Wrong BR?

So almost 2 months ago, I posted this. In short, I had a question about why my BR3 American army said fighting BR 2-5 while the other armies said 2-4(which I now know the answer to).

However, not once in these 2 months have my American army gone back to 2-4, and not one of my other BR3 armies got raised to 2-5.

What also confuses me is that my soviet army says that I will fight BR 2-4, but I regularly fight BR5. I felt like posting this now because now you get +50% battle rewards and I expected the player base among nations to now be roughly equal.

Is this a bug? Is anyone else experiencing this?

I don’t know that the playerbase is equal - and I can assure you, that despite the new “play any faction” button being available, they aren’t going to balance out immediately.

Yes, there’s incentive to play more factions, but I would imagine it takes a bit of time for it to ripple out to the masses. I imagine some people are just going to enjoy the shorter grind - I figure when people start hitting the wall of Tier 3 (smaller than before but much higher than Tier 1 and 2) - they may look at easy factions to grind up again.

At least, that’s my $.02.

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I get the same thing, but my German and Soviet BR III squads get put in BR II - BR IV. Must be a bug?

Not a bug, its 1 BR up and 1 BR down now

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I think it’s maybe intentional?

The new +/-1br MM isn’t absolute, apparently it can default to the old 1-3/3-5 system if it decides to, which happens to me occassionally, usually playing as US when there’s high tier japanese players going, or as Soviets when the high tier germans are.

Playing BR3 across the board, mine all say II-V

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I think it’s pulling real time queue data to give you a better approximation of where you’re going to end up. I assumed that was why my queue button would randomly grey out for a second while that data refreshed.

That might work for the Germans or Russians who’s BR level says 2-4, but if your allies and you are playing with all BR3 squads, you can get stuck in a BR5 match. The one up or one down is a great idea, but not used by the DEV’s in their limp, er soft rule BS. I’m no mathmatical genius, but when I choose all BR3 US squads, and I am picking up T20’s off the battlefields, then I am pretty sure I was dumped 2 levels up into a BR5 match. :rofl: The DEV’s one up and one down policy is just lip service.

I’m quite certain it’s intentional, and this is one reason I don’t play with my level 3 US squads much anymore.

We’re talking about how the US it goes up TWO BRs if you have a BR III Squad. See the screenshot I posted. In the start button - BR of the battle: II - V.

Yeah I think you’re right. If you go through the BR III weapons on the US, they’re pretty legit. Garand, Thompson, BAR. The Gewehr 43 is IV. Also the P51 gets two 500lbers at BR III. Maybe that has something to do with it.

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