Your feedback about last update


Tell me you’ve never fired a Tommy gun without telling me you’ve never fired a Tommy gun.

The bolt track of the Thompson is very tightly constructed; so much so that a weep hole is drilled into the receiver to evacuate any liquid that might get in. The weep hole could have been placed on the lower pointed downward, but in their infinite wisdom, the weep hole was placed facing the rear of the gun pointing up.

If you fire a Thompson looking down the sights, forced air will spurt out the weep hole directly into your face and it will include the aerosolized lubricant that you lubed the bolt with.

So, had the developers been a touch more “gun savvy”, they could have easily simulated this by making any player that fires while looking down the sights of a Tommy Gun get sprayed in the face and have to close their eyes.

I’m not saying that the Tommy Gun is a piece of crap for those reasons (although it is)

I’m saying it is modeled wrong in the game. The Thompson is a notoriously crappy firearm for anything other than looking cool in a gangster movie.

OF COURSE I’ve never fired a Tommy gun IRL, that isn’t exactly something everyone does everyday

I did not know, so thank you for the insight.

Still, such things would belong to a simulation level far too advanced for what we currently have in game. That would both lead to an infinite circle of complaints from every side “why is gun A affected by flaw B, while gun X that should be affected by flaw Y isn’t?!?!”, and ultimately make the shooting experience overall less pleasant.


Well, I’m just trying to explain the main reason why US SMGs progression in game is the opposite of what you would expect in chronological order.

Well f they want to male this game better give Axis better Air Power… Defenlty lot of quit playing Hell I dont even play for 2 hours any more because my team is like Bots, Ill stay as long as I can stand a game and quit most not even 15 mins in.

Its like playing war blunder using a ME 262 and fighting F16s M10s and SU 32s rotflmao


the jap campaign map with mountain make it so that bomber always get hit by the mountain before it de-spawn it was really funny since jap aircraft (especially bomber) cant kill them yet they get easy xp it really good

Especially since I don’t like the gun, I don’t get enthusiastic when the opportunity comes so I don’t fire one “everyday” either. But I have fired one

If they’re going to waste space in the research tree with FIVE Tommy Gun variants, they should have at least done something to differentiate them and there are several levels of historical accuracy available that were missed. There was an opportunity to have a coherent reason WHY there are so many Tommies in the tree.

Here’s how I would have handled the Assaulter list starting at the first Tommy:

1)M1928A1 with 20 rd box. 20 is standard cap for a Tommy box mag. Make this rifle cause the black vision effect if you fire it down sights. That would be a realistic penalty for not shooting it from the hip.

2)1921-28 with 30 rd box and the foregrip. The bolt is still on the top of the receiver and sprays the shooter in the face. This rifle should cause a black vision effect if firing down sights for same reason as M1928A1 but it should have more recoil and wider shot dispersion because of the foregrip.

  1. M1A1 Thompson with 30 rd box. After the receiver was redesigned to move the bolt from the top to the side of the receiver, that weep hole issue went away. It’s still not a good idea to look down the sights of a Thompson because “aiming” a Tommy is an exercise in futility. But this should be the top Tommy and in my opinion, a Tier IV

I would completely remove the 50 round drum 1928A1 as well as the uselessly duplicative M1 variant.

Assaulter should go:

[M1928A1(20 rd box) ]
[ 1921-28(30 rd box) ]
M2 Carbine

…there’s no reason for so many Tommies crammed into Tiers 3 and 4 and there’s no reason for the M2 to be issued to riflemen. It should be Assaulter specific at Tier 5.

A separate accuracy issue is with the BR5 machine gun. They clearly modeled the M1919A4 but labeled it the A6. The A6 had a wooden buttstock and was even heavier.

More feedback:


No axis paras for BR3 makes fighting Soviets or allied much harder as they can move and respond far quicker.

Axis APC need slightly more gun angle, both horizontal and vertical please.

BR - don’t understand:

Volksturm squad I too low BR to appear in Berlin?

Italian weapons (smgs) are BR4 so never get to fight in Tunisia with them.

Don’t like that it has bugged the professional achievement. Stuck on 4/5 despite meeting all the criteria.

wtf is happening: yesterday I was a major general and today I am a second LT: why: like this changes are killing the game, there is no farness anymore, or my team is too superior or too week.

The season ended. You drop back to 50 points like everybody else.

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The new Battle Pass session is disappointing.
I don’t understand how half of the BP being 1000-2000 silver rewards not seen as a problem.

Strange, I noticed no real change other than vehicles being lazy quick skins and new heavy monetization of the not really unique added SMGs.

Im not the only one

It hurts even more that the new premium was released on the same day as the new sessions of BP.

If adding new BP stuff is seen as such a chore, just return previous items to the BP store.


we could even have a prototipe from 1935 called the F B swamp vehicle, add a machine gun and voilá

Battle Pass vehicles were never unique.
But at least had more than 2 colours on them.

but at least change the tank, dude, we have 3 recolors of the same junky tank

sometimes you hear some dumb shit on this forum
Full-Auto Thompson 1928 (
just first vid on YT.
Guy is aiming DOWN the SIGHTS

He has glasses on.

This right here.