Syndrome of Stockholm, or,
My favorite,
It’s like a train wreck.
You know it’s bad, but can’t just take the eyes off.
But in all seriousness, it’s a mix of dissatisfaction. And people genuinely wanting to make and see this game doing better.
Kinda hard, because updates are kinda slow, and sometimes, not even that meaningful. Broken promises, a questionable PR / marketing team, ( and lately, a lack there of ).
Personally, I can’t speak for everyone, but that’s is how I feel.
In all honesty, for me the real fights happens over the forum than the actual base game.
It’s either a steam roll, or… a steam roll done by the opponents. Doing the same thing over and over across the same 3/4 game modes.
There isn’t a whole lot for veterans to do either.
And the only place we were supposed to have ( custom ) it’s like a wheelchair for people with no legs, except this wheelchair has no wheels.
So you’re just there.
Going on and off from one update to another.
Maybe an event to get “ the thrill of unlocking something “ that you’ll probably use for few matches.
For me, I’ve got the editor that keeps me entertained.
Gives some vibrance to enlisted.
And really shows the actual potential that people talks about.
Big action from tommy is one of many reason.
And many other mods.
That show interesting and unique features, or like some of my mods.
Playing in pve against larger squads, with unique appearance that enlisted base game can only dream because apparently for some reason someone can’t do or won’t do over the base game ( lackluster ) customization.
So, I’m just hanging around and see how it goes.
Praising the goods, while critiquing the bad.
Maybe I’m wrong.
Who knows.
Edit. And to throw it all out,
There are many assets sitting ducks in the editor, and for some reason, they won’t introduce them. Yet they keep introducing other stuff that probably took more time as those weren’t there.
Transparency hasn’t been the greatest, and you never know what’s next.
IMO, I’m not too negative, but guerillas showed that they prefer to take the easy way out, rather than actually address some type of issues more in depth.