Why I Don't Think Japan Should Get Tiger

First of all, I must agree and agree with the developers for updating the Japanese faction, because compared with other factions, Japan, which lacks supplements, obviously needs updates more

However, I think the developers are entering a vicious cycle of “arms race”. When one faction gets a good tank, its opposing faction must get a better tank. In the end, the tanks are constantly updated and iterated, and the result is that the infantry suffers and the balance is deformed
This is very obvious in the other three factions
Other problems are often ignored by such an arms race, such as the Soviet AVT-40 still has 5 fewer bullets than the FG42-2
Before getting the Tu2-S, the Soviet air force was as weak as the Japanese Air Force
Similarly, before the United States got the RPzB, the M9 bazooka performed significantly worse than the Panzerfaust 100
Although some problems have been solved, please note that these problems took a long time to finally be solved

So will Japan repeat the same mistakes? Or does it really have time to wait? This is no longer a young game. Will players really spend so much time waiting for developers to finish playing the arms race game before slowly filling in those more acute deficiencies?

Admittedly, Tiger is a good addition to the Japanese faction, but the Japanese faction already has HORI and CHIRI in BR5. What the developers need to do is to make them belong to two different teams instead of continuing to add more

Has the addition of Tiger solved the core problems of the Japanese faction?

No, the low-BR Japanese faction still has no air-deployed aircraft in the Pacific, and Japan has no air-deployed attack aircraft in all BR Pacific battlefields

The machine gunners of Japanese tanks will still compete for the position of tank loaders, and Japanese tank machine guns still cannot be fired from the gunner’s perspective

The Japanese air force still needs a lot of updates

Japan still has no BR5 assault rifles

The Japanese vehicle team is still insufficient, and the loss of vehicles cannot be replenished as quickly as other factions

So many acute problems cannot be solved by an arms race. Tiger is good, but I hope these more serious problems will be solved first. After that, the developers will find that even without Tiger, the Japanese faction will be a normal functioning faction, and players will not continue to complain.


Yes, I hope more people can view this issue rationally. Our opposition to it is not out of selfishness.

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I just agree for the problem of the gunner who can’t control the mg


I see nothing in the patch notes. Where are you getting that this is a thing?

That’s quite confused, I think they get something from datamining or such stuffs.

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Like super pershing in the pacific? :rofl: well seriously Enlisted is a cool game but very far from historical fact, my personal opinion is that Jumbo, pershing, super pershing, Ho-ri (because this version is fiction and not necessary if the tanks I cited were not here )should not have been in the pacific once again this is just my personal opinion


its leaked content for the next update

The Chi-Ri has 75mm of armor, it’s pathetic and not worth using at BR5

The Tiger has 100mm of armor that you can angle for better protection. I would consider the Tiger to be viable at BR5 because it’s able to reliably fight most US BR5 tanks except the super pershing

Besides that, Enlisted is an alternative history video game. Enlisted is not realistic. Stop trying to make Enlisted realistic. I think it’s fascinating to see a scenario where Japan purchased Tigers and began creating the tanks themselves, it is a very interesting perspective on how the war might have went if things happened differently.

It’s not an alien space craft or a super weapon, it is a scenario that could have very much occurred in real life.

I want more tanks for Japan. Japan does not have very many tanks to use. If you have a better idea on how to solve Japan’s lack of variety, then please share your ideas.


Japan doesn’t suffer from the lack of an assault rifle because they have type hei automatic which is the best of its kind in the entire game. Sure, it’s not an assault rifle but it pretty much works like one anyway.


I just think that Japan needs to replenish other things more than tanks, such as the type 5 rocket launcher, which is even worse than the M9 bazooka, not to mention the RPzB or Panzerfaust

Yes, that is also a critical issue that needs to be resolved, Japan is lacking many things that the other factions have

Although it did not arrive, I remind you historically that they bought a tank and several MP40 and several mp44, do you want the transaction document? Perfect, here you have it, enjoy it and here the info for the tank , leave it alone please


If it is still the old “leaked content” it was the German tiger H1 with a green camo and a photoshopped text code line write like this jap_tiger _N6

No, it is legitimately leaked content, I would show you proof if I didn’t risk my post being deleted

simple question, hasn’t this already been “leaked” before? I have a feeling of deja vu

Mah… We will see, but most of time those leak are just good fake, never believe until you see it in the patch notes

Nah, someone made a “fan made” version with japan camo put on a tiger tank in the mod editor. The test server has leaks showing the Heavy Tank No.6 will be a premium standalone vehicle (like the halloween spike sherman, available to japan tanker 2 squad only) for 2,500 gold

It was but as I wrote it was just fake as most of the leak who are posted

How is it an arm race when the tiger is not better than the super pershing?

It is already in the editor of the test server, so this point doesn’t make sense.

People are being mad because Enlisted is not realistic, even though it has never been realistic. It makes just as much sense for Japan to have a Tiger they officially purchased than it is for them to have a paper prototype Ho-Ri tank that was never built