
I don’t speak Russian, so I’ll speak English. I hope the mods are forgiving, but people are literally making false accusations based on nothing.

  1. In that specific game, watch carefully. Just a few seconds after spawning, I saw many soldiers coming out of that building. I wasn’t aiming at one particular soldier because I knew my shots were hitting multiple targets. So there was no need to take extra time to aim carefully. You can watch all my replays; you’ll notice that I miss—sometimes a lot.
  2. My previous nickname or any alternative account was not simply “Borsalino.” And it would be incredibly dumb to just add “32” to the end of it.

Keep going with this nonsense.

12 лайков

My English may not be better than your Russian, but I’ll try my best.
You haven’t written on the forum for more than a year, and suddenly you decided to reply to me? What a surprise. I’m very proud of this. Especially since you don’t know Russian.
Most likely, someone from the readers of this thread told you its contents, and it burned your ass so badly that you rushed to the Russian-language forum to try to make some excuses.
If you have any complaints, why didn’t you express them to the author of the thread but to me? You know, my friend, I personally don’t care what you write there. We can’t prove anything to each other. It’s just my word against yours. Besides, this isn’t your first account, so one might wonder about the reason for losing the previous one.
In conclusion, I wouldn’t recommend reading Russian-language forums before breakfast: you risk getting an upset stomach.

based on skill issue :smile:

4 лайка

You are babbling nonsense again. I read regularly the english section of the forums and just wrote a message two days ago about the new class.
Based on what you assume this is not my first account? You keep accusing, making assumptions on litterally nothing. If someone is talking rubbish about me why I should stay quiet and say nothing about it ?

Anyway, this is my last message to you because it’s useless talking to deaf people.

5 лайков

There are people here who have been diagnosed skill issue, the OP also has.

2 лайка

I see you have support here.
Such a strong male shoulder supports you on our forum. He is trying to prove something, even offend, he writes about some skill issue. It’s probably easier for the two of you to trample a username for daring to write something about you.
So, I have no idea how the forum engine works, but if you can’t see, your dear bolt-pulling partner from russian forum should have told you that your message has a technical inscription, something like “user has not posted on the forum for over a year”. Obviously, the english and russian forums are completely different forums and the statistics are conducted differently. By the way, this is not your first account, another person wrote to me about it, who saw a similar nickname but with different numbers or without it… I decided to check and saw more than 10 such similar accounts. So my words are not unfounded, no matter how much you want them to be.
In general, if your ass continues to burn, then let your partner who brought you to the russian forum cool it down. He writes that he has skills. So let him demonstrate them.

Тебя не смутило что эти люди просто не смогли занять ник из-за того что он уже занят, и именно поэтому они себе понаписали циферок?

1 лайк

Та все может быть. И такое тоже вероятно. Сколько у этого чела акаунтов было знают только этот чел, суперадмины энлистеда, ну и члены его кружка.
Но может быть и такой вариант.
У чела был ник username22, его заблочили и он недолго думая создает новый username222 - так проще и быстрее искать в системе. “Посоны, у меня новый ник: добавьте 2 к старому!”.

Вот как раз таки люди так ники и создают в основном: увидел что ни занят и начал цифры писать. Точно также, вот создал человек ник с цифрой 22, а он занят. Ну и дописал ещё одну двоечку

Ну а почему ты отрицаешь вариант с заблоченным аккаунтом?

Почему я должен этот вариант рассматривать превыше? Или ты не знаешь про феномен алеханов?

За собой такого ни разу не замечала? я тут как то выкладывал твои пострелушки с пулемета через пол карты без отдачи , а главное ни видно там никого а убиваешь.
Ну как выяснили всё было честно , ну и очевидно что и тут всё честно :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. Особенно сейчас с новым античитом. Без разброса вы все пуляете это же нормально.

Ну так то Бреда. Он волшебный пулемёт.

Смешно. А как же фг ??? и прочая немецкая ни разу не имба?
Когда интересно советам выдадут что то аналогичное. Хотя взгляды разрабов ясны из статы собственной. Деньги решают.

АВС сейчас лучше ФГ.

1 лайк

Даже интересно стало , надо проверить будет.

1 лайк