You repelled the attack of 156 million motivated!

yea something like that altho mine wave 27 run was me going to the corner of the map and kill all bomber that i see (but sometime normal zomb will go there and make thing difficult tbh)

Yeah I started at the far right top path and backed up as need be. So long as someone had my left flank covered we were good

I have actually created a mod on Guadalcanal Island! Check this out!
Though it is not good, its my very first mod in my life. Operation:Breaking Dead gave me the motivation to finally create and finish a piece of work! I must say thanks for the developer who gave out the idea of zombies in enlisted (i dont care if certain other game in 2008 have done the exact same thing, enlisted zombies is the best i have ever played)


My strategy was that no one should stand at the far right
so that we can retreat to the right when getting overrun.

Huh. Funny how strats differ. Lol. I had plenty of stupid randoms trying to stack up with me on that one spot though. The idjits. Best course of action is to spread out so they don’t flank everyone as easily

Well i just leave my temmates to die so that shooters(especially flame guys) are distracted , so that our lives will go on~

Nice. Lol


Waiting for WW2 fixes.

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Wow! I never thought anyone actually makes them! This is cool, I’ll definitely try it later: !!!!

You got a post the final leaderboard. Who got the top 85 waves.? Recognition is in order.

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My clan named U45N got into every place in the top 10 , Gaijin fucked up the the results , we got into wave 83 being top 1 + no leaderboard so people dont even know that clans exists , thats how DF cares about competitive enlisted scene .

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I saw it. I felt amazed. I watched you U45N and the other one i forgot fight. Very amazing. Then what? The event is over now lol

probably because this game isnt competitive, its a chill game with many casuals.


EVA and Russians .

it is cometitive when you want it to be , I understand that people play that f2p game as they want , thats why we play the game on our rules and thats why we are the top sharks

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maybe cause vast majority doesnt care about competitive scene? idk if there is even more than 100 players who care about it.

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there is more then at least 300people involved with clans as for right now , do you want me to check every clan server how many discord members it has ?


Well i want to enjoy my game so i am not joining any clans. But i am more than happy to fight competitive players sometimes because i am capable of being competitive too
I say, competitiveness should exist but should not affect those just wanting to relax and enjoy a true wwii fps

To be fair, df and gaijin made a better fps game than others in terms of anti cheat

bruh, sharks even eat each other.
Clans are like vultures in Enlisted, preying on the weak.


the most optimistic and skilled forum dweller , Im out of here , bye dude XD why did i even came to this place knowing damn well what a shithole this is