Why not using the whole map like hll instead of small portions of maps?

wonder could it be because it kinda is one ?

Theres trucks for 2 squads maybe ? In most of maps.
So when the game starts you can easily wait 5-15mins untill someone with op / garrison gets anywhere near the action.
And same continues about instantly once the first cap point is taken.

Well if you enjoy building garrisons / ops you still need to walk / run rather significant amount of time to do one in anywhere near reasonable place.

Ppl with toasters can rather easily switch to lower gfx settings.

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Ops: only your squad can spawn
Garrison: all team can spawn but you need resources from overall commander or from your support guy
Respawn time is longer
All of them can be built by commander and/or officer in every squad.

I already wrote
We have unlimited jeep/truck spams in some maps already
Also game doesnt need to take hll type of spawns. Keep the quick deploy time and all can spawn in one rally thing so;
You have a hll big maps but faster.
Also, dont implement any resource limit like hll sonyou can spawn a lot vehicles like now .
So with this formula; we will have the perfect mix of milsim/arcady game and also the best sandbox ww2 experience in big tactical maps. What sounds bad about it ?

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In which maps ? Since those few maps in moscow for example theres max 2 kubels that seats 4 maybe 5, so not even a full squad.
And they are quite useless, which is why they aint really even used.

Quite sure the bigger maps would make it significantly slower, which happens in fair share of maps already where theres absolutely ridiculous chokepoints where attackers has to push thru.

Perhaps that we dont want milsim ?
When ever I feel like doing jogging simulation I play HLL.
If im looking for “tactical” cooperation requiring game I play csgo for example.
When I want something easy not much of “skill” requiring I play enlisted.

Quite simple isnt it ?

Enlisted gameplay is very much like red orchestra which is mix of milsim and arcade. So labeling enlisted as “semi milsim” is not wrong. If you try to play it like cod or bf against veteran team they will wreck you absolutely.
And from my personal experience, playing enlisted cautiously like hll really goes well and pays off hugely


Uhm, no they are about as comparable as trucks and pigeons.

No its not wrong, its absolutely retarded.

Ironicly the zergrushing gaining ground asap is the only way to win the game against so called “veteran” players.

Im quite sure your personal experience lost credibility in previous statement.
Anyway the answer still remains as massive fking no.

Zergrush only works bcs of small maps. This was the point i have been talkin about already. Did you even ready my post ?

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Oh and zergrush doesnt work against those veterans always when they are the defenders. The best way to crack dense defence is good pilots and guys who use smoke grenades. Otherwise your infantry is doomed from start. You can rry and see it in normandy or moscow easily


And perhaps thats exactly what people want ? Fast, intense cqc did that ever occur to your mind ?

Ironicly I play moscow rather frequently and at that point when you start doing tacticool shit with planes and what ever the defending team pushes the attackers to edge of greyzone.
Good luck pushing from there again.

Why wont you pick any shooter in modern setting? I’ve came here to see combat action not that lastbraincell cqc SMG rush.


1-hll has intense cqc sequences
You clearly have no idea or not enough gameplay experience at hll
2-combined arms, smoke artillery, mortars and mortar smokes etc… doesnt matter if you want another cod clone so why we even have them in game then ?
So tactical sh… doesnt matter right ?
Ok then i give a very basic example from my sniper squad tactic.
As an attacker, i generally use my sniper squad as infiltrator from flanks since they are just 5 guys so not noticable like big infantry squad or mg/flamer. And gave them also 1 anti tanker to blow up any tanks from possivle coming from flanks or sneak to enemy tabks behind their lines.
And guess what ?
In maps when we are at offense, me and my snipers wreck the sh… out of enemy logstics and tanks
Any nobody generally waiting sniper attacking from flanks in mid distance, they lose all their battle formation and i hunt them down like chickens even in current narrow maps. So imagine if we had big maps.
If you use your neurons, tactical sh** really works even in narrow maps.


Ive got those as well.

Well you have chosen wrong place.

Yes, once in 45minutes.

No, definitely not. Got some ~400 ? Hours clocked on it.

Who said you cant use them ? Zergrushing to cap point doesnt mean you dont have 1-2 seconds of time to deploy smoke artillery / artillery.
Or how long are you planning to call for artillery ?

Yea no.

This shit pretty much proves you have never played against grouped teams or if you have, you magically found the worst team possible.

The teams you have described here can also be annihilated with knife.
Doesnt really mean your tacticool shit works against actual players with 2 braincells.

Now your arguments don’t make sense at all.

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too big maps dont work properly with the AI system and balance, how do you make AI useful in huge maps without giving them good accuracy at longer distances, while then also ruining their balance in small city maps, because then they would snipe you all the time from crazy distances.

Also, everyone is already building rallies non stop because time spent walking is time wasted.

As long as they increase the playercount, since the game underdelivers on that front. To quote from the official website:
"There are hundreds of soldiers in each battle, accompanied by armored vehicles and aviation. It all reconstructs a true historical battle atmosphere, like famous Omaha Beach landing.

Ok let´s assume everyone in a match uses the max amount of soldiers in a squad, wich is 9 I believe, then we have 180 soldiers. That´s assuming everyone is using maxed out Rifleman Squads and not using vehicles and you don´t even actually get hundreds of soldiers.

Honestly, what´s the point of making these huge maps just to make the game 10v10 and limit these players to small senctions of those maps? If anyone has any reasons why we just have 10v10 I would like to hear it because I´m drawing a blank here.

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very small sections

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“Everyone ia buuilding rallies already”
Really ?! In which server and campaign ?
Since i witnessed in every campaign that %80 of matches have 1-2 point buldiers at max

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well let me correct my statement, in a serious match where you want to win, you will always have rallies.

Let’s not forget that this is the game I (and many in here) fell in love with.

Enlisted, offered/offers this kind of experience with these particular configurations, and it happened to attract my attention and it keeps me playing the game.

Bigger maps … it seems tempting but so much has to change/be implemented for that to even be possible.

I’m not even sure if it would be the same game tbh and it’s risky to alter the core too much.

On the other hand , im not against the idea per se.

Just sayin.


On this note as well, land mines/ AT mines would have a lot more use and value.