Why add the M2 carbine when it didn't even touch production until 1944?

Why did you add the M2 Carbines to the Pacific when they weren’t even used till 1944? Also, why didn’t you add the 1928a1 drum mag Thompson to the Pacific when it was used there (hint at the photographic evidence)? I would like to know what is going on inside of the developers’ heads when thinking this because this just doesn’t seem logical since you want to give the japs a 50-round smg and then turn around and fork over an m2 carbine and a crappy M1A1. This game may be incredibly historically accurate, which I have no issue with if the fun is being had, but you could at least make it more accurate than Battlefield or COD.

The Guns Of Guadalcanal | An Official Journal Of The NRA (americanrifleman.org)

Battle of Guadalcanal | Facts, Map, & Significance | Britannica

War Drums: The Thompson Drum Magazine In Combat | An Official Journal Of The NRA (americanrifleman.org)

" The Island of Death: The Marine Corps used many Thompson guns, often equipped with 50-round drum magazines, on Guadalcanal. NARA."

GUNS Magazine The M2 Carbine - GUNS Magazine

“By July, 1944, Inland Manufacturing — the largest producer of M1 .30 Carbines — had developed an experimental full-auto designated T4.”

“Here’s something I did not know, even having been a M1 .30 Carbine fan for over 50 years — 500 T4 “experimental” .30 Carbines were produced along with 8,500 curved 30-round magazines and sent to various military bases for testing. Some were sent to the Pacific Theater of Operations for combat use. By September 1944, the government accepted the Inland modification as the “U.S. Carbine Caliber .30 M2.” Semi-auto .30 Carbines were then classified as Limited Standard.”

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You must be new here, Darkflow or Gaijin or whoever is in charge of the game threw historical accuracy out the window awhile ago.


Wrong forum section.

The entire camapaign is called Pacific War or sth. Like this and is not limited to Guada.


Laughs in condors smg

Time travel baby

The Pacific War campaign is meant to convey the entirety of the war in the Pacific, so 1942-1945 currently only early war maps are shown but both sides field early and late war equipment, this is further confirmed on Darkflows website

With the new battlefield being added to the Pacific we’re likely to get late war Pacific maps


At least M2 carbine was actually mass produced during the war unlike half the roster of weapon available to the japanese.


Then where are the Okinawa maps, cause I don’t see them.

Ik, but you can at least throw in a tad. Why am I running around with m2 carbines in Guadalcanal when I could just as easily run around with drum mag thompson. They already had it in the game; why not do the common sense thing and put it into Pacific?

Its a gold order weapon tho

Where should I put it?

Mess Room

Coming because copy paste is bit faster than making maps

Then why not put the gun that belongs to the current map? Doesn’t that make the most since, especially since you already have the said gun in the game?

Because who cares since it’s already in Normandy where it doesn’t belong at all and the Pacific is already full of Japanese protos and stuff that never left the main isles?

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In time when all faction weapons are pooled together we will eventually have Thompson drums in say the Pacific

Not sure since I doubt the BR will allow it.

50-round drum mag is different from regular stick mag. Also, all the Allied players are tired of getting boned by the 50-round smgs that the japs have care about this.

What? What the hell are you talking about? Its about the M2 in Normandy and Japanese proto stuff, not about balance. I thought that is pointless here?