A balanced solution to greyzone camping

“Every swinging Peter running around with TnT or Explosive packs is the very reason what you are complaining about happens.”

nope, im complaining about your obv skill issue, that is, that you JUSTIFY GREYZONE TANKING!, said by your own words “If I am on defence, hell yeah I sit in a grey zone if I have line of sight.”

NEVER greyzone tank, is objectively a toxic startegy and the most cowaredous one.

you can play defense as a tank and not get killed, is called S K I L L.

this is coming from a tank main, so yeah, you have: S K I L L I S S U E.

As i mentionned before, in the future there will be an event with greyzones being almost completely removed (only remaining for spawn points): Telegram: Contact @enlisted_official_ru

exactly, THIS IS WHY I MADE THIS SUGGESTION, spec, MAKING THE ARMOR BE WAY WEAKER, why?, because if it is implemented, it will make greyzoners not be safe!, tanks, at guns, at gunners, CAN ACTUALLY kill them now.

this is why i say my solution is objectively good, because it is

GREAT, my question is, how will the spawn points be protected, i mean, is not like rally points where they have invincble for some time. also, you said is an event, so what?, in that event greyzone is gonna be removed but than added back or is it a pernamnet change? it better be pernament change

Quote me on this thread where I mention AT gun.

Funny how you accuse me of lacking common sense when you’re the one chimping out over there.

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Is this event intended to test implementation game-wide or just a one-off?

Armored train already has no greyzones save for left/right limits (albeit being a bad game mode) so it’s been tested before.

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Depends on how players like it: (translated from the post)

Preparing, as promised, a mission without gray zones, to test ideas and possible changes to gray zones in the future


I can almost guarantee that infantry mains will love it, and tankers will despise it.


Great, very great.

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sounds like Heroes and Generals, this will potentially be very toxic and nothing will stop players from placing mines all over the map.


implying Greyzone tanking isn’t incredibly toxic

The irony is palpable.

For the attacker ticket will mitigate this
For the defender well, if two people have the time to place mine all around the map it means that the game was lost from the start

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H&G veteran here, tanks were fine, you could see them from far away and if used your brain, you could even avoid them but mines on the other hand were toxic traps you could do nothing about other than attempting to predict where someone might place them.
Im not a hypocrite, Im speaking from my own experience from other games and mysteriously Enlisted is becoming more and more like H&G.

Idc about H&G experience. Greyzoning is toxic due to the small maps, clear LOS on objectives and spawns for tanks, and BR spread causing players not having the adequate gear to deal with GZ tanks.

GZ tankers deserve to be spawn trapped. They’re participating in an exploit of the battle area and its skill-less gameplay. It’s the only upside of Armored Train Defense - I can farm all the wannabe GZ campers as soon as they spawn their tanks.

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sounds like someone left emotional scars on you.


Sounds like you’re a bot ¯\(ツ)


So only the team that is currently spawnkilling gets their Tank armor…
This might in no way favor actively spawn camping the enemy team at all…

Why not just remove tanks completely at this point.

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Will the feature be tested with unbalanced teams in mind?
If the event will force teams to be balanced then there is are no actual usefull insights to be gained of how it would perform on the live server.

So will the event intentionaly pit 10 BR 5 japan mains VS a handfull of BR 3 US players?
If no then your testing is next to worthless as it does not reflect the actual matches.

People dont need spawn protection if teams are balanced…
But if they are not then have fun in the respawn screen 24/7.

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Toxic??? You bring libtard vocabulary to a wargame?

Dude it is you who lacks skill if you can’t figure out that those tanks are sitting ducks. If you have an issue of a tank sitting in a grey zone, then take it out THE RIGHT WAY. Unless it is a Tiger II you can take it out with an Anti Tank gun, jump.in.a tank of your own, or jump in a plane. And if it is a Tiger II then that is a separate issue unto itself. There are only two tank slots and when you kill tanks in their gray zone, you screw things up for the next guy.

Not every gray zone has a clear line of sight and I am telling you that Tanks grayzone sitting are not the issue. The issue is that the stupid game mechanics do not allow Tanks to be Tanks. You have other tanks to take out tanks, you have Engineers that can build anti tank guns to take out tanks, and you have Anti Tank Soldiers to take out tanks, and you have aircraft to take out tanks. Everybody does not need to be running around with TnT and Explosive packs. It is unrealistic and blatantly stupid.

This has absolutely no impact on new players. They will start off in BRI where Tanks can be taken out by HMG’s

Frankly, your idea of lowering Tank HP when they stay in a gray zone is silly. Most of them HAVE to do it because they already do not have HP. Those things were designed to fire from friendly lines and thanks to the most ridiculous and complete rip-off of Battlefield V mechanic in the game (spawn beacons) there are no friendly nor enemy lines. Howitzers and Mobile Anti Tank vehicles don’t have much armor anyway. Planes can take them out with 50cal and 20mm fire alone… No bombs nor rockets required.