You do know that medic squad can take 5 smg right?

To all the people who complained about the merge´s squad limit of the same type, you do know that medic squads consist of 5 men, each with smg.
That is more than just normal assault squads, so unless DF also restrict medic squads, nothing will change as you can still cycle 2 assault and a medic squad. Especially the “russians suffer” people who complained about losing the ability to spam ppsh41.


medics are balanced because they do not have access to assault rifles.
( last time i checked, stgs and fedorovs were unavailable to medics. outside the gold weapon one )

and… i’m not sure how you would really compare medics to assaulters since they have 1 third the ammo of normal assaulters. ( literally 2 magazines )

Correction. apparently the 2 magazines aren’t for all weapons. i thought so due to only running mp 717s to my medics. but yeah, point is, nowhere efficent as assaulters )

which their movement and assault capabilities are severally limited as they must be forced to stay near ammo crates placed by others engineers.

rather than having 3 assaulter squads with engineers of their own and ammo pouch on assaulters…

comparing carrots with potatoes i see.


Classic assaulter squad in Pacific and Massengrab can take 5 smgs as well.

(definitely not a stolen outfit preset from other forum member)



Not an issue if you play with ppsh41, I did point that out with saying smg, is it not obviously? Im sorry if I automatically assume everyone is a gun nut like me.

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The brrr doesn’t care about the mag, the brrr cares about the meat.

Not a soul does this. Not a soul.


the point was.

everyone complained of 3 assaulters because that’s what they could carry the most.

smgs are not entirely straight better than assault rifles in most occasions.

perhaps cqcs. which… enlisted is full of cqcs.

but that’s wrong thinking at best comparing assaulters with medics just because they share 5 smgs.

different squad composition, different purpose, and out of all, different efficiency in outcome.

Isn’t the point of assaulter is having weapons for CQC? Which is OP cause


with high capacity smgs i guess.

on everything else, not so much.

which in both cases, you’ll just increase the chances of getting shot in the back as you are looking for a ammo crate with medics.

medics in sgs are often next to ammo crates.

i do that due to lack of ammo.

which, would suit somewhat more defenders rather than attackers.

after all, medics are just like paratroopers. one way ticket squad for one objective, maybe two if you are lucky.


the assaulters in of it self has a jack of all trades.

from close to all ranges.
( and above all, having access to the strongest weapon class of this game. assault rifles )

which spammed 3 times allows to dominate the battlefield.

hence, devs limited it to 2.

you can/could use medics as a third class for more " daka ".

you are not just gonna be effective as 3 assaulter squads.

heck, i’d argue that would be better than 3 assaulters.

at least would incentivize some teamwork and people actually using medics.

but, could be that apes would just go for the smg rather than it’s class.

gotta see how it will play out.

No, not really big man

Not a soul goes looking for ammo crates; they are a designated suicide squad like any other assault squad.

As someone who mains Stalingrad, both sides at that, this is blatantly false.

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I barely used medics and only had 1 assault squad in my line up because I prefer to be versitily. IDK if Im dumb for not meta spamming or people do that because that takes no brain to pull off.


yeah well.

the changes were meant to address those smooth brain who needs more bullets to compensate with the lack of aim.
( and mostly goes only for 3 assaulters / 3 flamethrowers anyway )

and how it could have affected low tiers that might have ruined some people experience.



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You don’t need meta thing to carry any match. Powercreepers are jusr compensating their lack of skill with low skill threshold meta stuff.



pretty much.

laughs in dispersion


laughs in Berlin with no assault squads

Medic squads can only have medics ( having no engineer limits the squad by a LOT), they cannot have ammo pouches or grenade pouches and no secondary weapons either. Medics can also only carry SMGs.

Assaulter squads are much better overall. 2 of those are more than enough for me as I dont have extra slots, so I dont really care about the limit of 2 squads of the same type but its still a very good change.