Your feedback about last update

Too. Many. Bots. I’m losing 80% of my Axis matches because it’s all Human Allies vs mostly bot axis. This has to stop.

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i like the current AT. i do understand the physics on unbalanced terrain when placing one. but please make it stable, even in real life situation you dont feel jugged when aiming it, it is a big factor for us who use the engineering squad.
i love how the AA works, it has more ammo in mags and it can shoot down a plane in one set of mags.
idk but, 75/32 m41 is much weaker to be honest, the american a13 mkII can easily penetrate my armor, it is only 40 mm, it can destroy my tank in few shots. not like the current sherman that has 75mm cannon, this tank takes my tank in hard battle before he can destroy mine which is fair cuz it is the counterpart of pz. iv.
can you add some C.H to the settings, specially the sniper ones. put some variety if you will.
thats for now, i hope you really fix the AT gun. thanks

It must be Moscow or Stalingrad

I put a lot of feedback in Burning Skies 2 post, but things that standout to me are below:

Weather, just had a rainy, stormy Normandy map, OMG so lovely, well done :+1:

The new Normandy map is very nice indeed too.

Ok some not so nice:

I have the rocket tanks, they are well balanced, but we should be able to fire in air and use as artillery if someone spots a target with binoculars, direct fire doesn’t seem right to me, give rockets more drop I think…

Airplane, really miss bullet holes in wings or other damage, I mean if you wing is shot off, you go in a spin, is there much point in looking out the cockpit as you spin to the ground? I did look out once and saw my engine on fire, but not much to see really, surely there would be different sounds when on fire too (but hopefully you working on more), also is FW190 missing rear left tail strut?

Moveable AT works, just need to get used to preparing better, but good idea.

Bf109 Tunisia has wrong weapon description

Canteen / Flask - yes I see the value in using it now

Impact grenade, equipped but haven’t tried, seem to use Detpacks over them to tbh

Did I mention bullet holes, sorry but I am dedicated pilot and want more feedback when being shot and damaged.

PzIV on Tunisia lacking camo customization options, also I think premiums should be customizable too please

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You shouldn’t get an “Early Leave” penalty if you are out of respawns.



which server?

NOrth American server

Thx! Then I would play Tunisia Allies in NA server

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The new Ranking system is premature with its requirements for win conditions.

Ok more feedback:
When changing ammo in tank, no longer a voice action with it, I miss that, it added to the game.
AT guns sometimes shake, I am all for maneuverability, but not if it means shaking
Bombers on Stalingrad are killable with careful flying Thank You
Missing feet on peadot camo - reported fix in progress?

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Grenade change is just punishing people. Still no reason to take anything but esplosive packs. Tanks are way too powerful and not having explosive packs makes them invincible. ESPECIALLY higher tier tanks which are virtually impervious to engineer AT guns and the infantry Anti-tank weapons.
This change, it’s stupid.

A lot of the Premium Squads need a serious update to keep them competitive. Sure they can help early game, as is, but once you are established they become almost pointless. I know you are trying to avoid pay to win so I will try and make recommendations for the squads I have, as examples, on how to keep it balanced, but make it better.

101st Squadron (Breda 88 (P.XI))
-No recommendations, good as is.

XIV Tank Battalion "M"
-Probably need to change the name. I’m pretty sure that battalion used M14/41 not M13/40. Other than that.
- I would like it to come with a better skin. The Tricolor is definitely an improvement over the basic tan, but I would love to see it get proper markings (Tactical, unit, etc.) Like the Gold ticket M13/40.
- Consider upgrading it to an M14/41 instead. Slightly better armor and better HP/Ton. Not a game breaking tank, I still think it would be within the same realm of effectiveness. The issue is that you would always rather take the 10the Armoured Regiment with a fully kitted out M14/41 instead from a pure performance point of view. (Also, that unit is wrong. The 132 Ariete Division didn’t have a 10th Armoured Regiment during Tunisia).

1st Grenadier Regiment "Hermann Goring"
-Motorcycles are useless. The speed can’t be exploited because of the small size of the maps. And without that it’s three soldiers with no protection getting killed if they stay on the motorcycle and being a three person assault squad if they get off.
-This thing needs radical ideas to make it worth buying. I regret buying it and it got me early access to my favorite campaign.
-Make all three of the troops Engineers that can build everything including AA guns, AT guns, and MG nests. Give them the Engineer upgrades to start with. This is the only thing I can think of without breaking physics.
-Have all three of the troops come equipped with fully upgraded high tier weapons and equipment that you can remove. MP 40 (Fully Upgraded), Luger, Hatchet, AP Mine, Explosive Pack, Canteen, Binoculars, Large Backpack, full of 4 (not 3) health kits. At least then you could strip them and use it on troops that have value.

8th Bersaglieri Regiment:
-First, fix the uniforms and give them some “gear”. They are wearing tall leather boots (jackboots) this is inaccurate. Also give them some gear, they should come with more than just a belt.
-The Speed attribute for the assaulters at rank 5 needs to be 16 or higher. This is attainable even on an Assaulter I in the Tunisian campaign.
-They need to be able to equip a weapon in the Secondary Slot. I would love to carry Shotguns in addition to the FNAB-43.
-The squad MUST get a fifth member who is an engineer. Any squad without an engineer to build spawn points is pointless. Also 4 man squads are just too small. This would make the squad slightly larger and give it the ability to be used at any point in the match.

3rd Battalion “Tobruk” (San Marco Marines)
-First, fix the collar flashes. They are RSI collar Flashes, not Regio Esercito collar flashes. The RSI did not come about till AFTER the Tunisia campaign.
-They need to be able to equip a secondary weapon. The Moschetto M91 is actually one of the best bolt action rifles in the game. However, Bolt Action is not the meta in Tunisia. Allowing them to carry an Armaguerra Mod. 39 in their secondary slot would be great.
-Two of the infantryman need to be replaced with engineers. Same reasons as above. Any squad without an engineer is pointless.
-This squad is not very good as is, in my opinion. I like to use it because I am a Marine and they look cool. Functionally, they underperform, massively, compared to all the other premium squads. I do NOT recommend anyone buy it. It really needs the suggested upgrades to be worth playing, as well as value for money.

35th Infantry Regiment "Pistoia"
-First, fix the Uniforms. They are wearing German Tunics. GERMAN. Also the helmets show a dark spot in the shape of the anchor from the 3rd Battalion “Tobruk” premium squad. Like you covered it up instead of removing it. It looks sloppy and lazy. They also need more than just a belt for gear.
-They need to be able to equip a secondary weapon. I would like to give them some good bolt action rifles as a secondary for long range sniping. It’s a great partner to the Beretta M31. They also don’t have the capability to carry ammo pouches so this would give them more ammunition.
-The Beretta M31 is underwhelming. It’s functionally identical to the Armaguerra Mod. 39. It looks great, but it functions IDENTICALLY to the Armaguerra. I would like it to be slightly better.
-The Engineer is GREAT, but you can’t give him the engineer unique upgrades of carrying more supplies or build speed. I think he should get access to them. Heck they should come with him. (this applies to any future engineers added to Engineer squads.)

TL;DR Motorcycle squads are worthless and need a total overhaul, give all infantryt premium squads better uniforms, at least one engineer, and the ability to equip weapons in the secondary slot.


What you like

  • new game mode and features

What you don’t like

  • ranking system is broke and has had a negative impact on the game

What is not too easy to understand

  • the insane prices of premium squads
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they probably left it cause it was still possible for team to actually cap the zone and get new respawns. very rare, but still happens sometimes.

New weather effects.

Paper guns. There is no need for AS-44 in Berlin. Premium or F2P. It was not there.
Military rank in general and military rank icons in kill feed.

How to kill T-34 in Moscow.
And why are there no new Stalingrad maps.


More feedback:

Latest update fixed peadot happy now. Gj :+1:

Change log not updated on game client or maybe I missed it on ps5

Binoculars - really add a lot of tactics to game, you can spot snipers and tanks easier, it did take some control config changes on ps5 to get it working, alongside Personal orders, Canteen, Spotting all being on up / down dpad, but got there in the end!

Canteens - very nice, they do help close distances fast, but do I need whole squad with them or just first guy, dont the other squad members automatically speed up to keep up?

Don’t understand:
More maps Stalingrad please
Balance changes in Stalingrad to other campaigns any time soon?

can we have like downloadable match replay?. and can we get an battle history. itll do great for most of the people who wants to edit some vid on this wonderful game.

kill cam changes are terrible. revert the kill cam to old version.

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Yeah. Either go to old way or eliminate entirely. The new kill cam feels like a buggy mess.

I used to not care about the MM. But adding the rank system has made me loathe the MM. It is killing my fun in the game. Either get rid of wins for Rank system (base it only on personal awards and only remove points if you quit a match)

Using wins for the rank system has made the game far far more toxic.

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