Why are lower tier germans so scared to play against even odds?

So, I play Allies and Russia for the most part - I guess b/c I like a challenge. Today marks 28 days in the game for me, and I’ve noticed once again that BR 1-2 matches with Germans end up with more colonels and above than either of the other sides I play.

When I first started the game, there was a sale on, and I bought a lot of high tier German stuff, since, well, there’s no doubt that they had cool equipment in WWII. But when it came to leveling things up, I started favoring their opponents, just so I’d have something to work for.

I was pretty stunned how often the Germans end up with Marshalls and Generals - already in the new season! I could post the screenshots, but I’m not trying to shame anyone for the way they abuse newbies of this game, but I have to admit, I have no respect for those players.

It doesn’t take a lot of skill to play the game for along time and then go get the best gear available for your side (since you leveled it up ages ago) and then kick sand in the face of the newbies, some of which don’t have any gear at all and likely won’t stick around until later.

Had I known it was going to be like this, I wouldn’t have dropped a few hundred on premier gear and would have just said “screw this”.

Honestly, it’s no wonder the devs have to work on the AI of the bot NPCs, since eventually, that’s all these Germans will be playing against.


Low BRs are full of noobs, there’s nothing consistent there.


At least untill a stack of 4 maxed out dudes arrives to mercilessly farm them.


Its just a general player behaviour, nothing else.


Even at level 5, you can still see these rookies hiding behind with lever rifles.


I have instead met several strong players, moreover I note with regret that at level 5 it is a festival of new characters who are on a plane all the time or a tank, no one who creates rebirth points, total chaos and if you point it out to them “it creates a point of control” they insult you mercilessly it’s a lost cause now I don’t even bother offending them anymore they love losing and they also have fun :joy:

Your hate against the Winchester is weird.


Strange. Cause I main Germany and have been having the same experience, except the other way around. Guess it’s all just negativity bias for us both.

Because I can’t tell the difference between them and the monkey hiding behind
And when I run out of ammo on the front lines, he’s the least gun I can pick up.

I have never seen a few people with lever rifles who can always be in the top three of level five.

radical views

All guys with lever rifles are inefficient and incompetent monkeys
They do not have any close-range suppression and offensive capabilities. They will only hide behind and attack the enemy all day long or be beaten into a honeycomb by automatic weapons.

Semi-automatic rifles are only auxiliary weapons for level 3 teams and should not become the main offensive force.
Because most users only like to hide behind and attack instead of suppressing them at close range.

Well, I can show you my profile. LOL.

Plus, I have pics. Many, many pictures of games with 5 or more colonel or above players on the German side, and half as many on the other side (Russian or American) - if that.

My profile:
Country: BR III-V German, BR II Russia, BR II USA, BR Japan

of Games/Win %: 43/60.47%, 68/41.18%, 144/42.36%, 5/0%

Given that high tier German is more competitive than low tier with all those marshals/generals and such playing lower, you can only imagine what those win totals are.

Also, I’m not saying that USA never wins - but I can certainly attest that our biggest losses come against those with a rash of colonel and above players from the German side and it happens with them a LOT. Not nearly so much when playing against the Japanese.

So much hate for just one weapon of the Soviets.

I hate all manual rifles
Unless they have a grenade launcher

well tbh they would farm the same in BR5

BR5 doesn’t have absolutely green newcomers. At least in theory.

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are you certain… cause i still see players worse than bots there…

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Probably because they require skill.


For me there are three reasons:

  1. I like Bolt Action rifles.
  2. After BR2 tanks can’t be destroyed by dynamite bundle easily. It’s just frustrating getting farmed by tanks you can’t destroy as infantry. (I hate playing planes, and being at the mercy of RNG giving you a team mate who is a good pilot is not fun either).
  3. Core gameplay/progression loop is centered around earning silver - it’s easier earning silver on lower tiers.

Interesting - for two reasons. One, it’s easier b/c if you’re German who is bottom feeding, then they’re skilled players playing against unskilled. Second, if that’s truly they case the Devs should give more silver at higher tier games so that there’s more incentive to play there, instead of ruining the game experience for newer players.

The Devs are, perhaps unknowingly, helping to kill their game by not giving enough incentive to play at higher tiers.

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Also just for your information: What really destroys low tier are premade groups consisting of high skilled players with their elite equipped squads.

Even though I stick around in the german lower tiers playing solo, I often encounter four player premade groups on the soviet side, raking up kills with their fast firing Russian MPs like crazy.

Rifle GL crutch users should be banned from the game