Gorov for gunners(BR II)

The suggest is simple. Add a option. Either you can give this weapon to soldiers of the riflemens type and it will have BR 5, or you can give this weapon to soldiers of the machine gunner type (there will be BR 2). I think it will be an interesting alternative to Madsen. It may even be powerful, but nevertheless it is a 20 round in a magazine with poor visibility. So, maybe main problem it’s coding problem, cause I guess you will have problems to make gun with 2 BRs.

(Thanks for screenshot Erika, lol)



it should be a gunner’s weapon for lower br.

considering that… they literally don’t have many mgs down there.


I think AVS and AVT should also apply such a mechanism
These select fire guns were made in response to LMG shortages
It also allows us to use them in early wars

Lol, it has one of the best visibility of “bren like MGs”. Its stats needs to be nerfed for BR2.
It’s way better than vicker berthier or brens.


It’s still have a

So NO.

No really. May as always they can nerf accuracy, which are shadow stat. No more than it.

No, it is still way better than any BR2 MG. Its recoil needs to be increased for BR2.


we are opening Pandora´s box with this move.
What is next, Fg42 for gunners and M2 Carbine for assaulters on BR2?
I wouldnt risk it, Gorov simply isnt worth the consequences.


Hmmm?? No?
It’s in first - are common weapon.
In second:
M2 carbine are CARBINE.

So you probably meant the comment of @MR_87

MG42 and StG44 stands for: Maschinengewehr 42 and Sturmgewehr 44 both has GEWEHR in it as well, so according to your logic both StG44 and MG42 should be used be used by riflemen.


WELL. Than AVTOMAT FEDOROV should have just a unique class AVTOMAT? Machinegun it’s a GUN? What is GUN CLASS?
Don’t make this silly.

Unless Im mistaken, avtomat can be translated as automatic rifle. Same issue about weapon categorization as earlier today.
During the Winter War (the last conflict for Fedorov) Fedorov was used in a role that is closer to assaulter class than gunner class hence why assaulters use it.

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huh, you can use it for other classes than MG gunner?
I actually thought it was a bug some shitty madsen lookalike was BR5 lol

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Avtomat mean just automatic.

yeah you can
Can even have it on engineer too i belive :stuck_out_tongue:
I have posted about this when i said, add gorov to INF in your trucks, and then you have 4x MG firing from back :smile: