Why are there so many jumbos on normandy

Yeah, sometimes it can be difficult to pen the front armour of even Pz.IV with the standard solid shot and its abysmal 90mm of pen. Even the german Puma has better pen value than the Shermans. But I guess that most german main would be against such a change…


However the Allies get better planes.

do you know what etc means?

do now, but i am uneducated so i learnt something.
instead of being a grammar nazi, why don’t you just spend more time playing game, instead of trolling, un educated people.

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I ask you a simple question and you lash out like this I think you had enough internet today

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I use the M10 all the time, it’s my favorite tank and can kill tiger easily, not sure why people don’t use it.

What that means is M10 is high skill high reward, while Jumbo is for none skilled greyzone campers. When I used Jumbo I always rushed with it, I mean it was designed as a siege tank not a camping tank.


Because the 76mm Sherman is just better in virtually every way.

M10 has a better gun I’m pretty sure and the commander isn’t a sitting duck when using the .50 cal which is better to use than a coax

The fighting distance of tanks would argue about that

The last Sherman in current Normandy progression has got a 76mm gun, which iirc is the same as the M10 and Hellcat.

M10’s hand crank turret is painfully slow.
The commander doesn’t need to stand up to fire the .50, but he can never fully protect his head as well.

Overall imo, as much as the M10 may be good at sniping Tigers and Panthers from afar, the Sherman 76 trades a higher profile for better all-round performances both against tanks and infantry.

Need to remove those rockets, normandy is unplayable because of then mainly axis side, you cant do nothing cause you are constantly blowing up