literally on every match theres at least 1 sherman jumbo spawncamping us but I rarely see any tigers why are the teams so unbalanced in this game dont get me wrong I am not complaining about jumbos existence I am just complaining about why all the high level players are always on the allied side
Because every Axis âveteranâ player is now farming bots in Berlin since Normandy allies has good players now.
Also there are so many rocket AT planes in Normandy that delete every tank in one strafe, that there is very rarely a map worth playing tanks to begin with.
Berlin campaign seems so much more relaxing because of a very small amount of pilots playing on it.
Nah, I do enjoy playing my tiger in normandy.
I was destroyed more because of EPs rather than rocket planes.
Dat hull MG tho.
Because itâs OP and everyone knows it so theyâll abuse it
Everyone uses the Jumbo because of very thick frontal armor and a decent gun. They all want to sit in the back and farm points, as there is very little that defenders (which on this campaign are more frequently Axis), can do about it.
Because Axis is usually defending, the Paratrooper squads hit especially hard against them, leading many of the Axis players to outright leave the campaign, which is why its pretty rare to see veteran axis players on Normandy right now.
(To put things into perspective, Iâve played on both sides of this Axis and Allies. In the past 2 months, I donât recall seeing a single win on the D-Day map for Axis. Between the Paratroopers being busted OP, defensive fortifications shattering like glass, not being able to know which location the 2nd, 4th, or 5th objective is going to go, and the insanity of the HVAR rockets, this is utterly not surprising.)
It does look sus
They use it because it has a good gun, and REALLY GOOD frontal armor, enough to take on a tiger or panther.
Because its the most forgiving tank they have. Same reason T-50s, early T-34 and KV-1s and King tigers are so popular.
Can make mistakes or get away with things other tanks cant.
Give me a wirbelwind there wonât be a plane anywhere over normandy
If they add the WirbelwindâŠ
I want the M16
Who are you going to shoot with that the germans donât have anything worth using anymore
For OP
if you seen mine, i still spading it,
Whoever shows their face
I canât wait to unlock it.
I speedran the Sherman acclimation process and just got the gold order M4A2. Its a big improvement over the M5.
Iâve just started on researching the lvl 31 US Normandy tank, so i need to get jumbo, done, lol
Ps i do also have gold order for next tank etc, and also a gold for a new person etc
The thing is that the Jumbo can be unlocked quite early in the campaign, at level 20, all the while remaining one of the best allied tank in Normandy, maybe even better than the ones that can be unlocked at level 30+. To be honest, I am not too advanced in the game, but since I have unlocked the Jumbo I donât use any other vehicle, the jumbo is just the perfect infantry support vehicle with its fast firing gun, great HE shells and excellent armour.
It would be great of it got APHE