why the F… soviets are so OP in this game. Don´t even bother play with axis…
Welcome to the enlisted!
Which campaign?
moscow and berlin. haven´t even tested stalingrad but i bet it is the same
Mkb in SG is based though.
you havent heard of stalinium? most soviet equipment was made of it… it is much better than steel…
Because they play the game instead of playing forum.
if you ignore FG42II, KTP, tiger 1, Sniper STG, stuka, MG34PT, and FWK190. so early berlin axis is a bit rough but workable (i know a child that had gotten 100 kills with just kriegsmodel, a few VG2 and mp3008) while late berlin axis is amazing
Yes Soviet SMGs are ridiculous, but IMO the problem is it attracts the sweats to this team and it’s usually mainly sweats on soviets vs 1 or 2 at max sweats on axis and rest casual gamers.
Because of the Russian “patriotic” game fund programs.
“It’s all 'bout the money.” - Meja
“Always has been.” - 2k19 Meme
Because they are not? Why axis are so OP in Berlin though…
P.S. Can’t give a f*ck about starting weapons\vehicles.
They aren’t there just arent any players on Axis teams
The problem with SU weapons is that they are just to easy to use and compansate a lot of mistakes.
While german weapons need atleast some skill to be effektive.
And early equipment matters. I think that the shitty starter equipment of berlin axis is one reason they have no players because a lot of new players try it, get frustrated and leave or switch sides. While the russian starter equipments is absolutly great in all aspects.
FG-42 II
then how hard it is to add match maker, so we don´t have to play with useless bots… or quit battle instantly if team is full of bots.
are you going through server browsers just to find a game? also axis equipment is fine just that the players are dumb as fuck
You cant have a matchmaker if you have no players. All it would do is further split the playerbase.
Because apart from Normandy they are just not worth playing. Ofc people gonna go the side that is more powerful. They need to consider severe adjustments to the balance to make Axis more attractive to players so we have some balanced matches a la Normandy.
Also the campaign system just cannibalizes it’s own player base. It’s rotten and there seems to be no fix in sight. Devs are just happy milking the handful of players that come to this game now and then.
And one more thing I wanna touch. How fun can it be to always play vs bots, because one faction nobody ever plays it. Yeah you have OP stuff, but how much of bot farm can you take? The poor balance hurts everyone not just Axis players.
I hope you make a video about campaign system how it spreads too thin the playerbase and how poorly balanced campaigns are that hurts everyone. It’s a shot in the dark, but maybe it gets their attention.
if they didnt split playerbase across 5 campaigns maybe we could have had matchmaker.
I did look at his post and I m yet to consider a German gun that trully needs skills to be used.
Or any gun in this game tbh