Why are lower tier germans so scared to play against even odds?

It’s cowboy shootin’ time!

Soviets got the T-34- :100: and a surge of players, so the babyrage germany mains all fled BR5. Currently getting repeatedly automatched into BR5 germany and having nice, hard fought matches

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Yes, my own experience (pre-T34-100 for the most part) was as a BR5 Germany, we won 60% of the time. Nothing like the 80% or so that they win in BRI-II of course. But, it’s still an edge. I only play it b/c some of the people I play with favor it.

Here’s a good one. EIGHT colonels or above for the Germans.

When this game finally dies, it’ll be matches like this that did it in.

Looks like team just kept feeding the tank without trying to remove him. unlucky


Unlucky? I guess that’s what you can call it. Obviously, no one tried to suicide onto him (which, if you think about it, should not even be a tactic. I mean, seriously - if that’s part of the “game design” that’s some seriously crappy game design).

All I know, is I didn’t feel like having any more of the same, and if others felt like I did, then the American side sucked all night. Normally, I’d stick it out, but I had a 50% bonus on 6 more games from the battlepass and I didn’t feel like wasting it on losses.

I’m not a dev, so I can’t explain why the Russians end up with different ratios - maybe the maps are more favorable and the Germans avoid them. Ended up going 2-2 with the Russians vs. the Germans, and the matches were a lot closer (obviously).

Still waiting on that evidence you promised.

this is my experience with soviet low tier for last 3-4 months on EU server.


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Wasn’t even aware there were different servers…

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I’m not sure if titles mean anything in this game.

Rank is how many people play the game, not the quality of their game. Of course, there is some correlation when the number of fights conducted gives some quality and experience to the player, but most often the player is at about the same level from battle to battle. About the titles. On the Russian server, the main newcomer is the player for USSR. That’s where the most lost players play. They do not understand what they are playing at, why engineers need hammers, what is a red or blue circle on the map. Most often, this is a kind of sniper who, during a fight from 200 m, will make a couple of shots towards the enemy and nothing more. On the Euroserver, newcomers are more likely to go for the Germans. And there the Germans are 2 BR obviously weaker than the Germans on the Russian server. Well, the Americans have the weakest players going for the USA. Everything is simple. A beginner goes for those for whom it is more pleasant for him to play. And thereby weakens the side by itself. because the Germans are so strong on the same Russian server that they go to play for them last of all when they have played enough for the Red Army or the USA.


They can buy a premium BR 5 squad…


Yeah, I can’t speak to the Russian or Euro servers. (I don’t even see the options for any, and I’m in the US.)

Also, you didn’t mention which tier that these screens are from and they appear to be from back in March (and as I understand it, memes tend to change over time) I’ve seen more balance in the higher tier, but the Germans tend to win there (I’d guess in my experience it’s 60% win ratio), as opposed to in the lower tier where up until last week, it was about a 80% ratio where Germans won in lower tier (BR1-2) for a month straight.

I raise these issues so that the Devs can perhaps look into bringing more balance in the max making. It’s more than just the weapons being used, since silver is in high demand, and the way they’ve designed it, they actually encourage “bottom feeding” - where experienced people pick on newer players b/c they need that sweet, sweet, silver.

It could be something simple like giving a lot more silver at the higher tiers. I mean, I’m at a spot right now, where I researched US planes, and there are five planes I do not want that are going to cost me 50k in silver. May not seem like much for some players, but for me, that’s probably 4-5 days of very active play for something I do not want.

While I don’t disagree that NEW players may be flooding the side that they are familiar with, that doesn’t really speak to why on the US servers, so many of the German players (regardless of affinity) end up bottom feeding. They have enough experience and equipment to end up in the higher tier, but they purposely play BR1-2 - whether for promotion maintenance (not wanting to take the losses), or b/c they need silver, or because they can.

And that’s just to get to BR3 for the Americans in the planes line. The Devs could definitely afford to increase the silver outflow at the higher tier game level. That would encourage more skilled players to take the risk of playing at the higher tier.

It sticks.

Playing with Sovs lately because I feel tired and wanted… easier times.
Because. Ppk42. (Competitive at br5)
For the rest I just don’t want to think too much, and charge with a Mosin carbine while screaming “Uraaaaa”

Note. AT BR2. I avoid br5 while tired, whatever the faction.

I also have recent screenshots. Only here nothing is clear at all, since the teams play absolutely equally poorly.

why do you think that everyone should want to play on 5 BR? It is a limitation of oneself. 2 BR is access to maps of Moscow. These are the most detailed maps of the game. There are many of them and there are many game options. I can play on any BR, on 2, 3, 5. Just on 5 BR there will be maps of Berlin with unpopular modes, such as an armored train, and not too successful Ardennes. And Tunisia, Moscow and, a little bit, Stalingrad are better for the game. Personally, I can play 3-5 fights for 5 BR, then it gets boring and I change either the side or the rank.

You ever find any, there Kang? Note, I ONLY see this disparity on the US servers (I don’t play anywhere else) -so, maybe it’s an anomaly that’s specific to frady-cat German players on the US server.

In any case, here’s another classic.

I can’t imagine what this is like for new players to spawn and immediately get shot. You’d think some of those generals would look for a challenge and maybe some balanced play. If it’s silver they are looking for, they aren’t going to get it scoring 968 points like the 4-Star Sirfilthy who didn’t even get a badge the competition to kill bots was so bad.

here are screenshots from EU server…

Before the last game reset a few weeks ago my German squads were 80.6% win/loss, and since then I am getting thumped with the Germans and it’s dropped to 74%. That being said, my US squads were at 53% before the prior game reset like last December or so, then they were shower rapped damn near every time I played with them and it dropped to 48%. Now I am back to playing US and am back to 49.4%. So, it has come full circle. I did start a Jap and a Russian squad. I only played 11 games with the Japs and have a 45% w/l and I am 0-2 as a Ruskie. :rofl:

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Do you play on the US servers?

It sounds like, based on other people’s experiences that a lot of the “bottom feeding” Germans (e.g. people who are high level generals yet playing in BR1-2 matches) tend to be on the US servers.

I mean, I was JUST in two matches, and it doesn’t take a lot when there are a ton of bots playing to make it so one or two players that are long-term veterans to make for a steam roll match.

Like, I just got out of these matches - one seemed semi-competitive for a bit, but after the first cap, it just fell apart as the bots on the US side were scattered everywhere.

In my second screenshot, I saw the same dude, and just said screw that - I can only imagine what it was like with additional generals on their squad!

But, I’m sorry, if you’re already a marshall and playing in BR1-2, then you either have no life or you have played for a very long time and are choosing to play against newbies and bots. (I’ve only played for like 5-6 weeks at this point, despite being a Brigadier. But I have a premium pass and a fair number of premium troops, and I STILL don’t have enough to even field a full BR3 team, much less one higher.)

The thing is, if I downloaded the game for free, or maybe bought a few units, and then got into game and just got steamrolled or my head shot off within 5-10 seconds of spawning every time - I’d quit and go find something else to do.

And if that had happened to me (my son got me into the game, so it didn’t) then I wouldn’t have dropped the $500 on this game like I did.

The Devs need to do something, since all these bottom feeders are going to chase off potential whales who are people with jobs who want a different type of historical FPS to get “in” to.

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skilled players will bottom feed even on BR5 cause skill level for average player in enlisted is shit. so they play BR where they can enjoy weapons and maps.

contrary to popular belief matches are full of players at start (well unless you play with consoles only). they became bot filled only if lots of people desert. checked your last 25 matches and every one was full of human players at start.

everyone is free to play how they want and with what they want. some people want to play BA rifles and low tier SMG with low tier tanks or maps that they cant play on high BR (e.g. moscow or tunisia).
at least situation now is better than it was when campaigns had everything from BR1 to BR5, so you had people with stg44 and tigers dunking on people with springfields and stuarts.

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Bots aren’t really the point of my thread here, and at most, something of a tangent, as my main beef is that the game allows, or even encourages, bottom feeding. Having said that, where do you get the information that EVERY battle starts with humans?

I find it hard to believe since I would think a big reason for having bots in the first place is to keep the queue times down. How are you identifying bots vs nonbots? I’m still new to the game, and I did stumble across a thread where someone had painstakingly identified thousands of bot names. DId you cross-reference all the starting players in those 25 matches with ones on the spreadsheet?

Anyway - I raise this issue both b/c it’s frustrating for new players to be the equivalent of having a high school team playing pro-players, but also, it is not good for the long-term health of the game.

They could fix it, by, instead of a nerf or a penalty, rather, give rewards.

Make three tiers for matches - like BR1-2, BR3-4, and BR5.

Change the silver payment so that BR1-2 is 1x, BR3-4 is 2x, and BR5 is 4x. Perhaps do the same or similar with the research points. And/or allow people to take excess research and spend it on other countries’ research trees.

If you get 4 times the silver, and twice as much research, it’s a big incentive to play in the higher matches. If new players are playing new players, they get to enjoy the game in a competitive environment instead of a “get head blown off” environment.

Finally, why can’t players play with Bolt action rifles in BRV matches? I mean, I haven’t checked every kill, but it SURE feels like most of my deaths come from either a Veteran stabbing me from behind (obviously takes a lot of skill to get to that point) or from a submachine gun. But, I’m only one player…the stuff I do observe is, as above, the marshalls get a ton of kills b/c they’ve played the game, know all the maps, have leveled up troops, better guns, etc etc. All those things give them well deserved advantages.

It’s just that most games want balanced play for the long-term life of their game. If Darkflow doesn’t want that, then I’d rather know that now before I drop another $500 on it.