Tips on how to use smoke

First of all, remember that smoke is a non-lethal weapon (except mortar) that is double-edged, meaning it can help or hurt both sides.

Ultra Paint art

1a Try to limit the visibility of the enemy tank by throwing two or more smoke grenades in front of the tank. The best distance is the length of the tank.
In addition, we try to throw grenades to the sides to increase the player’s disorientation (this can, for example, make him drive into a wall).

1b When attacking the tank’s flank, try to throw smoke grenades at the length of the machine from the side of the attack and the front. We do it when an enemy tank can eliminate us before we reach it. Unnoticed, we do not use smoke. The crew grenade is marked like any other enemy grenade.

2a Player with heavy machine gun slot:
I. Assaulting an Enemy Strong Position. Throw smoke grenades as far as possible.

II. We reach the smoke line and throw more grenades (If you see that one of the allies throws smoke grenades in front of you and you have yours, throw them) for the length of the next part of the assault.

III. We try to throw grenades inside the fortified position.

2b Smoke is an engineer’s support an engineer under the cover of smoke can place heavier shields. Czech hedgehogs withstand a hit from heavy machine guns.
I. We throw smoke on the exit line and to the maximum distance.
Engineers can build more fortifications, creating shelters in the line of attack.

II. We reach the smoke line and throw more grenades for the length of the next part of the assault.

III. We are eliminating the defense of the fortified position.

3a How to use smoke against an enemy unit in a gray zone, ie tanks. On the example of Normandy.
I. We put smoke on the beach exit and try to quickly get the best engineer to a sheltered position.
II. We place the smoke from the artillery parallel to the enemy (along the front line, approximately 2/3 of the operational distance from us to the enemy. This is to blind as many enemies as possible and vehicles in the gray zone.

III. We try to limit the enemy’s field of vision within the range of the shot from the initial position with the mortar.

IV. We try to reach the right position with the mortar and cover the foreground of the enemy tank with smoke, which is firing from the depths of the hostile gray zone.

V. We call smoke with the radio operator from the artillery battery perpendicular to the enemy and increase the chances of approaching the enemy position.

3b A smoke screen is deployed and the enemy is in a height advantage position.
I. If we place smoke too close to our positions, they will reduce the threat at short range.

II. If I place a smoke screen too close to an enemy position, the smoke will not restrict the enemy’s line of sight.

III. It is best to place smoke at a distance of 1/2 or 2/3 of the distance to the enemy position, if possible, place a smoke screen on elevated terrain, which will increase the height of the smoke.

4 Use of smoke in the city.
I. We throw smoke from behind the covers, creating the possibility of going from one side to the other. We move not in smoke, but on the edge opposite to the enemy position.

II. Artillery smoke we call along the street. The smoke must cover as much of the street as possible.

III. If the enemy is shooting at you from the gray zone, it’s best to use a mortar.

If we have to cross a river in Berlin or on any other map and an enemy tank is firing at us from the gray zone, it’s best to call smoke with the radio operator and drop it along the river bank on the enemy’s side. Possibly a mortar.

If the tank has smoke shells for the main cannon, and our enemy is a tank with which we will not win, it is best to shoot smoke at it and, most importantly, to move.


Might be useful - dunno 'cos it’s so hard to read!!

OP - at the very least, please break up the diagrams and accompanying text into separate sections!!

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it’s wordy but short and sweet; smoke is effective to blind the enemy and create ad-hoc cover. If you coordinate with another player, it can become incredibly effective to close the gap between you and the enemy so you can take them out.

idk usually the classic “point and click” tactic with weapon works wonders.

You’re right. I’ll do line spacing.

I write on google translator. I can write in English on my own at the level: I eat, I go, I look for a hair cutting tool.
I tried to use the GPT chat but this one creates flowers when he translates.

Smoke is almost useless in this game due how small the AoE it has, if you squad walk in a line that might cover them but with multiple squad? The smoke doesn’t work that well

Also bots can see you right through smoke

Smoke is useful in a push.
On a contested objective where the enemy is defending, a good smoke allows for an effective regroup of forces and push.

Dude why you so negative?
This is useful info, its just an environmental thing.

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Look at the nickname, is a play of words with gas the jews, don’t mind him

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Damn I didn’t notice that…

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