Why the F... soviets are so OP!

Aside from T-34, which at any great distance and is almost impossible to destroy before it destroys you with a single shot, I do not find Soviets OP. I am on Moscow. Not sure about other campaigns.

I guess people often confuse matchmaker with team balancer.

Team balancer is the top priority this game needs. It’s crucial that both teams have equal numbers of human players with the average XP/min and campaign level being as close for both teams as possible.

Of course, this would’ve been even easier if the game didn’t split its playerbase into 10 separate queues.

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What would be the characteristics of a skill demanding weapon in your opinion?

Thats easy to do. Just nerf weaker side so it loses 90% of time at first point just like allies does in normandy. Then every campaing is balanced as normandy exept it isnt always axis that win

No, they need to fix the god awful progression/campaign system. No one plays Axis because its 5 repeat campaigns that each have a handful of unique unlocks across 100 hours of grind. If I have maxed Tunisia Axis, what exactly is the reason I would play Moscow Axis? If I maxed Normandy Axis, why would I ever bother with Berlin Axis? It has nothing to do with balance and everything to do with a shitty, poorly designed progression system.

errr what? Theyre the same thing. A system that just throws random players into a game together isn’t really matchmaking. Matchmaking is when matches are specifically balanced by some sort of internal rating system that attempts to create as fair matches as possible.

And a system like that is not possible in Enlisted in it’s current state. There just aren’t enough players. You cant have a proper matchmaker when the pool of players is less than 200 in a queue.

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