Your feedback about last update

More feedback:


No axis paras for BR3 makes fighting Soviets or allied much harder as they can move and respond far quicker.

Axis APC need slightly more gun angle, both horizontal and vertical please.

BR - don’t understand:

Volksturm squad I too low BR to appear in Berlin?

Italian weapons (smgs) are BR4 so never get to fight in Tunisia with them.

Don’t like that it has bugged the professional achievement. Stuck on 4/5 despite meeting all the criteria.

wtf is happening: yesterday I was a major general and today I am a second LT: why: like this changes are killing the game, there is no farness anymore, or my team is too superior or too week.

The season ended. You drop back to 50 points like everybody else.

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The new Battle Pass session is disappointing.
I don’t understand how half of the BP being 1000-2000 silver rewards not seen as a problem.

Strange, I noticed no real change other than vehicles being lazy quick skins and new heavy monetization of the not really unique added SMGs.

Im not the only one

It hurts even more that the new premium was released on the same day as the new sessions of BP.

If adding new BP stuff is seen as such a chore, just return previous items to the BP store.


we could even have a prototipe from 1935 called the F B swamp vehicle, add a machine gun and voilá

Battle Pass vehicles were never unique.
But at least had more than 2 colours on them.

but at least change the tank, dude, we have 3 recolors of the same junky tank

sometimes you hear some dumb shit on this forum
Full-Auto Thompson 1928 (
just first vid on YT.
Guy is aiming DOWN the SIGHTS

He has glasses on.

This right here.


All in all I like the latest update. The new maps are good tor ven great - depending on the mode, APCs are a nice addition.

That beiing said, there are some issues or bugs that shoud be adressed. For me, the most annoying ones at the moment are:

1 – BUG:

“Long arm guys”, the ai soldiers that stuck with their hands somewhere and then pull their arms across the whole map.


No Paratroopers for Germany in BR I, II and III. In order to have a balance in the game, you sacrifice in some cases historical accuracy (German Panzerfaust for Russians, Puma in low tier) which is a good thing in order to have a fair game.

However, in BR I,II and II Germany is massively handicapped because they have, as the ONLY faction, NO Paratroopers. Funny as they were the first nation to use them in battle. I would really ask you to change this, either by:

A – Rate the Italian Paratroopers lvl II. The SMG has a 20 shot magazine and is weaker than the lvl II Russian SMGs. The flamethrower can be put out of the drop box, as you have already implemented a mechanic to adjust the boxes to the current BR.

B – Give the German Paratroopers (and maybe one Paratrooper unit from all factions) the same ability the Russian Paratroopers have, to change the main weapon.

Whatever solution you prefer, having NO paratroopers in the low tiers for Germany/Italy is in my opinion a total no go and goes completely against the game balance as paratroopers give you a massive tactical advantage, especially if the opposite side has none!

3- BUG:

Not working customisations. On top of using the cards from the game, I paid real life money to make my squads wearing matching uniforms, fitting to the environment of the campaigns or now maybe better called theatres. On the squad screen all looks fine, e.g. for Stalingrad all ae wearing brown over coats. In game however, suddenly half of my team is wearing the snow uniforms from the Moskau maps in Stalingrad and half of the team wears the correct brown coat I had chosen for Stalingrad.

I mean this is something we pay for and it does not work properly.


I don’t understand why so many people seem to have such an obsession specifically with Battle Rank 2. Battle Rank 3 would work just fine.

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because BR III can throw you into BR V, so if you aim for BR II, you staying at BR III max,
except for those matches, where it still decides you should go fill in for a BR V match. :smile:


I understand this is the matchmaking rule. But if there is a desire to have German paratroopers available in the low tier matches, those should be set at BR3 and would be available in either lower or upper tier matches.

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why, i have BR II paras for US, so if German finially get some, why shouldnt they be BR II ?,
and i don’t make decision, what item is given what BR etc
They should just do more events around what’s missing from other nations, that other nations got in events, before they did, etc balance it, make all happy
I mean having IG for 2 nations, but not the other 2 wth?
Germany still no paras BR II
Just a bit unfair for one to have some item, but the team you opposing don’t get that, bit silly.


Making paratroopers BR3 doesn’t make them any stronger and they won’t receive any buff, that just lock the players trying to use the squad to gambling mode.

BSA welgun is BR2 and OG-43 isn’t any better, since the content of the box is dynamic, there is no reason to lock Folgore paratroopers to a higher BR.


The game would be super boring if all of the factions were perfectly equivalent. Germans should have their strengths & weaknesses and Allies should have their strengths and weaknesses.

The complicating factor is that after

I don’t think there should be any BR2 paratroopers (except Soviets which can uniquely choose their weapons)

How is that fair lol?