Why does the pre-war Kar98k have a faster firing rate?

Aren’t they the same gun but with the hood on the front sight hood removed?

were higher quality…
then you have the war time regular one, with faster production…
then the very very cheap ones krieg thing stuff which fire even slower

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Gimmick to make it BR2 worthy.
Same with Springfields or Mosins

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To balance its worse sights.

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Pre war would mean higher quality as once the war starts going and your factories start getting bombed it’s harder to make them as efficiently.

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They all have the same core mechanical principles, though, so shouldn’t they have the same fire rate?

How? There are guns in BR2 that aren’t a copy of a rifle and have faster fire rates on their own, so is this gimmick necessary?

Couldn’t they give carbines better weapon handling stats, worse damage at longer range (more than it is already if need be), etc?

Let’s just say that due to war production less importance was put on the precision and QC during making of these rifles, making the parts fit worse and action not as smooth.

Hands down, this is one of the best sights Darkfow has designed in this game. They should’ve copied and pasted its sights onto the Gewehr 98 War Mod.

I prefer standard K98K sight.
Maybe because I have been shooting rifles with those sights all my life or maybe it’s just my play style.
Whatever the reason, I find the pre-war Kar sight a downgrade and honestly contrary to popular belief the pre-war should be the weaker rifle since the quality of rifles only increased with war time experience, up until 1943 at least.


I thought cost cuts went into materials, unnecessary parts, and the amount of materials used. I have never heard of any country sacrificing the quality and precision of the receiver, bolt, or barrel before.

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Very true. I wonder why Darkflow thought it should be the better rifle.

To artificially add more rifles to the game.
Why have 10 weapon skins of Kar98 like other games, while you can have 10 nearly identical models of Kar98 as separate weapons?

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Take the iconic Mosin. One of the most well known bolt action ever… There was so many variants. Even with the same Mosin, some were so rushed in the production lines, that they were finicky rickety messes! Others, accurate state of the art rifles.

same happened with tanks: the t34. how many different variants were there? most differed depending from which plant they came out from, and early war they were so rushed they proved unreliable… which drastically changed later for the better when Soviets got back the upper hand.

Now with our K98.
early war k98 was cream of the crop bolty, because German gunsmits had time to make them and there wasn’t that many part shortages yet.

normal k98 in game, are either old models, reused ones or some where quality standards got lowered to speed up production.

then the Kriegsmodel. a very cheap k98, reduced to it’s bare bone function. they even removed the bayonet lug from it to save up time and resources. Knowing they made up shower pipe smgs late war, it’s easy to guess their bolt actions suffered the same fate…



made me realize I must have some legacy K98… because I got some max star 4 stars, and some with max 3…


But the firing mechanism itself was not changed throughout the corse of the war, even the Kriegsmodel was built to the same quality as before the war.


So that players (a.k.a. potential customers) don’t waste their time having to unlock the same gun repeatedly, they could add an XP requirement for different skins/“upgrades” for a certain rifle and replace the holes in the tech tree with new guns. We still have many rifles for all factions to fill in these holes and even enough of them to be used as new content, so why don’t they do this?

because it was not for mass production
new weapon application goes like this for armies
1- design on blue print
2- making prototypes
3- testing protoypes for every possible situation (wet, harsh environment, recoil control etc…)
4- last accepted protoypes were tested by selected soldier on real battlefield
5- if results are good, simplify it for mass production( and potentionally lose some quality in the process)
prewar k98 was the hand made last product
last accepted products generaly not well suited for mass production since they are hand made.
hand made weapons are exceptionally good but not suited for long industrial wars, you can not produce them and arm millions of men.
same for beretta.
Beretta Model 38a and b were arguably the finest smgs of ww2 because they were hand made masterpieces. Number of a and b models were not enough to equip italian army so they decreased the quality and fit it for mass production and created beretta 38/42 model.
edit. unless you are ussr. ussr didnt care about 3rd and 4th steps. designer there created the most acceptable/decent prototype, then it was mass produced and given to an army and test them in battlefield on massive scale in expense of soldiers lives :rofl:
and i thin ths is where gaijins “live testing” policy originated from


the mechanism might “be the same” on plans, but quality standards, might be drastically lowered… Which wasn’t unheard of. that, and lower quality materials. Germany had a lot of trouble getting good metals.

it’s one explanation why it’s different in game…


The best steel mills in the 1940s were in Germany, Italy, France, Sweden and USA. Germany had access to four.
There is no sign of drastic quality drop in the rifles.

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