
I have not found any gameplay of this weapon, and before I have here it takes more time for me, someone can tell me if here is good or not in battle, I’m curious

I use it and love it, it’s highly effective for an smg and you can use it as an mg


I haven’t used it, but it’s an SMG with decent capacity and RoF and a bipod, so it can kind of do LMG work with more limited range, while still outranging the other SMGs. Sounds like it’s probably pretty fun.


better than the berettaM38?

About the same with 10 less in a mag but a faster rof and same controllability wise

If not full star basically a trash weapon imo.


then I absolutely must have it

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I would honestly love it if they switch zk and fg42 in what classes have access to them

The Zk is much worse than the mp35 that opened earlier.
The mp35 has more damage, handling, and magazine. Also its sight is MUCH more comfortable.
I hate the zk.

Heya Gasta,

I’ll run some gameplay of it on the weekend.
It is mixed in with my other footage of Normandy battles, and I know I make a point of talking about it in a few streams.

I’ll try for Saturday if I have time. I’ve been meaning to do some clips on weapons, just still getting my feet wet with streaming.

I’m over at:

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its a ok gun.

but isnt a schmeisser mk36 III

what a perfect squad _ :

Mk36 is better than the stg?

where 3 mc36 comes from? You can only get it twice. Once in Berlin and once in Normandy.

d day event months ago granted a extra gold order on 1st batlepass.
and the schmeisser its only avaiable on normandy,.

the g43, i have 1 in normandy and 1 in berlin, i transfered the berlin one to normandy so i can have both on the same squad.

It’s about the purchase restriction. I have an extra order right now, but can not buy another kurz gewehr for example.

they changed the way batlepass weapons could be bought on second batlepass . on the second one you could buy the previous one again. we cant no more.

Ah, I see. Too bad, because I’m not interested in all weapons. The new SMG in Berlin and Normandy is not interesting, I would prefer another gewehr

i buy them all;

just in case ;D

same for vehicle skins lol


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Huge expenditures… However, if you like it, it’s good. Most of the weapons are extremely weak, so I would like to be able to only buy the same weapon multiple times for orders (not for gold). It wouldn’t make it count as p2w, but one day I would have assembled the perfect squad.