Why not using the whole map like hll instead of small portions of maps?

Really why ?
In some mods with squads gameplay + full map or lone fighters full map mod, big maps changes the playstyle alltogether.
You become nearly vulnerable as hll player and have to be very careful. Check every corner, use every little cover to keep low profile.
If you try to push midnlessly you will be shot down easily so withour coordination progress becomes agonizingly slow.
With just this little change:
-players have to corrdinate more.
-with long distances, bolt become even more important

  • engineers become far more important. If you dont want to walk all 300 meters after you died, you really need to built rallies frequently.
  • tank gameplay will be fun, not just head on mindless powercreep

Oh my gosh wy? Maybe because all map are still in development?

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Because this isn’t HLL, I am not into walking simulators. Go play HLL, if you want “like HLL” things.


there is a magical man called engineer in the game and he can build RALLIES to spawn near to objective. And more exiciting is even YOU can play as engineer and help yourself and your team to spawn rallies. You know that ? What a divine and secret knowledge from the garden of pc gods that i brought to you. Remember my gesture always after this :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


agreed , if more vehicles would be available on spawn then “too much walk crap argument” would be dealt with, instead of lunatism in form of “now is everything good, not great not terrible”

if human being starts thinking, it shall realise solution is just that simple

im all down for huge maps , im waiting for this


Maybe we should pray that HLL will have such a suitable engine one day, and a lot of vehicle materials, there are ground vehicles and air planes, as well as transport vehicles, as well as huge size maps and proper maps The decorations can destroy the mechanism, and there are relatively beautiful picture scenery.

Maybe Gaijin and DF should sell their game engine and assets to other development teams, and others can use this engine to make more amazing things.

Enlisted was supposed to be an amazing game with huge potential. Instead of what it is like now, this can’t be added (KV2 is too OP), that can’t be added (transporter and open AA truck), in order to cater to some pewpewpew players who don’t like walking, torture in repeated CQCpewpewpew battles every day in duplicated boring grinding fight.

And copying and pasting 6 copies what so called campaign with the same fighting style.

Huge waste, like a school kid using an advanced rocket launcher just to release his lovely fireworks

It is simply not human.


its easy to deal with auto truck/ jeep spam. it already exist in some maps


hll infanrty gameplay is excellent but vehicle is bad. cant use planes and tank damage models are trash


also add halftracks on spawns, some bike, and in case of tunisia a small italian AT vehicles that are not even worth to be added to campaign or as premium squad


bikes can be added to pacific. japanese used a lot in real war


yup with huge maps comes totally different game , only if servers are ready for this …

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They can allows the player to deploy transports in a certain way.

For example let engineer build transport vehicle.

This is just a crude experiment as a last resort, since I can’t do more in the editor.

But I think a similar approach to HG and SteelDivision2 is more appropriate.

maybe some thing like this.



I think the server is basically close to being ready. The 20v20 battle is completed no problem

However, some wreck recovery mechanisms are necessary, for example, in large-scale battles, vehicle wreckage and items dropped by soldiers must be destroyed as soon as possible


We already have the maps we just aren’t allowed to use most of it at any time, but it’s still there

I agree I hate this greyzone thing,

HLL, their maps are too small, I would also like to see larger Maps, The objectives are always going to bring people together. That’s the entire point of them having larger maps will just give players more options that will make the fighting more dynamic. And intern, it will be better for the aircraft and for the tanks. Tanks will still wants to flank and so will the infantry, but with a larger map, the instinct will not force tankers into the gray zone

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many reasons.

1st maps aint fully done, and they do load in sections, not as a whole. if you jump on modmaker for example on berlin , you will find the garden part, and the opera part, if you load the opera map, everything on ministry garden map layout wont load besides builing layouts and some assets and terrain to keep the feel of the map. and vice versa

example using/loading the ministry gardens layout:

notice how the opera side of the map (Moat) aint loading? .
this is due to save every potato some ram and vram. coz not everyone is running a last gen pc like i m,

2nd: current ticket system dont work on a slow pace game, tickets do depleat faster when no enough human players and wont get much reinforcements as too much time per cap. aka game forces brute force tactics - fast pace

3rd : huge maps will serve a niche, not the masses.

4th untill they do a game mode that works on a large scale, large maps wont work with “default” ticket/spawn/limitations the game offers for the way it was intended to be played.

5th there might be a limitation software wise (key word might coz i didnt bother test it much after) coz if one makes a mod map on mod maker where the file just gets too big, it wont load. (possible , again, i didnt test it enough)

as final, if you still want a large map, build one on customs , invite everyone that asks for said big maps , and even on a full room , you will find that on current game design,(spawns, spawn costs, time to cap, reif per cap) wont work and, the big map do make the game boring. Enlisted wasnt made (core design of the game) to be played as HLL PS or hng map layout size.

I m not against it, not at all, if they come with a mode that works on big maps, i will def try it but, i have played countless maps on modmaker without limitations on size and none offer me a experience to be repeated. nor on lonefighters, nor on squads. its just freaking boring.
and i did play large map games on othergames for years.

if you gonna state :

in your words its “lets make maps big, so engineers will make the game feels and plays exacly like now.”
no need.

its already fun.


untill they come with a game mod that takes advantage AND is builded for a large map, i dont see it working on enlisted.

that doesnt exist in enlisted because:
isnt a slow shooter
lifes (tickets and respawns dont matter much
respawn times are (gratefully) low
Y key exists.

play a lonefighter game mode , and you will find that current sizes for single soldiers are more than enough for a clean batle with action around the corner for 25 vs 25. and you will see people (when the room is full) trying to coordinate and , just doesnt work coz at the end of the day, its everyone by itself for a “team” effort, and will ever be this way on a casual game.

besides people that heavly bash against stalingrad Pack and refuse to spend a single cent on the game and bash every monetisation option ingame , Stalingrad was heavly criticized as “snipergrad” because maps do offer long range options for bolt actions to “be more important” as you state, making the experice for atackers and defenders a broken boring mess.

i will tho, point again that i m not against a big map if certain conditions are present
Conditions, that on current core, game design dont exist

  • bigger player count (32 vs 32 minimum)
  • diferent ticket aproach
  • frontlines and not a house or a open field as “objective”
  • avaiable voice chat
  • squad system ingame for randoms to join
  • heavy usage of the map tools (AA guns preset on map, flaks working , destruction etc)
  • more content like bombing runs to fill the map with action to avoid a boring HLL gameplay
  • actions to fill roles (build tank repair zone, build ammo points, man the AA guns etc and have objectives with them per match.)
  • if used on Squad base system, better AI at navigating the maps, position, target enemy soldiers, seek defence etc)
  • Would work wonderfull on a PVE system where 20 players on a team would fight against a full AI defence for example.
  • as CO-OP missions - Get on this building and seek this documents - escape or regroup with an army command post… i dont know.
  • reason to exist besides filling a niche.
  • transport vehicles / apcs / kubelwaggens / jeeps etc that do ride faster than a snail climbing a wall…
  • must be fun (current isnt on all mod maps without greyzones, aka they aint played )

see example (pictures) above. only the session area will load, not everything on possible play map. this , so everyone even with low spec pc can run the game with a few extra frames, and eliminate stuff loaded on that 99% people wont see when they are firing on a street


Because HLL maps are already too big
No one wants to walk for several minutes every time they die just to have it happen again

HLL is dogshit

i dont like, enjoy, or play HLL , and i do agree that running 3042845 miles to be shot randomly isnt the experience i carve at the end of the day, but , the game in true honesty does serve a niche market prety well. and in that regards the game might be a fantastic one, (like PS)

nor that i dont want enlisted to be better on A B or C regards, but i fail to understand the need for some players to suggest this game to be exactly like another one…


You’ve seen me bitch about it in discord before
It has the potential to be a top tier game for me, but certain things really fuck me off about it

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Congratulations !
You managed to be the guy who wrote 1 millionth “its just running simulator” criticism about the game.
But unfoernly i dont have any award to give you.
If you are running 83652688… miles in hll, you definetly have bad officer/commander or you as a commander dont built any ops/ garrisons.
People complanin about hll being “walking simulator” are the ones who dont get into truck/use trucks and dont build any ops/garrisons as a commander and try to act like the ape version of rambo throughout all game.
And highest graphical settings requires way more RAM in enlisted than hll. So i dont think “pcs cant handle it” argument is valid.


never played HLL, i only heard of it’s existence now actually. but does the ops/garrisons/rally-point-equivalent can get disabled quite easily? how similar/different they are to the ones in enlisted? what’s the other difference/similarities between HLL and enlisted beside apparently map size difference and HLL having worse vehicle combat?