Why do bots stutter when they "see" death?

I just noticed that when I kill one AI, all other stop for 1-2s and then continue.
It would be nice to smooth their… uh… decision making? Or whatever they are doing in this time.
It really throws off my aim when bots move, stop, move, stop etc and it looks very unnatural.


A moment of mourning, perhaps?

AI have feelings too, remember!


They’re shocked they just lost their friend. Don’t be so harsh on them.


They’re shocked, but yeah, it makes them easy targets especially in an open field instead of continuing running. They never behaved like this before the patch that makes them seeking more cover.

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cause they are XP pinatas


i think that it makes them harder to kill cause of their unpredictability, specially when you are aiming from longer range.

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The player who have all the control is supposed to protec them and use them correctly besides that i think that fix this little issue Will make the bot squads a little bit more comfortable and more capable to train your aim, since i started playing this My aim has been improving too much Even umin other games without bots still have a decent perfomance

Nope they are tryhards behind that bot cover allowing them to kill You since more than 200 meters with an smg

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Btw. I think you got it completely wrong. You most likely didn’t kill AI. But player. And the reason why all AI stopped for 1-2 secs is because the player was just respawning to one of them (because that’s exactly how long it takes).
Exactly the same thing happens to any tank once you kill popped out commander.


it get you killed if you dont store the bots in some safe spot
way behind you

how epic the game is eh ? :smiling_face_with_tear:

They also seem to do this when I aim and miss when I shoot them with a bolt action

They react when a bullet is shot near them, remember when the dev announce that bot stop and scan for the origin of the shooter to simulate a real reaction from people?

This stuttering happened for some time now, one possibility is the AI keep alternating between two behaviors of the decision tree rapidly due to being aggroed by a player.

Another possibility is a traffic jam. Picture a scenario when two or more bots are being leashed by the leader, and the bots come to a point where they need to use the same navmesh node. The bot with the closest distance to that node let’s call it bot #1 will get there first and the bot #2 that come after have to stop and wait until bot #1 leave the node creating a movement stutter in bot #2.

Bot 1 will get to the node first

The AI also make the bots jump when moving pass an edge instead of falling down. Sometime they climb back up and jump off again, this make them very difficult to track and separate them further from the leader each time they jump while being leashed.


Just checked the replay.
Nope, it wasn’t the squad leader. Just follower bots.
Video with my shit aim:

Aso replay doing replay things


My soldiers are meant to follow orders with no hesitation! Mission above all else at every cost!

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DarkFlow’s animation quality for seggs:

DarkFlow’s animation quality for not seggs:


No, I have this happen all the time. The guy who is clearly the squad leader is like 10 meters in front, I kill a guy in the middle, then 1 or 2 guys look directly at me in disgust. Then both of them begin moving again at the exact same time towards the commander that is mowing my own bots down currently.


it’s really annoying. and that’s how most of your squad dies 75% of the time.

because one guy got shot, and instead of taking cover, they just… stop dead in their tracks.

i believe it was made so that they can calculate and reteliate more accurately without being affected by the recoil & dispersion.

matter of fact, most of the time where AI are moving, they tend to be less accurate.
and for the most part, way more deadlier when being stationary on point.

it would way better if the AI would be able to fire while running like players do.
or, instead of making them stop completely and make themselves an easy target, sprint to the nearest cover.

like, it should be easy for AI to calculate the trajectory of where it’s getting fired, and find a suitable hard cover that it’s not a bush or a tree.

hell, even proning in a ditch would help.

but what do i know.

Makes sense. AI becomes terminators when firing from a vehicle. I have never seen them racking more than 3 kills otherwise