and explosive packs.

There are only two tank slots per team and everyone and their brother is running around with TnT and explosive packs. Aside from it being unrealistic it also forces light and medium tanks to not do their job of support.

Ridiculously overpowered Antitank projectiles, TnT, Explosive packs and Anti-Tank canons. Not to mention the fact that they are the first thing aircraft go for.

Also either Tiger II’s need to be nerfed or Pershings need THEIR REAL armor stats. I am sick of wasting all my M-9 rockets trying to take out a Tiger II only to be lucky if I blow up a track, while I get oneshotted by Panzerfausts from the front when the Pershing was literally designed to withstand them. (In real life, the Pershing had a suspended inner hull and an outer hull. This was so that impact and HE weapons would detonate on the thinner outer hull and limit kinetic energy on the inner hull. Tiger II’s on the other hand were highly vulnerable to kinetic energy because though the armor was thicker, it was one solid hull that conducted kinetic energy. But in a Pershing, I get taken out even by Panzer III’s as well as 20mm fire from aircraft if the hit me straight from above. The only 100% kill I have found for Tiger II is the 1,000lbs bomb from the Dauntless. But that thing doesn’t usually last long enough to refill. 500lbs don’t normally do the trick.

Aside from that, a lot of the equipment that is in the tank slots were not designed to be on the front lines. (The tank killers and Howitzers) So I have no issue with them doing that. The armor is weak and 50cal fire can take them out fast.

But when Tiger II’s do it, that is just some ol’B.S.


Using P38 on level 5 field?
That thing can only deal with Japanese coffins
What you need is P51D

I agree that Pershing is not strong enough
But tigers don’t need to adjust

is this another :parrot:? just with an obsession with gray zone instead of 100 belt mg42?


Nice. So only one class for everyone.

I don’t use P-38’s at all. They are pretty pointless on these map types. P-51D is only effective if the Tiger is hill sitting and you got a clean strafing shot and sort of throw your bombs at it. But in most maps the Tiger is in tree cover or next to a building. (Also Tiger II’s on the airfield are easy P-51 bait) But there is no guarantee that you will take it out completely. It seems to be a 50/50 chance under those conditions. Dropping 500lbs bombs from altitude with the A-20 also seems to be worthless.

The only two Tiger II killers I have found was the P-47 (and that is only if you hit it with the rockets and the 500lb bomb, and ironically, the SBD-3 Dauntless. If you land the 1,000lbs bomb. (But Dauntless doesn’t last long)

Now the M-9 bazooka confuses the hell out of me. I don’t know if the thing doesn’t work right, or if there is a cheat that makes vehicles damage proof. But I have wasted every rocket before on a Tiger II from the side where a tank can kill it by hitting the ammo rack, but I do no damage. I also encounter this with Panzer 3&4’s. But every now and then I can 1-shot a Tiger II in the front from a long distance off.

I thought you marked M8 as M9
Is that from the Soviet Union?

From my personal experience
Both 50 kilograms and 500 pounds can effectively destroy King Tiger.
When I was in the United States, I often used a combination of 2 P51s and 1 P38 as a level 3 configuration.
In the Soviet Union, it would ensure that 100 kilograms could be effectively dropped on the enemy’s face

the problem with grayzone tanks boils down to the map designs allowing for tanks to camp in the grayzone and have an immediate line of fire to the next objective.

the solution to this is unknown to me, because the “solutions” I can think of would basically require a total overhaul.


some players have spent countless hours to grind those tanks, learned how aim and position the tank to deliver effective and accurate support to their team. You have no right to take away their hard earned fun because of your own skill issue.

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I’d like to add that AT projectile launchers reload ridiculously fast, take the RPzB-43 Ofenrohr for example you spawn with 6 rockets that can penetrate 200 mm of armour and can complete its reload after 3.1 seconds. That’s just 1 AT soldier, every other soldier classes can equip the dynamite pack.

Most AT launchers, other factions included reload around 3 seconds, so yeah driving your tank up is just suicide.


M9 as in the Bazooka. And Tigers aren’t the problem. My 500lbs bombs don’t have trouble taking those out. It is the Tiger II’s . Especially the Tiger II (H)

I have to have a direct hit in the right place and you Seldom get that opportunity from a plane. Meanwhile basically anything can take out a Pershing including frag grenades if they land on the back… And it has a lot of back.

Problems are;
1-map design
2- map size
Dont expect any meaningfull solution until they will be fixed ( never)


are YOU dumb??, EVERYTHING that is extremly powerful like tanks, planes, etc. ABSOLUTLY need a counter, also, if you cant protect your tank, THAT A YOU problem!, ABSOLUTLY DO not remove ANY counter, A TANK IS SO POWERFUL IT CAN END ENTIRE SQUADS!, and THE INFANTRY CAN DO NOTHING ABOUT IT from far away, SO OFC THEY NEED A IOPTION TO KILL IT FAR AWAY!, I AINT LISTENING TO THIS IDIOTIC thought process1

AT guns ARE SUPPOSED to be op on tanks, why?, because if tanks can counter them, THAN THERE IS NO EASY COUNTER TO TANKS OTHER THAN PLANES!, which is a a huge problem, because if there is no easy counter to tanks (explosive packs dont count, as they are only useful ON CLOSE RANGE because you need ot accuratley throw them), the tanks WILL be immortal, AT guns are a huge counter to tanks DUE TO BALANCE REASONS, that is like saying AA guns are too op, THEY ARE OP BECAUSE THEY ARE the only easy problem to kill planes other than planes themselves. so pls, DO NOT CRY LIKE A BITCH, and justify greyzone tanking WHEN GREYZXONE TANKING IS THE most unfair STARTEGY in the entire game!, one, greyzone tanking has only benefits, making the tank completly secure from infantry and AT gunners and AT guns, two, if their armor is made weaker, THAN THEY WOULDNT BE SAFE, which is good because its balanced due ot them BEING IN A SAFE ZONE TO THEM, if any infantry and literally anything crosses, it WILL slowly die, thats why making it have way weaker armor in the greyzone and alerting the tank that it will have such change is good, because it punishes unfairness, is like making a sniper in an unfair position where no one can kill them be seen throught the whole map, to flank them.

i have never seen, in my entire life, someone who justifies a obv unfair, evil, strategy, NO ONE, and second of all.

AT GUNNERS, ARE INFANTRY, TANKS ARE LITERALLY INF TIMES STRONGER THAN INFANTY, tanks are safe from bullets!, tanks are safe from INFANTRY completly!, the only thing that is reasonable for infantry IS USING AT GUNS, AT GUNS WERE IMPLENTED AS A COUNTER FOR TANKS FOR A GOOD REASON!!!.


Hey first off don’t go insulting people. Especially while whining. With the exception of the Tiger II, no tanks are not all that powerful AND THEY SHOULD BE.

Soldiers don’t need to be running around with antitank weapons if they are not an Anti-Tank soldier. The Balance is other tanks and planes.

Every swinging Peter running around with TnT or Explosive packs is the very reason what you are complaining about happens.

If I am on defence, hell yeah I sit in a grey zone if I have line of sight. But on Offense I am trying my best to give troop support. I am in the thick of the fight and I last about two seconds before some jerkwad comes up on my blind side and plants a TnT charge that they shouldn’t even have.

As for balance? I got some bad news for ya… “THERE IS NO BALANCE IN THIS GAME”. Not currently anyway. There is balance between Axis and Soviet. There is somewhat balance between Western Allies and Japan. But Axis vs U.S. on BRV is another story. U.S. small arms do not have the accuracy they should, while Axis weapons such as the FG 42 are hyper accurate. At range, all Axis SMG’s out class Thompson’s because the sight of the Thompson actually gets in the way of the target, and they bounce all over the place as it is, no matter how much up upgrade them.and your soldier.

Literally everything will take out any American Tank, but even Anti-Tank guns are useless against a Tiger II. U.S. planes are superior as far as agility, but most have 50caliber HMG’s which in real life would shred anything that flies. You have to hit Axis planes in the right spot to do damage, meanwhile almost all of their BRV planes have 20mm or higher canons. All of them can oneshot any American plane and the American planes that do have 20mm have sacrificed either speed or mobility to have them.

That 50cal runs into a serious issue against Axis planes with tail gunners. You may take them out but at the cost of them damaging your plane. When Axis planes switch to the tail gunner, their planes fly straight. U.S. planes start drifting and tilting with the gun and since all U.S. planes with tail guns have that dorsal tail-fin, they have limited shots. BF110 has twin tails with more shooting range and vision and the ME 410 has side tail guns. (Spitfire and Corsair doesn’t have an issue taking them out, but those are just two examples of Western Allied planes that don’t use 50cal)

The issue is that Axis got buffed for balance against the Soviets while the U.S. got nerfed for Balance against the Japanese. After the merge, Axis kept the buffs and Western Allies kept the nerfs. (Pick any Axis equipment and compare the game stats to real life. Then take any Western Allied equipment and do the same. Axis is boosted, Western Allies is nerfed)… Tank sitting is the least of.the games problems.


Average tank meatrider

yeah i agree, dont.

it deals with obv thing that people with common sense know, aka, at gun are fair and not op and why my obv objectively good greyzone solution is a good thing

Found the WT Reject that Greyzone tanks

On a more serious note, not only is Greyzone tanking one of the least-skilled ways to play the game, it will only serve to push away new players as they do not have the AT solutions to deal with stronger tanks.

Greyzone tanking is an exploit of the no-play area and should be a priority for DF to fix - but given that it’s been an issue since 2021, it’s not likely to change.