A balanced solution to greyzone camping

Please tell me this is close…

"Trade Spawn Beacons for Outposts that upgrade to command centers their function would work for spawning, refilling ammo and fuel and set up a definitive battle line.

This would result in every game being different and more realistic, while removing everything that makes the game unrealistic and monotonous. Instead of multiple fixed objectives, you would have just one main objective… “Destroy the enemies Headquarters at the other end of the map.”

No more gray zones, no more limited vehicles including aircraft, No more unrealistic combatants spawning from behind you nor spawning at your flanks at your defensive line. (But they can airdrop there) The catch is that you can’t just go from point A to B. You will become exhausted, and run out of Ammo and fuel. Engineers can no longer build ammo crates. (But resource crates containing ammo can be airdropped) So you would need to build more Outposts/Command centers as you advance. APC’s will still function the same.

Though there would be no limit to vehicles, there would be a limit on fuel and unless you are on the coast with Aircraft carriers, you can’t have planes until you create an airfield somewhere behind your lines. You can have multiple planes, and multiple airfields but no more than five planes per airfield. Planes now have to land to refill ammo fuel and make repairs. In order to make airfields, and Outposts, your engineers have to have the resources to make them.
You would now have two Engineer units. Combat Engineers, and Combat Heavy Engineers. Combat Engineers would be the ONLY units that can use TnT or Explosive packs. (All airborne units will have at least one cbt engineer) They also would have access to all current Engineer structures including HMG’s but would lose the ability to create ammo crates. (But ammo can be gained from airdrops and APC’s) The combat engineer role becomes what it is in real life. To set up temporary defensive perimeters and to destroy the enemies defenses including Command center defenses.

The Combat Heavy Engineers will have vehicles such as jeeps and Dozers. They will have the ability to build airfields, roads, bridges, walls, berms, outposts, towers, bunkers, heavy AA cannons, tunnels and tank ditches. They would also be able to clear debris such as dead vehicles and rubble. (If they have a homefield advantage, perhaps they can either build or convert railroads to replace convoys?) They also would be the only units that can restore these things if they are destroyed. They would have virtually no offensive combat capabilities and would be strictly dependent on resources in order to build anything, but they create all logistics capabilities and literally change the landscape of the map becoming more vital in the late game as they are able to create paths to areas that were once impassible for faster troop movements and become more effective as they gain more resources.

Resources come from Convoys that travel from your HQ to all of your Command Centers and airfields. An outpost cannot become a Command center until enough resources get delivered to it. Once enough resources get supplied, the outpost will automatically upgrade to a Command Center. The first upgrade gives the command center unlimited fuel, ammo, and Engineer building resources. Further upgrades will add defenses such as Anti-Tank turrets, HMG Pillboxes/bunkers, Howitzer artillery and advanced AA Flack cannons for Axis, or Proximity ammo for allies (BR determines the type). If a convoy is prevented from reaching the Command center, a downgrade will occur until the convoy can again reach its destination. (Airfields, Outposts/command centers, Convoy trucks or the roads themselves and Engineer built bridges can all be destroyed by airborne units and airstrikes from behind enemy lines. Or by Combat Engineers in the neutral zone.where the fighting is heaviest.

Both sides are on offense and both sides are on defense. The game is won once a faction destroys the opponents HQ, or runs out of its fixed number of respawns.

Instead of multiple fixed secondary objectives, there is only one fixed primary objective: “Destroy the Enemy HQ”. In order to do this players must complete secondary objectives that are player made and will never be the same in every game of the same map because the map itself will change as the battle goes on.

Strategy will also change. Maybe players will prefer a blitzkrieg tactic and try to sweep through to the Enemy HQ as quickly as possible before Combat Heavy units can be effective? But they risk running out of resources and spreading thin (the farther your outpost is from your HQ the longer the road and resources are limited as is the fuel of your dozer to make that road and the longer time it takes your Convoys to get there. Plus the units on defense have endless ammo from their HQ that you now border and until your outpost becomes a command center. To pull it off, you have to rely on your APC squads to respawn and refill your ammo. Your outpost will only have limited refills and every time you go back to your APC’s, you risk letting the enemy know where they are at.

Maybe you want to play defensively and make a chain of short safe interconnecting outposts so that you get resources faster. But then you risk giving the enemy more ground in which they have all the room in the world to create multiple airfields. Those outposts will quickly become command centers with AA cannons that will shred aircraft, but you give them air superiority over the neutral zone making it near impossible to advance. Once their combat engineers or tanks that would now have roads and bridges to reach your front lines fast, take out your AA cannons you are finished. Your Anti Tank turrets might take out a tank easily, but you allowed the enemy to gain air superiority which enabled them to build a network of outpost/command centers which allowed them be become fully mechanized. Your Command center on the front lines might have huge anti tank turrets that will obliterate a Tiger II but there is now a whole Panzer Division at your front door. You allowed them to build roads and they refill with every command center they pass along the way.

Maybe you meet somewhere in the Middle and rely on calculated airstrikes and covert airborn drops to attack the enemies logistics. You take out their bridges and AA so your planes can obliterate their roads and starve out their troops and revert their command centers back to messily outposts.

The possibilities become endless and no two games of the same map would be the same. Plus you can do away with the stupid boosting and nerfing units (which actually created the imbalances to begin with) and have balance based off of logistics capabilities vs equipment."

It’s really funny how insecure they are about such an idea. Sharing it only through the Russian telegram.

I guess great ideas like the button to sell legacy squads or the new ground vehicle repair system also came into existence in these completely isolated environments.

No comment. I can’t wait for some proper WT style spawn camping. :))

the irony

While I agree ~9000% about the greyzone tanking skill requirement, from tanker view its arguably the onlything you can do if you are even attempting to effectively support your team.

This is just usual shitty design we all got somewhat used to.
New players should have access to detpacks instantly, one of the starting squads should be engineer
( Preferably even unlocked the upgrade tree all the way to AT / AA gun )
Rather than absolutely useless sniper squad.

off-topic but due to subject being newplayers.
The economy & Grind is fking ridiculous.

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Tanks are long range tools and most maps are too small so greyzone is also the sole way to make use of range.

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Im really sure you need skill to “angle” a Tiger 2H nor does it require to aim for weakspots.

looking forward to that tbh but i do have to wonder tho, If it gonna be a normal map or a custom big map. Quite excited tbh

another weak player…

what do you have with these tanks in the gray zone. a field gun in the gray zone does the same job.

Stop focusing on these tanks and start thinking. There is no single meta pattern in this game for teams. Tiger B (tiger iI) is not a god. If German games were plagued by the same technical problems as was the case historically, no one would play the Germans because they would always be weak since 1943.

And your problem is that you probably don’t play as engineers, you don’t use smoke grenades and you don’t use teams of radio operators.
Just rush forward and take one beaten path to get to the point as quickly as possible.

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Can be killed by infantry arms, mostly blows up after one hit, has shitty stability, is funny to build, cost ressources and only the Germans and Soviets have usefull ones.
Its the same.

I also think that the Japanese didnt had wood tanks available on Guada maps in 1943 but here we are.

Whats the 57mm M1 gonna do against the Tiger II?

Because they are useless. They barely cover a door.

Because they are useless.

Yeah Just keep dying. Enemy will eventually run out of ammo I guess.


with the no grayzone testing, paratrooper stock just went up

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I agree that tanks should be pushing out with infantry instead of using them as meat shields.

However, annoying tanks in grey zone is not limited to Enlisted: Even battlefield has these players, so what makes you think Enlisted could solve this?

I’d say just buff the anti tank soldiers:
The M1 bazooka in game has less penetration than in real life…
PIAT has less muzzle velocity and penetration in game than in real life…
Panzerfaust 60 has less penetration in game than in real life…

I use the M1 bazooka mainly on allies, and I often can’t even penetrate a light tank like the AB41

I got these information online so I apologize for any errors. I also apologize for the tone if I sound rude in any way

Its been a while, but isnt the battlefield main base so far back it cant see the objectives until they move out?, usually tucked behind terrain or in low ground

I remember containing entire teams in their main base…but they couldnt have any affect on the capture areas while they were still in there

Its pretty simple IMO, if you can engage or have a “direct presence” in and around the objective from a position, that position needs to be a play area.

You can have a grayzone, but it has to be so far back, tucked away or have no LOS or strategic value to the primary play area/objective

tankers WILL love it, this is coming as a tanker main, the only ones who won’t are the unskilled toxic minority aka the greyzoners

You can destroy his cannon. There is also a gaming problem here, because at the distances we fight in the game, the 57mm cannon would be enough to put the Tiger II out of action.

Smoke is not for hiding in, A to change position without being noticed.

You just have to think and look for different solutions.

Tanks are not used to fight at a distance of 50 meters, but to fight at a distance of hundreds of meters.

It would be enough to do one thing. Add more bomb craters and more wrecks to the maps.

And this is the trick at the end. It’s good to call in bombers - they are able to drop bombs on the enemy zone, often forcing the enemy tank to change position. However, it is better to place a wall of smoke in front of the border of the gray zone, which allows for easy dispersion.

So just hope that enemy is dumb and will not only let you build a cannon but also let you two hit his cannon and track.
Sounds realistic.

So tank sees you 10m to left and shoots you.
Really advanced.

You said just rush. I dont know what else should come to mind there.

got to love this logic, technically knife vs br5 equipment is totally fine.
All you have to do is go ninja9000 and stab them faster than they shoot you.

ah the smoke solution to every issue

Would be awesome, tanks are already such a pleasure to drive.

Do not understand. In Enlisted and other World War II games, tanks fight at very short distances for tanks. In the real world, during the war, at a distance of 200-300 m, the 57mm field gun was enough to put a tank like the Tiger II out of combat.

There is a difference between being excluded from combat and being destroyed, because in real life you don’t have to destroy a tank to be excluded from combat.

Three smoke grenades will cover a larger area, six will cover an even larger area. You certainly have more than four army slots, but an ordinary player has four, and such an ordinary player increases his effectiveness when he equips his troops in various ways, and does not use any meta equipment established by YouTubers or other gaming gurus.

bullshit. americans had reports that 57mm was not enough for german tanks even in 1942/1943, not to mention tiger 2. that is why they started developing 105mm T8 AT gun at that time.

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And that’s the difference, buddy. There is a difference between destroying a vehicle with one shot and taking a vehicle out of combat. A vehicle taken out of combat may withdraw for repairs or may be dragged from the battlefield but not destroyed. The Tiger II was such a terrible vehicle that the Americans did not use armor-piercing ammunition against it because the 76 mm high-explosive ammunition was enough. High-explosive ammunition was used because the Tiger II had very poor quality armor and cracked when hit by high-explosive ammunition. You won’t realize this in games. A Tyger whose turret was broken or its front plate fell off was out of action, and high-explosive ammunition could be fired from distances greater than that of anti-tank ammunition.

The British used 57mm guns until the end of the war because it was the Churchill tank with a 57mm gun that disabled the tiger number 131. Similarly, the Witman tiger was disabled with 57mm guns. Cannons with larger calibers simply gave a good chance of destroying the vehicle with the first shot because it was known that the Germans did not have the ability to replace heavy tanks with new ones.


maybe cause british 57mm can frontally pen tiger, while american 57mm AP cant pen tiger frontally with even slightest angle? not to mention tanks with heavier armor.

sure it was

unfortunately that “out of combat” works fairly poorly in the game since the toolbox holds all the spare parts you can imagine.