That’s actually another good solution I haven’t seen before. ZK compares favorably with M2, less damage and DPS but also less recoil and more controllable, I’d see this as a good balance. Plus, it would mean just swapping the ZK to the engineer squad that gets the FG and re-designating the FG as an LMG while making it a weapon unlock without a squad attached. I like this a lot, good thinking.
its all in the uniqueness of them .
even, if they are a weak counterpart to a normal weapon
its all for my personal collection
Mein Got!
I’m glad I’ve never run into your doom squads yet. I have one, and I’ve been playing for sometime now. I feel like you’d roll right over them.
the same goes for me, better avoid it
Best Axis PP but MP43
Take as much as you can, 6* are prior
My every Normandy assaulter but MP43 ones have it on 6*, and less than 6* on all tankers
The MP-35\1 is the best, the sound is nice and rich, the sight is comfortable and does not obscure the screen.
I am convinced to use it!
better than the mp40 sure about this the zk I have to try it for myself
Personally, I prefer the MP-35 6* to the 4* MP43. When my MP43s get 5-6*, I’ll swap and give the MP-35s to the tank crew
you too see the tank crew as the smg’s garbage can
An assault squad without the bombers isn’t a perfect squad
It is a lot of fun actually. I enjoyed making the video for it. And perhaps I can do that more in the future as needed.
thanks great video, today I was lucky with the boosters and battles, and I got the zk-383 and I must say that it is excellent, especially on the distance having done a lot of practice with the ppd, I was able to immediately adjust the recoil and aim before shooting, is like the beretta M38, and i use her up to the stg, the only downside if you are not practical to adjust the aim manually is not a gentle weapon
i would honestly switch out the fg42 and the zk’s class restrictions if i could
it would always be op, a ver sur mer sniped them with the zk-383 from the spawn
Glad you enjoyed. I was quite happy taking the time out to make it for you.
you can already do that with the fg42 anyways XD
What in the hell is a Schmeisser? Looking up the ZK as ive never used it as ive always had the erma emp’s suppressed and never saw the need to use anything else at the BR. I wanted to try the ZK out and see if its worth spading it and came across this post. Sorry if this is necro but clarity is needed here on this Schmeissar. Thanks
As you just said this is necro so just use private DM’s
? Ill just use this as a reference being that its a part of my question. But for real what the hell is a Schmeisser? Been playing for about a year and never saw this weapon. Was it deleted or something? looks like and early variant to the old king kiraly, i could be mistaken.