Why Greyzone Camping Is A Problem

That is only reason I support kamikazes. Sbd all the way. Huge bombs mean no skill

While not really a full solution, one thing I like to do with grey zone camping tanks if I cant get into the air, is to make a smoke wall so they cant see anything for extended periods. Generally gives enough cover to get things done, usually a 40-50% effective rate

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As I said, in Enlisted people dont want to play with soldiers anymore (I don’t generalize everyone). Only tanks and planes. And this will get worse.

So, lets dance.

Unless your aircraft is a fighter jet below level 2 or firing M8 rockets at Tigers
Otherwise there should be no problem

Vehicles have very severe experience penalties
This is why even suicides need to join the ranks of ground attack and construction

But more than 90% of players refuse to use smoke
They only use high-explosive bombs and shelling
Then protest that the enemy is killing them

They could just prepare aircraft instead of low performance tanks
Or work together as a team
Instead of letting them greedily use tanks and also want to get involved in aircraft
in addition
The first grid only requires free gold coins for 5 seasons to be unlocked.
So there is no need to give them a second free slot

some people like to play tanks and it is only a problem with select few tanks. also having both vehicles should be a norm in a combined weapon game.

shall i quote your thoughts about majority of your teams? something regarding monkeys etc.

so teamplay includes you in vehicles and rest of the monkeys as infantry? good to know that.

they have same experience penalties as any squad. just that it is problem to perform good enough with infantry as you can perform with vehicle so you dont see xp penalty.

Yeah Only wait for like 1,2 years or so, making it close to five years for all factions. 9/11 design. Really a shame not more people want to enjoy this flawless design.

Because radio squad is useless.

Yeah Wrong game. Not even you do that.

This is why you need to team up instead of playing alone

it is actually more cause you need to have premium active when you buy that slot.


Wasn’t this changed?

It’s a (basically) free game
Officials have done a good enough job in meeting the minimum requirements to survive.
This is not a Chinese game, nor is it a WT with punishments for death and escape.
4 cells is enough for players to make the most basic choices
If you want more, you should give something instead of asking for it.

they are very useful
Especially when it comes to preventing enemies from shooting players who refuse to take detours or take cover from areas with good visibility.
It’s just that players who keep getting shot don’t understand this.

I rarely form teams
Basically the game starts after midnight
It is difficult to find players in the same time zone and faction
So I had to do most of the work alone or coordinate with other players’ actions.

I have never purchased any grid or premium account in Japan before
even so
Before the merger, I played 350 games with only 3 squads and 1 aircraft or 1 tank and ended the Japanese line.
And played about 200 games before the May special sale
So I don’t think it’s difficult

Modified after the May sale.

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No argument from me, I have always thought safe spaces in war games sucked. The excuse is that tanks would not last long in Enlisted without them. Well, what is the tank life expectance on the Ukrainian battlefield? Not very long. :laughing:

My idea, if you’re going to allow safe spaces, then allow them to be targeted by artillery at the very least. This way they can’t just camp in one spot or they will be quickly targeted.

Bottom line, nothing is going to change. Some love the gray zones, some hate them. Just like some like never ending use of artillery, some hate it. Some love anti personal mines, some hate them…It just depends on what you like, because you hate the other. My thought has always been the same. I would prefer it to be somewhat realistic. Of course, I get melee killed all the time while I am filling the enemies guts with smg lead, and I highly doubt that is very realistic. :roll_eyes:

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Yeah, always have no expectations.

WT also has free slots so yeah, makes you think.

They are sooo usefull not even you use them.

Funny. Everyone has to cooperate with their team but you. Now that is the morale highground.
It is also a lie. The few matches you did not quit actually had decent amount of players to the point they were full.

And the other three factions?

Because you have no life.
But most people do have a life.

The P-38 guns penetrate Tiger 1 engine decks quite readily from top down.
Tiger 2s are a bit more fiddly but fully doable as well

didnt notice that update if they changed it. well it never made sense to me to block paid content behind paywall…

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I have said it and going to say it for 26836463 times until people realise;
Main problem is MAPS !
maps are ridiculously SMALL for a combined arms game.
Solution: bigger maps and bigger objective areas.
Objectives must be larger as you can fit 3 squads in one corner of the area without having to fight but sneaking.
We are not playing a war game.this is just pure fast paced chaos and NOTHING is fun about it.
Until DF realise that this game is not csgo, problem can NEVER be solved