Why I Don't Think Japan Should Get Tiger

If it is still the old “leaked content” it was the German tiger H1 with a green camo and a photoshopped text code line write like this jap_tiger _N6

No, it is legitimately leaked content, I would show you proof if I didn’t risk my post being deleted

simple question, hasn’t this already been “leaked” before? I have a feeling of deja vu

Mah… We will see, but most of time those leak are just good fake, never believe until you see it in the patch notes

Nah, someone made a “fan made” version with japan camo put on a tiger tank in the mod editor. The test server has leaks showing the Heavy Tank No.6 will be a premium standalone vehicle (like the halloween spike sherman, available to japan tanker 2 squad only) for 2,500 gold

It was but as I wrote it was just fake as most of the leak who are posted

How is it an arm race when the tiger is not better than the super pershing?

It is already in the editor of the test server, so this point doesn’t make sense.

People are being mad because Enlisted is not realistic, even though it has never been realistic. It makes just as much sense for Japan to have a Tiger they officially purchased than it is for them to have a paper prototype Ho-Ri tank that was never built


The pacific plane spawning mechanism needs to be modified, instead of letting the player always choose air spawn plane.

Yes, but why should.
They already have Type Hei auto.
The situation is the same as when the US only had the M2 Carbine, but Type Hei is even better.
Japan on the other hand has no assault rifles unless they add even more China captured gun in TT

So limit vehicle spam, not letting everyone can use vehicle spam.

There is a phrase called “the straw that broke the camel’s back”
People’s tolerance is continuous

If the question is “to make up for the lack of BRV tanks in Japan, choose Ho-RI or Tiger” I think that is reasonable and worth discussing, but the current situation is that more BRV armor is not actually what the Japanese faction urgently needs.

It is in test server editor


People who wants Enlisted to be historically accurate instead of being balanced should quit playing the game tbh. The game is barely accurate pre-merge and Devs decided it would be better to focus on balancing instead of being accurate so that the game lives on. Which brings us to where we are now.


I mean, yeah, play enlisted because its fun, don’t play enlisted for its plot


Is your entire argument against the Jap Tiger really “but there are other issues”?
Damn, that sucks.

Dunno, Japan already threw the best they could into the race and the best was a wooden tank destroyer. Dont know if the Tiger E is gonna be much more impressive.

And the FG42 still has no bayonet as far as I know.
But Soviet suffer because clans no on cares about don’t pick them enough in clan wars nobody cares about either.

Joker - Laugh II

+And that is important for the present because?

And that is important for the present because?

Dunno what the mistake is here to begin with.



damn you sure of the price?

This thread reeks of hypocrisy dressed behind rationalism.

The use of the “there are bigger problems to address” argument only works if it takes away from development time, and explores some option that is novel, experimental and/or risky.

One can have fixes as well as additional content. They are not mutually exclusive.

MP-40s were not bought but were gifted from Germany to Japanese embassy & beside MP-40 it also was gifted SVTs .
Japan also bought a Panther D (Never reached ) and also PZ III and IVs(reached mainland Japan)
also (Not sure) i’ve read somewhere that beside those STG japan also bought Panzerschrecks but like I said not sure have to research more

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Well there is a lot to be added to Japan I made topic after topic since there is so many interesting things that Japan can receive then a tiger :

Fixing Japanese Faction Full Tech Tree :jp: - Suggestions - Enlisted

I have new ideas even now but I’m too lazy to make another Japanese weapon topic since now I have even better ideas :joy:

But they added some things but i really hope they focus on planes and small arms a bit and not on tanks…

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Japan Mega Thread V2 and All versions of Type Ko, Type Hei, Type Otsu rifles my sweet @Life_burns