Why add the M2 carbine when it didn't even touch production until 1944?

M2 carbine is in Pacific too, don’t you play the game?

But you conplain about it there while it has actual right to be there unlike the M2 in Normandy just because Pacific doesnt has a map yet for it so kinda hyperbolic.

It has no right to be there, considering it only gets to the Pacific by the time of Okinawa. Meanwhile, it was sent to Europe first to be tested before the Pacific.

Pff Show me proof it was used on Normandy then.

Ordnance Went Up Front- Roy F. Dunlap
“Although actual M2 production began late in the war (April 1945), U.S. Ordnance issued conversion-part kits to allow field conversion of semi-auto M1 carbines to the selective-fire M2 configuration. These converted M1/M2 select-fire carbines saw limited combat service in Europe, primarily during the final Allied advance into Germany”- pg. 240, 293-297
Not only that, but the dates match up when they started shipping the conversions out.

Final advance?
Pretty sure D-Day wasnt the final Allied advance against Germany but whatever.
And luckily Europe is one single country and there was only one Western Allied front.

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" Research into a conversion kit for selective fire began May 1944; the first kit was developed by Inland engineers, and known as the T4 . Inland was awarded a contract for 500 T4 carbines in September 1944"
Who could knew that D-Day or even Operation Overlord lasted until September plus the time the Americans needed to ship it to Europe and issue it to the frontline boys?

M2 carbines, as well as jumbo, were not available in time for Normandy. They are just there for balance reason.

Lame excuse, they could easily artificially balance weapons that were already present. Changing dispersion/recoil and ability to equip weapon by engineers and so on.

Balance reason is extremely lame excuse.


Jumbo caused more issues than solving anything.
And if they didnt mass issue the FG to everyone but only to Gunners, there would have been no need for the M2.