Why is the gorov LMG considered a semi auto rifle? and why the coenders is called mg yet, it's an smg?

It’s a shame that judging by your words the US will not be getting a new semi-automatic rifle in the upcoming big update, meaning the US will once again remain a nation that lives solely on what the developers give it advantages in terms of capture rate and number of reinforcements.

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since the mg 42 was an effort to make it lighter, and fire more

( even though, yeah, in enlisted, doesn’t feel different outside the rate of fire )

but i agree on everything else.

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rather, it is simpler to manufacture and less costly in terms of metal. It’s funny, but this is probably the only weapon that the Germans were able to make cheaper. Then they again spent iron on unnecessary stuff and the same unnecessary heavy tanks


the volkssturm weapons such as the vg 1-5, kriegsmodel, and others would like to have a word with you :smirk:

b-b-ut they will work!

they will turn the tides!

we… don’t consider end gears that will most likely leave you after a while… or how some engines catches on fire because of said weight.

or even if most of the bridges of that time, couldn’t even handle the weight.

but d e t a i l z

MP40 and stgs were also made in the same deep stamping technology and were quite cheap.

Also interesting thing about steel stamping, german helmets were stampedd in multiple stages, that made them costly but also robust. Meanwhile US that had simpler process of stamping it’s helmets, had some minor quality issues (wall thinning).

Steel was so big deal back then, kind of amazing. Now it’s chips and micro electronics and that’s boring imo.

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no, the mp 40 was a rather expensive smg compared to the pps and m3, and for the stg they simply did not have time to make cartridges in the right amount

MP40: 269,02 USD
M3: 250 USD
PPSh: 161 - 258 USD

“Rather expensive”.

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I don’t know what ppp is, if you mean pps than it’s hard to say what was it cost in monney in the first place.
And M3 is literalry made to be cheap above all else.

I meant more like good quality to cost ratio. “Quite cheap”, not the cheapest.

Its not even expensive, at least not much more than the others.
The M3G also had some functional issues at the start, which I cannot recall on the MP40 other than the single feeding issues.

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As @mergenthewise pointed it out, weapon classification are based on their role.
Cönders MG and LAD both fire pistol calibers like submachineguns the assaulters use.
Fg42 may function as an machine gun but was used as a battlerifle.
Even though BAR is called automatic rifle, it was used in LMG role, though it’s important to note that BAR has obsolete WW1 classification, its before the term LMG was invented but there was still a need to call it something henceforth “automatic rifle” was used.

Gorov is in a weird spot, it is clearly a LMG but DF took the liberty and made it an infantry weapon.


Well the modern MG3 is known to be front heavy, shooters don’t shoulder this weapon, the MG34 should also be front heavy - but yeah one is milled, the other is stamped.

VG 1.5 moment