Which premium squad you'd refund if you could?

I would probably return M8 Greyhound (because it seems to always be lackluster and the palm leaves from the Pacific don’t change even in the Ardennes).

Soviet rocket tank.

But luckily it’s one of the few premium squads I haven’t bought yet.
That squad is absolutely terrible to play and DF should finally stop selling it.

There really isn’t a worse squad.


If i had to choose Probably panzer IV E…

Not because i dont like it, i do…but now with merge panzer IIIN takes its spot

Maybe the bf110 c-6 but only because they still havent fixed its HVAP

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No one, because I purchased just premium squad I needed for my line up, or because I liked them and wanted them in my line up

I hate the censored flag on top… and indeed being same br as pz3N Stalingrad with more HEAT shells…
Also same spot as pz3M, which I adore even if it’s HE sucks :stuck_out_tongue:

Today, I wouldn’t buy.

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mmm idk but if i buy one of those original premium that use TT gun in other campaign i would definitely refund those but luckily i didnt buy any of them

Wow, I definitely didn’t expect this.

I have several counter arguments why it’s worth to keep it:

  1. Premium Pz III N has very limited number of heats
  2. Stalingrad Pz III N doesn’t have income boost
  3. Unique appearance (even though flag sucks)
  4. You can still have several tanks in one lineup. And this vehicle is still one of the best BR2 German tanks

I dont own many premium squads but i would probably refund mp 18. It should not be br 2


I dont regret buying any premium squads, even though I must admit many of them I consider pointless and I dont bring them.

STUG III A in my mind is a BR1 vehicle and has no value in BR2

Panzer 38t is worse in every aspect to a Panzer III J, with the exception of turret rotation speed, which kinda makes it better at fighting infantry.

Jagdpanzer IV L70 has a good gun and decent armor, but poor anti infantry power and is outclassed by every other BR5 vehicle

Matilda has really good armor, but is terribly slow, has a BR1 gun which also has zero post pen damage.

Churchill has a BR2 gun and gets destroyed by Panzer IV without any issues.

Firefly has poor armor for its BR and sadly terrible post pen damage

SU100 is not terrible - yet pretty much also not reliable enough against German BR5 vehicles to be worth it having no MG.

None, i surprisingly play with them all from time to time and its always a pleasure. Kinda hard to rotate over 100 premiums but i try my best to keep my soldats active

But, i if i had to pick one, most likely katyusha as @Adamnpee also stated.

Or none, coz collector side of me kicks harder

soviet rocket tank

This is the worst tank I’ve ever played

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Suprised that you said that one :eyes: Pz iv E will never leave my br2 lineup.

That tank its just a pure pleasure to play with

15 cm Pz.W.42

  • No commander hatch
  • Turret is at the rear
  • Gunner camera is blocked by the vehicle cabin when facing forward
  • 1x MG42 that doesn’t have 360 degree traversal
  • Default camo is yellow, easy to get spotted
  • Thin armor

The most effective way to use this rocket artillery vehicle in close range is to reverse out from behind cover, shoot some rockets then scurry away once you’re spotted.

A lot of the time you can’t get to a good position to provide effective fire support as you have to cross the line of sight of enemy tanks. Since your turret is at the back you either have to slowly reverse out of a cover to peek or expose 2/3 of your vehicle by driving forward to get a line of sight on the enemy. In both cases the enemy tanker will see you before you see them.


But but but… it’s so CUTE and it’s perfect for br1 :smile: so funny to use.

But real good point is that it’s super cheap for a premium squad.

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  • MP18 (DF refuse to bring it lower in BR)
  • Panzerwerfer 42 (DF refuse to bring it lower in BR)
  • Chauchat (It would be still bad at BR1)
  • 3 out of 4 Pacific access premiums only Thompson is great at BR2
  • STG45 (Worst assaulter gun of BR3 except it’s a BR5 weapons)
  • Kiraly 43M (Should go down in BR it has very bad stats with horrible recoil, dispersion and subpar rof and mag size)
  • Jagdpanther (kinda useless at BR5 due it’s mediocre armor, IS-2 and Panzerfasts 100 are going to kill you instantly, should be at BR4)
  • Jumbo (idk what i was thinking by buying that, at BR4 you will be matched vs Panther and sometimes vs KT it’s a suicide to play with it since you will be penned every single time, you can only survive shots from crappy Tiger E/H1 and ofc 75mm)
  • M3 Medium (After merge and removal of zoom while sitting at commanders sights it lost it’s power now you will be forced to fight a lot of the times against BR2/3 German tanks that have good armor and APHE shells while you are stuck with horrible AP shells that are wonky to use and you can’t zoom unless you switch positions, gun always weirdly sways when you become a gunner will get you killed. I would rather use T28E and BT-7A combo)

The AKT40.I bought it a LONG time ago pre merge for Moscow thinking “9 automatic SVTs i can get to be better than my low level,sold”,but I quickly discovered the recoil is awful (im pretty sure its more than the SVT and on an automatic gun),tried it post merge and its still not worth using IMO.$50 I wish I had invested in some other squad gone

dude slow down man, its got the long 88 - best gun in the game

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jumbo is useless gainst Panthers, while it can rival Tigers, however the Premium Jumbo has better ammo and “can” pen Tigers poorly but it kinda can, so to speak its still better than the standard version.

Jumbo and all 75mm Shermans need a post pen damage buff

You don’t just buy the smg. You buy the men wielding them. And I remember those guys can equip BOTH horizontal AND vertical reduction perks at their maximum values.

Which turns a simply ok smg worthy of br4, into a doom shock smg comfortable to use at br 5 :thinking:

It’s buffed you know… it’s now a super accurate semi auto rifle with huge magazine and (now) no dispersion. Just slow rof in auto mode.

The Lee got sooo many guns on it… it DOES work better than a t28, the sheer amount of sustained fire you can dish on enemy vehicles will almost always cripple them before they can fire back. And against infantry it’s a true nightmare :smile:

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Worthy of note:

The Gerät squad.

I DON’T regret buying it. I love it. Very much…
But no way it should be br 5 with such poor damage and ABYSMAL dispersion… make the squad great. Make it br4!