Why AA is so rare?

If I don’t create AA NOBODY do it, really less 1% of games I see AA create not by me . I spam all game for people ask people dot is, but no never.

I don’t have everytime engineer team with me, but I think is mandatory, and have space just for two other squads. Sometimes in pacific half of my score is planes I shoot

Why all enginier don’t have possibility to creat one, now they can’t use againt soldiers. Plane can be so hell, is just here for bad player can score.

Other people have this problem?

Well they made it to were its harder to use it against infantry so most people stopped using it, I’ll build it but usually just to shoot down bombing runs

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yeah they trashed the historic use of flak guns .


there are alot on customs Lone fighters.

but on normal squads mode, its rare… fair,… its only 10 players and planes might not even come or do more than 1 pass to begin with… so why bother :&

are you tank main or plane main, cuz if you are plane main that’s your fault but tank main is also your fault, just one engineer is enough don’t complain about a problem you can fix.

Because it wasn’t balanced.
That’s what happens when you try to do historical accuracy

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I see it often enough, I fly a lot, so I would notice it.

They made it stupid simple to build, use and kill planes with, so it is very deadly now, before you needed to be at least pointed in the right direction to engage planes with them.

Part of why folks don’t use them is not because they can’t, necessarily, but because they need to be patient and wait for the planes, most folks don’t have it in them to do this.

That’s what you end up with if you want to introduce realism/HA without thinking.

For some reason IRL armies didn’t spam AAA like crazy.


Supposedly they have single barreled 2 cm AA guns for each faction planed, my guess is that these will be dual use.

Presumably they will then do away with the Flack 38 Quad for all then

For some reason, IRL armies weren’t able to spit out AAA in 10 seconds, for free

For example

How would you balance it then, to make it realistic?

For this particular example, when a building (any) is build in 50%, the blueprint is swapped with a model of some kind.
For example flak in a transport position that can’t be used to shoot and has to be hammered for another 50% to be operational.
More here:

Suddenly players have a clear indication that something is being build and can act to counter it in advance.
And buildings don’t appear from nowhere what is like their main downside asaide from being immobile.


I guess this more or less summarizes my point.
If you want to simulate IRL thing but you don’t implement some of it’s

  • downsides - you get OP thing (like AAA)
  • upsides - you get ON thing (like light tanks to some extend)

So you need to know what you are doing and why certain things are how they are.

2 other examples

In BFV’s early days there was a problem of people cornercamping with MMGs.
It was happening because of two things:

  • MMGs being powerfull (as they should be)
  • the game allowed to bipod while you were lying on your backs
    And that’s exactly what people did.

So dice made the only logical decision and nerfed MMGs to have almost SMG-like damage (but better range at least).
And all of this because of a illogical, unfiting mechanic that devs wanted to preserve for reasons unknown. Or a spagetti code but then it’s still their problem.

Similar thing happened in H&G where devs nerfed LMGs’ damage to BELOW SMG instead of for example disallowing ADS without mounting.
As a result LMGs were trash to the point I switched to ARs.

Similar thing happened in enlisted. Except DF nerfed accuracy instead of damage and unlike reto they can’t make working bipods.
As a result LMGs are trash to the point I switched to BFV.


I’ve seen a couple lately over the past few weeks

It isnt exactly rewarding considering it takes specific squad to make one & at same time you could probably do alot more exp with any other squad.

well considering that most people dont even build rally points, i think it is too much to expect of them to build AA.

Fair enough.
I still think you would need to increase the amount of time it takes to create a structure. Even with it visible, it wouldn’t give you much time to do something in response.

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That’s just tweaking.
Also we can change values from 50% to 25%. Similar effect without additional staring at the green circle filling up.

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You will get more points by playing rambo blame game not players, it may take many minutes for plane to come back and he may come from another side so you may not even be able to aim at him due buildings or hills or tree range. Also they are harder to use than before since angle is so limited, yeah damage is good enough to kill most planes but if they know how to play then they will bomb your ass without being shot down. They could reverse angle nerf while at same time nerf dmg to the troops but i guess it’s too hard to achieve something that could be done easily in 2002 with Warcraft 3)))))))